Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Suicide Is Not Choosen
Words: 1260 - Pages: 5.... (Congress). This is an obvious cry for help and time we reconstruct our society to help us lower this ever-growing number. Time magazine showed a figure that almost made me fall off my chair; it said that there has been a 300% increase in teen suicide since the 1960's. Why has suicide increased to this outrageous figure and what causes it is the question?
What makes someone suicidal is a more complex question and not as easy to answer as everyone seems to think. I have always heard the people say, "Oh they come from a broken home or don't have a good family life." As much as everyone wants to believe this, it is not the only reason .....
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How To Raise Money For Startin
Words: 1729 - Pages: 7.... for at least the preceding six months, and a plan showing how this additional money will produce greater profits. If it's a new business, you'll have to show your proposed business plan, your marketing research and projected costs, as well as anticipated income figures, with a summary for each year, over at least a three year period.
It'll be advantageous to you to base your cost estimates high, and your income projections on minimal returns. This will enable you to "ride through" those extreme "ups and downs" inherent in any beginning business. You should also describe what makes your business unique---how it differs form your comp .....
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Christmas Is A Good Holiday For Many Reasons
Words: 386 - Pages: 2.... semester, he or she is sure
to survive the second semester.
Next, people get to exchange gifts with friends and family.
Exchanging gifts is always fun because people receive new things. Who
couldn't enjoy something that was given to them free. Also, people get to
give gifts to their friends and family. Giving gifts always gives people
that warm happy feeling inside. The most enjoyable part is seeing the gifts
that people gave being opened by the people receiving them. That always
puts a smile on peoples faces.
Last but not least, people get to spend time with family. Some of
the family may not have been seen in a long time so it put .....
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Can Skepticism Be Defended, Perhaps In A Limited Form?
Words: 2130 - Pages: 8.... set of criteria. When someone states that they know something they must
also believe that, that something is so. If they did not believe in it then how
could they take it in as knowledge ?, they would instead be doubtful of it and
look for evidence or justification as to why they should believe it.
Secondly for someone to believe in something they must also believe that it is
true. If they did not believe that it was true then what is mentioned above
would not occur.
So, so far it is decided that knowledge should be true belief. How does one come
to the conclusion that something is true however ?. We seek justification. The
justification r .....
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Words: 263 - Pages: 1.... in God. He will see you through.
The bible mentions the word HOPE about 159 times. So I think He was
trying to get something across to us. And that^Òs to just hope in the
Even Now as we talk about the end times and the beast and the anti-christ.
This shows that we need to have hope as others may take the mark or submit
to satan.
This stuff that Pastor Matt is telling us the Battle of Armageddon, 1000
years, final reign, It^Òs pretty confusing, at least to me. God’d not
telling us to memorize weather it^Òs gonna happen in 7 years or a
millennium. You really don’t need to know exactly what’s going to happen.
Just believ .....
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Make A Fast Friend - Adopt A Greyhound!
Words: 1290 - Pages: 5.... could be just beginning. Make a fast friend, and adopt a greyhound. Retired racing greyhounds are ready for immediate adoption from many Greyhound Adoption Agencies around the United States and Canada.
Greyhounds range in color from red and black to white and fawn. They are a healthy breed and can live for 12-15 years with good care. They range in size from 26 to30 inches tall and weigh 50-85 pounds. Many people who are allergic to dogs are not allergic to greyhounds, due to their skin type and short, sleek coat.
It is estimated that each year in the U.S., tens of thousands of young, healthy greyhounds b .....
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Modern Crucible
Words: 1736 - Pages: 7.... the truth was yet to be determined. Detective Killcheck thought nothing unusual about this cold Thursday morning. The low hanging fog added eeriness to Metropolis city streets. Through the thinning fog, the handsome detective with wavy hair came within site of the mint. With a sigh of reluctance, Killcheck placed the white, 1985, Chevy in park and stepped out on the smoky pavement. After walking a few steps he heard a familiar voice stifled by the foggy morning, “Hey David, over here.” Holding up a hand was Lieutenant John Mell, a round man with thinning hair and a receding hairline. David slowly walked over to where Mell slou .....
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Hawaiian Chant
Words: 743 - Pages: 3.... not only talking to herself but to a God or Gods. But when you continue it can go either way, it's really hard to tell whom she's talking to, almost like there could be two versions of the same chant. Because you could easily separate certain lines and make two different chants with the same meaning but meant for two different audiences. The fifth and sixth lines sound the same also but just like the first four lines are different. "Oh (my) people/commoners", she's say's this in a way were it means her immediate family and I guess other people of royalty. Then in the next line she says, "Oh people of the land", which goes back to what w .....
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America 2
Words: 1654 - Pages: 7.... in Great Britain and was intended to raise money to defray the cost of maintaining the military defenses of the colonies. Passed without debate, it aroused widespread opposition among the colonists, who argued that because they were not represented in Parliament, they could not legally be taxed without their consent. Opposition culminated in the convening of the Stamp Act Congress to consider organized means of protesting against the tax, a joining of American forces for the good of the colonies. Colonial businessmen agreed to stop importing British goods until the act was repealed, and trade was substantially diminished. Refusal to use th .....
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Electronic Money
Words: 2089 - Pages: 8.... a check. If the consumer chooses to use a debit card they will avoid the hassles of having to provide identification as when issuing a check. Coastal Mart allows customers to pay for their purchase at the pump by using a debit card or credit card. I myself have and regularly use a debit card. I feel Coastal Mart gains customers because of its convenience. I buy gas there and find this method of paying very convenient, especially if I am in a hurry. I also think debit cards are very convenient elsewhere as well as less expensive than writing checks for everything. Generally I only write checks for monthly bills. With the rise in tech .....
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