Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Censorship In Mass Media
Words: 1020 - Pages: 4.... the opinion of
someone else. Governments are developing a big brotherly attitude towards people, and it
is becoming more prominent all around the world. In a world where most countries are free
to do as they please, conesorship in the media is like the modern day "double speak" of the
book 1984, limiting the thoughts of the people who are forced to conform with their society.
4Who is to deem what should and should not be viewed by the "free" citizens of the united
states? Each day in every aspect of life, censors suppress and restrain the thoughts of the
people. All people born in the united states have the "natural right" to speak .....
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Analysis Of The Free-Throw Shot
Words: 1488 - Pages: 6.... the free-throw. The rim is
fifteen feet from the free-throw line on center. Also you should be aware of
the fact you can fit three basketballs through the rim at the same time if
placed together. Also the rim is ten feet high from the floor, meaning you have
to make sure win shooting the ball, that the angle is higher than ten feet at
its peak so then on its decent to the basket it will have a chance to go in. If
you don't get it higher than ten feet it has no chance to go in.
When you start talking all these angle's and trajectories, you can begin to
understand why some people are accurate and some are not. Shooting free-throws
is .....
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Risks And Responsibilities Of
Words: 4847 - Pages: 18.... from head injuries. Some of these individuals will have received severe injuries, in that they will have been unconscious for at least 20 minutes and so will most likely have suffered brain damage.
The sport of swimming has the obvious danger of drowning. There are also potential risks of spinal injuries caused by collisions with the floor of the pool, the walls in the pool and other swimmers. Many other injuries can be the result of a slippery deck or training equipment not correctly stored away. There is also a risk of injury from the chemicals which are present at a pool such as chlorine.
Risk Management
Aquatic injury prevention .....
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Words: 184 - Pages: 1.... Helios drove a chariot pulled by
four horses across the sky with a giant flaming ball in it. He rode with his
sister Eos, the goddess of dawn. There are several different stories about how
he got back to the East. One story says that he rode in a giant golden cup on
the river Oceanus. In other stories he returned by boat. Helios fed his horses
herbs on the Isle of the Blessed.
When Zeus was dividing up the universe, Helios was either gone or
forgotten so Zeus gave him the island of Rhodes where a giant statue of him
stood. The statue was knocked down by a giant earthquake.
Helios' journeys made him an all-seeing god, and people oft .....
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Automobile Racing
Words: 1029 - Pages: 4.... spectator
safety, special closed-circuit tracks were built for rally racing. The most
common racing track is a paved oval with banked corners, from 200 m to 4000 m in
length. The difference between road and track racing ultimately led also to
different vehicle construction; four major types of racing cars are now built.
Pure racing machines, such as those used in Grand PrixFormula 1 and in Indycar,
are built for power and endurance at speeds of more than 320 km/h (200 MPH). In
the past stock cars used to be production automobiles modified for track racing,
but are built now solely for the purpose of racing. Sports cars used for racing,
s .....
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Canines On The Police Force
Words: 2293 - Pages: 9.... Throughout the years, dogs have been trained using natural and artificial scents; they continue to use this training by tracking people and substances, despite on the job hazards. As man evolved, he began to use dogs to hunt prey and search for food. However, as he became more civilized, he needed to use dogs for more than those three simple things. He needed dogs to perform certain and specialized tasks. This is how selective breeding began. Certain dogs were used to herd sheep and were common on a farm. These dogs became known as Shepherd dogs. The German Shepherd in particular, is a late breed of various breeds of Shepherd dogs in G .....
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Words: 1863 - Pages: 7.... much are bought. "symbolizes and concentrates in its image all that is considered good and bad in present day commercial and industrial capitalism in America." (Bensman 9).
When advertisers plan their strategies for the sale of a certain product, they look at who would use the item. If the product was make-up, the type of person that would use it would most likely be a woman, around the age of thirteen and up. The advertisers would then find an ideal looking woman to model for ads to show the makeup on a person and try to get women to use it. The way that the advertisers describe the model will also get your attention; they might say that .....
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A Tale
Words: 574 - Pages: 3.... more evident than in Dickens’ portrayal of the Marquis St. Evremonde. This nobleman is the poster-child of selfish privilege. He is uncaring and has no respect for life. This is especially apparent when he cold-heartedly runs down an innocent child with his carriage. “But for the latter inconvenience, the carriage would probably not have stopped; carriages were often known to drive on, and leave their wounded behind, and why not?” In payment for the inconvenience, Monseigneur throws a single coin to the child’s parent. How well this personifies exactly how cold and unsympathetic too many of the aristocracy had become. Dickens has no .....
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Bamn By All Means Neccessary
Words: 1031 - Pages: 4.... States of America. In this book, there were different ethnic or other groups protesting for their desire freedom and rights. The groups that will be discussed in this report are Yippies and "No More Miss America". The author of "No More Miss America" didn't want the Beauty Pageant, and that's okay because she gave ten points and after all it's her opinion. On the other hand, Yippies wants the freedom of doing nothing. That's a big difference. The difference is that the world could live without having beauty contests but it can't live without people doing nothing.
There were many things people of democratic country did to protest for .....
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Words: 549 - Pages: 2.... of dirt, wind whipping through his tattered blanket, keeps him warm. A building rage accumulates in him, and drives him to seek freedom, a freedom he deserves. This scene repeats itself throughout time, all over the world. sends adrenaline surging through a mother's body in a time of crisis, giving her enough strength to lift a car off her struggling child. Without lives would be lost, tyranny would go unopposed, and inhumanities would be quietly accepted. becomes a powerful tool in the hands of those who know how to shape its energies into a useful form. There are people who cannot direct the energy given to them by . They allow to .....
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