Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Why 2
Words: 1607 - Pages: 6.... is misleading, but despite the fact that when viewed generally, the simple answer might seem false or incomplete, in the context of the situation, it is quite adequate. That is what van Fraassen is trying to say with regard to scientific explanation.
According to him, there are two problems about scientific explanation. Both are very easily seen in our example. The first is, when is something explained? Some argue that we should not explain a phenomenon unless we have the full, unifying, true-to-the-last-miniscule-detail explanation, which will also cover all the cases which correspond to our case, cases similar to our case, or distant .....
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Visual Perception
Words: 1233 - Pages: 5.... selection, organisation and interpretation of that sensory input.
Perception is defined as the process of organizing, interpreting, and selectively extracting sensory information . is left to the individual person to make up their own mind. Perceptual organisation occurs when one groups the basic elements of the sensory world into the coherant objects that one perceives. Perception is therefore a process through which the brain makes sense of incoming stimuli.
The process of perception is an interactive yet separate process from sensation, however, it is sometimes difficult to separate the two processes. The main difference is tha .....
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Business Cycle
Words: 813 - Pages: 3.... hoarded, not invested. Production cutbacks and factory shutdowns occur. Unemployment becomes widespread. A depression is in progress. Recovery may be initiated by a reawakening in consumer demand or government action to stimulate the economy. Prices rise more rapidly than costs. Employment increases, and people buy more. Investment expands. A new cycle is under way. (
s do not always behave as neatly as the model just given, and no two cycles are alike. Apart from the traditional , specialized cycles sometimes occur in particular industries, as in the building construction trade.
Pe .....
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American Red Cross
Words: 482 - Pages: 2.... tracing services
- Public education on the principles and rules of international humanitarian law
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement was created in Geneva, Switzerland, in October 1863. Its purpose was to provide nonpartisan care to the wounded and sick in times of war. As a symbol of neutrality, the Red Cross insignia was adopted at this first International Conference and was to be used by national relief societies. The representatives of twelve governments, in August 1864, signed the First Geneva Convention Treaty. The extraordinary efforts of Henry Dunant led to the eventual establishment of the Internatio .....
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ESL Students At GSU
Words: 780 - Pages: 3.... is to provide students with the training they need in workshops taught by graduate students and supervised by Pat Byrd ( Each week, they provide eight hours of open-access workshop training; it is generally scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, and Friday afternoons starting around 2 p.m. ( Currently, students do not get credits for ESL classes or EAP program. They are required to take these courses; therefore, they deserve credit for what they take. Since it is necessary to have certain amount of credit hours to graduate, students s .....
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Words: 696 - Pages: 3.... verses the Korean Dragon with four toes and the Japanese with only three. Unlike other of legend they do not have wings. The five toed are a symbol of power. The Chinese dragon is often depicted as either being red or gold, although other colors are found. The Chinese term for the is “Lung”. There are four major categories of Lung.
1.Tien-Lung, The Celestial Dragon, who protects the place of Gods.
2.Shen-Lung, The Spiritual Dragon, who controls wind and rain.
3.Ti-lung, The Earth Dragon , which controls rivers, and water on the earth.
4.Fut’s-Lung, The Underworld Dragon, which guards precious metals and gems.
Names of som .....
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Mill's And Sidgwick's Utilitarianism: Sacrifice The Innocent For The Common Good?
Words: 1372 - Pages: 5.... must evaluate both the overall welfare of the people involved or effected by the action taken, and the consequences of the action taken. To calculate the welfare of the people involved in or effected by an action, utilitarianism requires that all individuals be considered equally.
Quantitative utilitarian people would weigh the pleasure and pain which would be caused by the bomb exploding against the pleasure and pain that would be caused by torturing the terrorist. Then, the amounts would be summed and compared. The problem with this method is that it is impossible to know beforehand how much pain the bomb exploding or how much .....
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Tocacco And Its Effects
Words: 1415 - Pages: 6.... tobacco smoke causes more than 50,000 annual deaths among nonsmokers. Smoking by pregnant women is responsible for about 10% of all infant deaths in this country. Smokeless tobacco and cigars are regaining popularity. The use of smokeless tobacco tripled since 1972; cigar smoking has increased 66% in the last 5 years.
Given the overwhelming evidence against tobacco, why would anyone today begin using it? How does it exercise its hold over users? What can smokers and nonsmokers do to help achieve a tobacco-free society? In this report, we explore answers to these and other questions.
If the United States is to .....
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Morality Or Murder In In Cold
Words: 1201 - Pages: 5.... shaped by influences outside the home, by class and race, by social events, by cultural forces, and the assumptions that are fostered as a result of these influences (Coles 3). And we cultivate a moral intelligence from our imagination and our thinking. Our moral intelligence is a consequence of learning to be with others (Coles 5). Children will absorb what they observe (Coles 7). Morality is not a subject; it is a life put to the test in hundreds of moments. August Aicchorn, a noted psychoanalyst, believed "waywardness of 'antisocial adolescents' is in direct proportion to the peculiarities of their moral education" (Coles 32).
I feel .....
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Should College Athletes Be Paid?
Words: 457 - Pages: 2.... They already have many added perks that put them ahead of other
In the classroom, they receive special consideration like specific
notes and study guides. Also, lucrative summer jobs are seemingly always
lined up for them. For example, Dugan Fife, former captain of the
University of Michigan basketball team, was employed by the Detroit Lion's
front office one summer.
Also, if the student athletes feel cheated because their university is
turning a profit from their name and likeness, they are obviously good
players who will go on to play professional sports anyway. They should be
able to wait and in a few years t .....
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