Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Words: 375 - Pages: 2.... up it affects the whole team. All the girls on the squad must get along and learn how to work well with one another. In order to go out and compete together or even preform together they must look together and if all the girls don't know how to work together they won't look like one.
practice just as hard if not harder then other athletes. They are required to go to mandatory clinics to improve their skills. They also recieve demerits for little things such as having the wrong color bow in their hair. In soccer the coaches couldn't care less what is in your hair. A normal practice for a cheerleading squad is a mile run followed by twenty m .....
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Mixed Messages In Greek Theatr
Words: 2466 - Pages: 9.... from ancient vases is a difficult problem for
experts and novices alike. Questions pertaining to theatre further complicate
matters with the added condition that the vase must be depicting a scene that is
theatrical in nature. Green asserts that the ancient artists "were not at work
to provide visual aids for textbooks and lectures. We can, with care, use them
in that way as aids to a modern imagination" (Green 1995, p.13). Green's
statement brings to light the importance of cautious research into this area of
history, especially keeping in mind the context in which the vases were made and
used. Certainly, vases exist which .....
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Writing.......It's Not Just For Fun Anymore!
Words: 264 - Pages: 1.... important roll. there are always
reports to be writen speeches to e givin, and books to be wrote. Juniors and
Seniors need to know the right skills top write these such things. Statistics
show that most Juniors' and Seniors' do not show the right skills to perform a
good job of writing.
A recent poll in Time magazine show that seven out of ten Juniors' and
Seniors' show no skills in writing whatsoever. With these new classes, we could
show these classes how to do a good job of writing to compete in the work world.
These Juniors' and Seniors' will have better chances at colleges, better
advantages in the job world, and an all around c .....
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Independent Study Project On Role Playing Games
Words: 3992 - Pages: 15.... a shelf with books, and a rack
with lots of vials and bottles. The players then have a choice to leave
the room, explore the desk, shelf, and rack, take whatever they want,
destroy everything, etc. Any of these decisions could result in something
good to the player or bad. "Every action has an opposite and equal
How do RPG's work? Basically, they are a story being told. Each
player has their own character, who they are playing, or acting in the game.
Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses. Below is shown
part of a character sheet. A character sheet is where all information on
the character is sho .....
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African Women
Words: 2958 - Pages: 11.... nothing wrong with mental and physical cruelty towards them. Since the status of women in Africa, is so low, it has caused many men to overpower women…physically. More and more women are being beaten and thinking that it is okay because the women think men are superior to them. A frightening fact is that 16 2/3 percent of women are battered by their partners and 46% of these cases the children are beaten too. "If you go to the police and complain that your husband is abusing you or hitting you the authorities would think, ‘Oh well she probably deserved it!"’ Said Lindy Mieza. A woman named Geli wrote about her life in which she says, " .....
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Fear 2
Words: 811 - Pages: 3.... where to live, what to do with our money, how to raise our children, even what kind of car to drive and whether or not to drive it.
Our fears may be sudden like when your kid brother jumps out behind you and yells ‘boo’. People’s fears can be built up over a long period of time, for example, during the cold war millions of people thought that at any moment they would be attacked by the Russians, so they built bomb shelters because of that fear. Some of our fears come straight from our imagination. They may appear irrational or silly to others but fear, real or imagined, is still fear.
Change goes hand in hand with f .....
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The Philosophy Of Truth Making You Free
Words: 1445 - Pages: 6.... is told and the harm is stopped,
society cannot be free.
Furthermore, a harmful conspiracy in the highest levels of our
governments prevents freedom on a greater scale. If the truth cannot be found in
the government that we elect, then what hope have we for progress. Mistrust and
suspicion will be the tools of this brand of enslavement. If the truth is
revealed then the uncovered conspiracy will free the public from the secrets and
lies and in essence keep the government honest.
First, the truth will make you free, is an irresponsible statement. To
reveal the truth is not necessarily the best solution to a conspiracy. When you
ma .....
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Internet Relationships
Words: 1522 - Pages: 6.... ones through this meduim.
How can someone start an online relationship and have it feel so deep and intimate so fast? Online affairs shift the emphasis in a relationship from outward appearances and superficail conversations to inner thoughts and feelings each person has. When the only thing you can do is communicate, things can get deep quickly. Many times people cannot share the superfical things because they don't share those things. You cannot complain about your friend and have them know that person. One cannot speak of your boss and his stupidity. You can speak of those things, but the other person does not get the whole story, onl .....
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Eleanor Roosevelt
Words: 1208 - Pages: 5.... independence, and cleverness. is one of the greatest women who ever lived because of her accomplishments, her benefits to mankind, and her motives to accomplish her goals.
Helping other people was what lived for. There were many accomplishments made by this woman in social and political matters. For one thing, she spoke out for women to make them more equal to men. In 1928, she helped originate the nation-wide web of active units of Democratic women (Lash, 49). Eleanor believed that women could do just as much as men, especially in politics. The League of Women Voters was where she was "grounded in citizenship and government" .....
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Words: 1072 - Pages: 4.... Lyceum.Since a lot of the lessons happened when teachers and students were walking, it was nicknamed the Peripatetic school (Peripatetic means walking). When Alexander died in 323 BC, strong anti-Macedonian feeling was felt in Athens, and Aristotle went to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year.
Aristotle, like Plato, used his dialogue in his beginning years at the Academy. Apart from a few fragments in the works of later writers, his dialogues have been wholly lost. Aristotle also wrote some short technical writings, including a dictionary of philosophic terms and a summary of the "doctrines of Pythagoras" (the guy fr .....
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