Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
El Dia De Muerto
Words: 935 - Pages: 4.... countries celebrate this day as a
time to remember the departed in joyous celebration instead of somber
sadness usually associated with death. Although the celebrations do
include a mourning ritual called "El Duelo" which means the weeping, the
atmosphere is one of happiness. The tradition is observed by both rural
and urban areas, but there is a slight difference. The rural and poor
classes have very elaborate altars and offerings while the urban middle to
upper class might have a simple offering or mocking attitude toward the
tradition. Some simple offering may include a flower arrangement of
"cempazuchitl", the Nabfuafi language name .....
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Female Genital Mutilation
Words: 1621 - Pages: 6.... be seen as a means to control a woman’s sexuality, the act of female circumcision determines the gender identity of women. A circumcised woman is a virgin, ready for marriage and to bear children for her husband, “Girls who are infibulated will probably not find husbands. In most cases they will become outcasts.”
is not a new practice. In fact circumcised females have been discovered among the mummies of ancient Egyptians. A Greek papyrus dated 163 BC refers to operations performed on girls at the age they received their dowries. A Greek geographer reported the custom of circumcision of girls he found while visiting Egypt in 2 .....
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Field Of Dreams
Words: 649 - Pages: 3.... to have his dream of batting. Ray also had a chance of talking to his father again. Ray Kinsella before didn't want to become "like his father" because he didn't want to be like his father that of not having a fun time before he got too old. Ray built this "" for all these people including him for a second chance.
John & Joe both had a deep desire of playing baseball and going to the pros. John had really wanted to play baseball but he was caught up with work he had to do and got too old before he could do anything else anymore. It was his dream of playing in the majors because of his desire for baseball. Joe had a chance of playing in the .....
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Words: 1447 - Pages: 6.... worlds. Book is very blunt and aggressive, but he is honest and decent enough to earn the
respect of the Amish people. Rachel is very simple and sweet, But also very intelligent
and independent enough to fight for her freedom to love an outsider. Her son Samuel is
quiet and observant, but he plays a key role in going to the rescue after the three corrupt
cops come to the farm to kill Book and the boy and eliminate the only witness to their
crime. But it is really John Book who is the hero of the story. He escapes and then battles
his would-be killers in an unlikely manner, and only leaves Rachel and her family after
they are .....
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Human Experience Of Eduation
Words: 1121 - Pages: 5.... is explained by Sheldon Solomon. In Solomon's lecture on education, he discusses critical thinking and aesthetic awareness. Both, form creativity, and creativity equals change. Change, in the sense of altering ideas or approaching concepts from different angles as you become more educated and mature. Creativity allows you to take your ideas in any direction that you wish. When you start your education in elementary school you learn very easy concepts. As you proceed, you build upon early ideas with more advanced concepts. Your intuition increases through education and you have a broader background of facts and information to use. .....
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Survival In A Net Based Societ
Words: 699 - Pages: 3.... censored and made 'correct' for the common man, for you and for me. We are told in news shows, in newspapers, in magazines, in classrooms as to what is correct and what is wrong. The audience is spoon-fed opinions and information by the 'experts' because they know what is 'right'.
The 90's will be known as the age of the internet, a period when communication has been revolutionalised, a period when all the information we have collected over the years has finally become available to the common person. E-mail allows almost instantaneous communication, chat rooms provide forums for discussion and debate, web sites provide information about ju .....
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Urban Consolidation
Words: 2607 - Pages: 10.... of the lower consumption of resources, and reduced pressure on sensitive environment areas, suggestive of a reduction in urban sprawl.
? The Development Industry’s equations of profit established through better and higher levels of land use.
Essentially urban consolidation proposes an increase of either population or dwellings in an existing defined urban area (Roseth,1991). Furthermore, the suburban village seeks to establish this intensification within a more specific agenda, in which community is to be centred by public transport nodes, and housing choice is to be widened with increased diversity of housing type (Jackson,1998 .....
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Oil Never Sleeps
Words: 504 - Pages: 2.... nature versus those who live
in harmony with it. All of this time I have felt myself to be one of the
more environmentally aware people. I ride bicycle and skateboard locally
to keep from using a car. Now after reading about "petroleum surfboards", I
realize that bicycles have a lot more oil in them than you might think. All
of the safety gear is oil, the helmet, pads, shoes, lycra shorts, bottles,
even the wristwatch. The same applies to skateboarding.
At this point I look up and see thousands of gallons of oil in my
house. I'm surrounded by it. My sofas, phones, t.v., vcrs, planters,
catbox, computer system, picture frames, .....
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Wicca Vs. Paganism
Words: 1241 - Pages: 5.... and taught. One form of Wicca is Solitary Practitioners the other is Coven Practitioners. The forms of Wicca that are practiced vary in most uses. Solitary Practitioners usually “pray”, read, meditate, and cast magik and spells alone. Whereas Covenants practice these familiar things amongst a group of anywhere from two people up to thirteen people. In Pagan practices, these things are practiced normally within a group setting of anywhere from two people to hundreds of people. Both practices use a magik circle which is either drawn imaginary or with the use of a broom or sea salt. This is to keep out any negative ene .....
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Words: 1922 - Pages: 7.... Nicola Gentile, a native of Siculiana, Sicily, finding no occupation in his village, came to America as a stowaway on a ship to soon begin his life full of crime. Although barely able to read and write, he believed that he possessed an uncommon strength of will to be sinister. This trait would soon help him to rise to the high rank in the . After arriving in America, he was amazed at the grand vastness of the buildings and streets he was surrounded by, but moreover, by the attitude of the new people around him. They walked briskly, giving him the impression that all had an urgent mission to perform.
“What a contrast with the inh .....
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