Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Social Darwinism
Words: 3537 - Pages: 13.... Geoffroy on the other hand suggested that the change was discontinuous, large in magnitude, and occurred at the production of offspring. However, these theories of evolution were based on prior explanations that offered no demonstrated mechanism.
Darwin's theory of evolution differs in that it is based on three easily verified observations. First, individuals within a species vary from one another in morphology, physiology, and behavior. Second, variation is in some part inheritable so that variant forms have offspring that
resemble them. Third, different variants leave different number of offspring. Darwin then proceeded to elaborat .....
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Supply And Demand For The Pors
Words: 679 - Pages: 3.... had also received much newspaper coverage, and had a flash advertising scam. The Lotus Elise was already established as a great sports car, and the MGF, with a true tradition in sports car making, much like Porsche. And also the Honda NSX. The basic Boxter model did amazingly well on the market; at first having a waiting list, mainly due to the fully customisable interior and exterior. 78 different metallic paints and 48 different leathers brought about the main available choices to customers. The Porsche Boxter S, at $6000 greater expense, still has a 2-year waiting list.
Despite the great profile the Boxter was building, Porsche de .....
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Words: 773 - Pages: 3.... is Power; the other one is femininity. In the history, men were the dominant power of society and dare to say still it is. Men had to be strong enough to get the power to dominate the society and female. Actually, men are forced to be like that to survive in the society. Because of the power of dominance, the traditional masculinity has those aspects, self- centredness, defensiveness, a strong sense of entitlement, and a strong sense of pride. But often this is difficult for men to accept because individual men can feel so unsure and powerless themselves. They find it hard to recognize themselves in the powerful images that they were force .....
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Words: 3618 - Pages: 14.... cultures. A look at the 1991 Canadian census shows that the population has changed more noticeable in the last ten years than in any other time in the twentieth century, with one out of four Canadians identifying themselves as black, Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, Metis or Native. (Gould 1995: 198)
Most people, from educators to philosophers, agree that an important first step in succe4ssfully joining multiple cultures is to develop an understanding of each others background. However, the similarities stip there. One problem is defining the tem "". When it is looked at simply as meaning the existence of a culturally integrated society, m .....
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Being Popular
Words: 545 - Pages: 2.... of town, are where most of the drinking and drug abuse is going on. Getting drugs and alcohol is very easy. The young people get someone older to buy the alcohol for them, and anyone can find someone to sell them drugs. After going to a party every weekend, they become used to the alcohol and drugs and begin to drink and do more drugs. Then they become addicted.
Once they’re addicted, their life begins to fall apart. School grades drop, they are not studying at night any more, they don’t pay attention in class, and they don’t do the assigned work. They don’t take care of themselves, they don’t eat right, and t .....
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Words: 1961 - Pages: 8.... first hand knowledge on how beer was discovered, but we
can imagine the incident step by step. When the farmer discovered that his
barley crop was wet, in order for him to salvage the crop, he probably spread it
out to dry in the sun. Chances are that germination had already begun, and the
grain had therefore malted and developed a much sweeter taste. The sweet result
of what the farmer considered a disaster is now modern-day malted barley. This
malted barley gave a sweeter taste to breads, cakes, or anything which had
previously been prepared with unmalted barley. After a while when barley malt
became a common ingredient it is thought .....
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Definition Paper American
Words: 375 - Pages: 2.... and historians as the Indies, the West Indies, or the New World.
In 1499, Alonso de Ojeda and Juan de la Cosa visited South America, and with them went Amerigo Vespucci who wrote such popular accounts of his own deeds that the German geographer Martin Waldseemuller coined the word "America" in Cosmographiae Introductio, a small work designed to accompany and explain a wall map and globe executed by Waldseemuller. In this work two names were suggested for the "fourth part" of the world, one Amerige (pronounced A-mer-i-gay with the -ge from the Greek, meaning "earth"), and the other America (in the feminine form, parallel to Europa and Asi .....
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The Ute Indians
Words: 986 - Pages: 4.... out of willow branches over
a pole frame. They were eight feet high and fifteen feet in diameter. They
usually built their homes on a river or stream valley and were scattered to take
advantage of wood, shade and other resources. In the winter they moved into
lower elevations for the milder weather there.
Children were very important in the Ute Indian tribe. Every member was
responsible for caring and the education of the youth. Babies were held in
cradle boards that were either made of willow branches bundled together or a
solid piece of wood. Willow bark was often used as diapers. Babies were cared
for by girls nine and up. The b .....
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Long Distance Realtionship Are
Words: 871 - Pages: 4.... time together, before the unwanted separation, is usually a sad time of final hugs and kisses. This time usually fills the couples heart with pain, because they know this could possibly be the last time they can look into each other's eyes, the last time they can taste each other's lips, and the last time they can hold each other close.
Continuing the relationship has it's own heartaches. Waiting for the first sign of correspondence is a long and frustrating wait. The first telephone call is an aggravating wait, wondering if the other person really wants to call, if the other person has another lover, or if the other person has the corre .....
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How Television Works
Words: 477 - Pages: 2.... shot from the electron gun, which is a device the aims and sends the signal. Those beams go through a funnel, which starts to project the image. The projection isn't one piece as it appears though. It's actually thousands of little dots lined in place to create a picture. But the fun doesn't stop here!
One of the biggest parts of a working TV is the picture tube, which has four basic parts. The glass face panel is the screen that pictures appear on. It's coated in phosphor, which is any material that when expose to radiation, emits visible light. Suspended directly behind the face is a steel shadow mask, with thousands of square holes. .....
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