Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
A Public Relations Proposal Fo
Words: 4229 - Pages: 16.... and in 1997, the number rose to 183.2 million cases. The U.S. egg industry is a major contributor to the nation's food supply. In 1996, the distribution into the marketplace of the 177.6 million eggs produced is as follows:
·53.0% - purchased at retail
·27.9% - further processed (used in the manufacturing of products such as cakes, pies, pasta, etc.) for food service, manufacturing, retail and export
·17.4% - for food service use
·1.7% - for export
Cholesterol and its link to heart disease have been the biggest detriments to the egg's good name. Nutrition experts recommended a daily limit of 300 milligrams of cholesterol in .....
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Words: 1219 - Pages: 5.... Really pay attention to these results and hopefully they will help remind you of the right decision to make the next time you are at a party.
- An estimated average of eight young people dies every day in alcohol related accidents.
(CSAP, 1996)
- More than 40% of all 16 - to - 20-year-Olds deaths result from motor vehicle accidents.
- Nearly half of these fatalities (38.9 %) were caused by alcohol-related accidents.
- Estimates are that 2,222 persons’ ages 16 - 20 died in alcohol-related accidents in the year
(NHTSA, 1995)
- Based upon 1992 data, an estimated one out of every 280 babies born toda .....
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Greek Myths
Words: 1502 - Pages: 6.... muffled sounds of
a melody to which they were drawn. When finding out the music was produced by
an instrument made of cow gut and tortoise shell, it was then understood that
young Hermes had taken the herd from Apollo. Formal charges were brought to Mt.
Olympus. Apollo, while going to get his remaining cows discovered Hermes'
musical invention. Intrigued by this astonishing invention he offered his
whole flock for the musical instrument. Hermes agreed, after which he invented
a shepherd's pipe, which also awed Apollo. He offered Hermes his golden staff
in exchange for the pipe but to no avail. In addition to the golden staff
H .....
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Flying Dreams
Words: 846 - Pages: 4.... and so that the parachute will open properly. The reserve parachute
is the second most important piece of equipment. It must be packed by a
Federal Aviation Administration rigger every 120 days or after the reserve
parachute has been deployed. The third piece is your altimeter that is
set and calibrated to altitude at ground level. Several optional pieces
of equipment are a helmet, gloves and a skydiving suit. Some jumpers like
to perform a pre-jump on the ground. It's most commonly called a dirt
dive. They walk through the skydive on the ground while talking about
what they will do on the jump and then what they will do if t .....
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Is Mathematics Invented Or Dis
Words: 956 - Pages: 4.... postulate is a statement peculiar to the particular science being studied. Other statements or theorems must be logically implied by the set of postulates and axioms. The theorem is considered valid if it is consistent with itself and the mathematical system that it is a part and does not create any contradictions within the system. If something is mathimatically true it just means that it is valid. Mathematics can be divided into two main areas, Pure mathematics and Applied mathematics. Applied mathematicians concern themselves with maths that can be applied to the real world like engineering. To consider a theorem true it must work in the .....
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Stereotypes Are The Psychologi
Words: 2512 - Pages: 10.... and also in intergroup co-operation. Thirdly this essay will also examine the research that has been carried out into the persistence of stereotypes. Because of the vast amount of research that has been conducted in this area, this essay will, as far as possible, concentrate primarily on the more recent research conducted within the last decade.
It appears from some of the research (for example Hamilton and Gifford, 1976; Hamilton and Sherman, 1989 and Chapman, 1967) that stereotypes are often derived from an over-awareness of statistically infrequent events. More specifically that if an event occurs infrequently amongst a group then it is .....
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Words: 706 - Pages: 3.... written can be hard to pick up on, so be careful of your humor. One final thing to remember is that no e-mail is private so be cautious of what you say about others because e-mails are very easily forwarded(Electronic Communications).
E-mail is said to be a combination of talking and writing, which makes it a informal , bantering type of communication(Dries). However, when put into the field of business, it becomes just as formal as a phone call or a written letter. The author of the message should include a brief phrase in the subject line to inform the reader what the message is about. They should also add their own signature footer .....
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Academic Discourse Vs. Popular Discourse
Words: 961 - Pages: 4.... I compared the two discourse communities and analyzed the different languages and word presentation used throughout the material that I read. All in all I compared the informative information that each had to offer a reader and as to what appeal if any was used to draw a reader in.
When first picking up the material, I noticed that even the covers of the books differed in extreme ways. For an academic discourse community I used a journal entitled American Psychologist and noted right away the cover, a very dull, navy-blue cover with semi-bold gothic type print reading "American Psychologist" across the top. At the bottom right sid .....
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Plato's Symposium: The First Three
Words: 630 - Pages: 3.... giving speeches more to the masses than to other philosophers due to the fact that his logic was quite flawed at times, but the delivery was quite good, save for a few mistakes that were probably due to his nervous state. He used multiple examples to help justify his point, yet never gave very helpful ones to prove his point. Because of this, he didn’t have very much to say correctly about society in general, considering the fact that the few generalities he made were incorrect.
However, the issues discussed by Pausanias and Eryximachus were quite interesting. Pausanias used similar methods to Phaedras, except he dissected Phaedras’ .....
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Words: 1007 - Pages: 4.... do
with your physical body, but rather from the distinct nonphysical entity of the
mind. The mind is in constant interaction with the body. The body's sense
organs create experiences in the mind. The desires and decisions of the mind
cause the body to act in certain ways. This is what makes each mind's body its
The popular or "ghost in the machine" form of substance dualism
states that a person is a "ghost in a machine", the ghost being the mind or
spirit and the machine is the body. Within this description, the mind/spirit
controls the body and is in intimate contact with the brain. The brain would be
the nexus between th .....
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