Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Internet Junkies
Words: 1856 - Pages: 7.... the age premier of the Internet addiction – spending their golden years in a trance. He has withdrawn himself from society, settling into his little world consisting of a computer, modem, and the vast, sprawling network named "the Internet" which is everywhere, but nowhere. The world in which you hear a lot about, but never see. The place
which is quickly becoming our world, not just their playground. In some people's opinions, individuals like the one mentioned above are becoming all too common in today's society. Everywhere you turn, someone is selling something new and great about the net. They preach of peace, glee, economic prosperi .....
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Male And Female Observation: T
Words: 698 - Pages: 3.... to about thirty-five years old.
Men to men interactions are the strangest, for men seem to not want to touch one another at all. For example, If a man is sitting on a bench at a bus stop and another man comes and sits down next to him, they will never touch. Not even friends at a bus stop touch, except for the very occasional high-five or handshake. In cafeterias, they sit sown as far away from each other as possible, and they talk without looking at their friend or moving towards them.
Shopping malls are a different story altogether. When men go to shopping malls together, usually it is to look for "chicks". Out of sight of a girl a ma .....
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Being Good
Words: 1369 - Pages: 5.... Websters Ninth collegiate dictionary defines etiquette as “The conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life.” What this tells us is that those who are bred well, and feel that others are, have certain expectations of those people. If said people don’t meet those undefined standards of good breeding, then their etiquette is at fault. The other part of the definition describes etiquette as being prescribed by authority. There are times when a set of rules are laid out for a specific occasion. When this is not defined, one must decide what action or set of acti .....
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Talk Show Tension
Words: 1407 - Pages: 6.... the emotions displayed by the guests in the newer shows are more visible, with actions such as onstage yelling and fighting. The general emotional content of the episodes has changed from sadness to anger. From a psychological standpoint, there are many influences that cause extreme anger to be displayed by the guests on "talk shows".
Imagine being a guest on the Jerry Springer show, as you walk onto the stage you see the large audience chanting those infamous words. You sit down next to your fiancée not knowing what to expect, you are nervous and anxious. Finally, Jerry says those terrible words, "So, don't you have something to tell y .....
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Michel Foucault And The Cultiv
Words: 1786 - Pages: 7.... others in doing the same. He was trying to develop a way for one to work on himself, which would let one “invent a way of being that is still improbable”. Foucault did not address himself to a broad audience; rather, he used his project of the are of the self as a model for oppressed minorities who had no voice of their own.
Foucault was fascinated by what one or a group has to suppress and reject to form a positive conception of itself. He believed that our conception of ourselves as subjects depends on controlling or excluding whole classes of people who do not fit our Enlightened category of “normal”. The same devices we use to .....
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Growing Up GAY
Words: 2566 - Pages: 10.... the United States, three million adolescents are estimated to be homosexual. Yet, American society still ignores gay adolescents. Majority of children are raised in heterosexual families, taught in heterosexual establishments, and put in heterosexual peer groups. Gay adolescents often feel forced by parents to pass as “heterosexually normal” (Herdt 2). As a result, homosexual teens hide their sexual orientation and feelings, especially from their parents. Limited research conducted on gay young adults on disclosure to parents generally suggests that disclosure is a time of familial crisis and emotional distress. Very few researche .....
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Roswell: Fact Or Fiction?
Words: 1086 - Pages: 4.... of the crash were said to have recovered aliens, but other military personnel quickly reissued these reports as test dummies. Further investigations reveal another discrepancy in the reports from the Air Force. The shiny metallic piece recovered from the wreck site was first described as a piece of a UFO, but shortly that statement was withdrawn and the description of a downed weather balloon became the argument. Maj. Marcel told the world that debris he and other soldiers had recovered at a remote ranch near Roswell in July 1947 had been the remains of a flying saucer.
The first news story released by the Roswell Army Air Field in 1 .....
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Martial Arts
Words: 326 - Pages: 2.... the origins of which are
unknown. Some historians believe it started as early as 1500 BC
There are two major types of Japanese martial arts. They are Bujitsu,
and Budo. The bujitsu martial art is a relatively new one. It emphasises combat
and willingness to face death as a matter of honour.
Budo, which was started during the late 1800's, focuses on developing
moral and aesthetic developments. Karate-do and Judo are forms of Budo. People
who learn budo learn it to use it only as a last resort.
Another martial art that developed in Japan is ninjitsu, which means
"the art of stealing in!" People who practice ninjitsu are called ninja .....
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Words: 368 - Pages: 2.... later combined by Comte into a whole under the conception of a religion, in which humanity was the object of worship. A number of Comte's disciples refused, however, to accept this religious development of his philosophy, because it seemed to contradict the original positivist philosophy. Many of Comte's doctrines were later adapted and developed by the British social philosophers John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spencer and by the Austrian philosopher and physicist Ernst Mach.(
During the early 20th century a group of philosophers who were concerned with developments in modern science rejected the traditional positivist ide .....
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Upper And Lower Canada
Words: 687 - Pages: 3.... be reminded that blue was for heaven and red for hell in reference to blue the colors of the conservative Tories
The rebellion in Upper Canada was fueled by a desire to gain independence from Britain. The assemblies had very little powers comparing to the Colonial Office and governors. The rebels felt they should follow the example of the American to the South. In Lower Canada some of the same reasons may be true but here there is more conflict, the French feel there leaders are spending their money on roads and canals for the English merchants. They feel dominated by English leaders and are afraid to lose their culture. The similarities a .....
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