Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
A French Philosopher
Words: 1403 - Pages: 6.... character. It is difficult to eliminate a certain sex from a specific community when people have the power to disguise themselves. Communication in cyberspace lets people explore their personalities by creating new on-line personae. This seems to be the main concern for frequent Internet users. A significant observation is the amount of men that will log on as women. Jodi Obrien put it best when she states, “Many men say that a common motivation for logging on as a female is because they are fascinated by the unusual amount of attention they receive from other men when they are perceived as women” ( .....
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Fate Of Pesticides And Fertilizers In A Simulated Golf Course Turfgrass Environment
Words: 232 - Pages: 1.... applied to turf on golf course greens and fairways do not contaminate ground water or air if management practices that minimize detrimental environmental impacts are used, according to the results of a simulation study conducted by Marylynn Yates, Environmental Microbiology and Ground Water Quality Specialist at the University of California, Riverside (UCR).
Management practices in the study included nitrogen fertilizer applied once every 2 weeks as sulfur-coated urea or urea at rates of 1.0 and 0.5 lb N/1,000 ft2 per month to the green and fairway plots, respectively. Irrigation was 100% or 130% ET.
Since fairways are similar to many .....
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The Queer Use Of Women In Borg
Words: 5691 - Pages: 21.... a female body. Sex and women are used primarily as bargaining chips in the relationship between men, never for the traditional purposes of either procreation or pleasure. Sex in Borges' fiction, by means of an objectified female body,[4] is nothing more than a maneuver that gives definition and dynamism to the interaction between men.
In opposition to the traditional critical standpoint that male-male interaction in Borgesian fiction is merely homosocial and, therefore, purely nonsexual, a closer inspection of Borges' work reveals the clear but playfully veiled presence of homoerotic desire. My purpose here is to analyze two stories, "El mue .....
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The Inherent Need For Governme
Words: 1280 - Pages: 5.... hidden. It is vital to national security that some information be kept from the public , or even that in certain cases the public be purposefully deceived with certain information.
A nation's defense forces rely heavily on intelligence and secrecy in performing a number of operations in everything from weapons research to the actual waging and fighting of a war. The information utilized by a nation's defense organizations is necessarily kept private and classified in order to maintain a clear advantage over potential enemies. This information may be in the form of weapons research and development, espionage and reconnaissance information, o .....
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Extra-Terrestrial Civilizations
Words: 1080 - Pages: 4.... the Moon was a another world, with
a entire new civilization at heed. The first person that took advantage of
this well spoken of legend, was a reporter for The New York Sun, whose name
was John Herschel (1792-1871), Herschel was interested in life on other
planets, so he went to South Africa with decent equipment. But what he saw
was not what he wrote, when he returned to New York he made up a story
about seeing men with flaps over there eyes to shield them form the
brightness which the Moon gave off. He told of rivers and lakes and green
everywhere, that story had made the Sun the best-selling newspaper for a
month, but was soon revoke .....
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Words: 284 - Pages: 2.... after being arrested. Most of the
individuals had been arrested the day before and were then
being arraigned on the following day, which goes with our
notion of a fair and speedy trail. The crimes which I saw
ranged from driving without a license to drug offenses,
which seemed to be the crime of choice for the day. The
assistant District Attorney had the task of presenting
evidence against each and every individual as if it were
their personal case, which I found to be straining. The
action taken by the judge varied on every case, some
defendants were jailed for seven days after they plead
guilty, some were released ROR, pending a fu .....
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Words: 345 - Pages: 2.... added benefit of using these materials is a
great reduction in the weight of the boards.
Surfing is becoming more popular each year. For safety, new surfers
must be good swimmers. Boards should be checked for cracks and slivers before
each use. All surfers should check the water conditions posted at the life
guard station before entering the water. Surfing should only be done during the
daylight hours and when other people are present. A new beginning surfboard
costs $50.00 to $70.00. A helpful device is a leash which attaches around the
wrist with velcro to the board. In this way, the board will not drift away from
the surfer. A g .....
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Sex Education: Does It Really Work?
Words: 2235 - Pages: 9.... sex education programs
are abstinence based. "Washington has spent some $31.7 million developing
abstinence only curricula" (Shapiro 56). By looking at the problems sex
education tries to solve, we can improve the sex education programs by putting
the problems in order of importance. This will prove that teens having sex at a
younger age is the reason for the failure of sex education in this country. To
counteract this problem abstinence should be taught to children under the age of
16. Then when the children reach the age of 16 they need to be taught AIDS and
condom education.
AIDS and other STDs are an important reason we have sex .....
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Historical Analogies Have A Great And Significant Value To Everyone
Words: 290 - Pages: 2.... enterprise.” as described in our historical
analogy packet, “The future has no place to come from but the past, hence the
past has predictive value.” Meaning that almost every course we take in life, it
somehow relates to the past, which could be compared with past events to the
future in order to show negative and positive consequences of historical events.
For example, after World War II, the United States had realized aggressions from
Japan, Italy, and Germany should have been halted way before those powers became
so strong that only a major World War could stop them. And now with question in
everyone's mind whether or not .....
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Professional Sports: The Hidden Greed
Words: 1999 - Pages: 8.... world. They argue that professional sports are thriving and should
not be modified. They also contend that sometimes lockouts are unavoidable
and are often the only way to work out problems. The opposition reasons
that professional teams with huge payrolls deserve all the money because
they worked hard to get where they are. They argue that most players work
hard to become great athletes and therefore they deserve enormous salaries.
They also plead that lockouts are healthy for professional sports because
they help each sport continually evolve and adapt to new problems it faces.
While the opposition does not notice the greed pro .....
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