Papers on People and Biographies
Harriet Tubman
Words: 1414 - Pages: 6.... stories in the history of the United States of America.
About 40 years before the Civil War began, a slave child, Araminta. Like others born into slavery, Araminta, who later become known as Harriet Ross Tubman, was never to know her birth date. Her parents, Harriet Greene and Benjamin Ross, couldn’t read or write. They didn’t even know the months of the year. They simply kept track by the seasons: summer, winter, harvest time, and planting time. They had no family records beyond their own memories to document the births of their 11 children.
The most important fact about ’s birth was not the date or the place, or even who her pa .....
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Karl Marx
Words: 2355 - Pages: 9.... of Bonn, enrolling in non-socialistic-related classes like Greek
and Roman mythology and the history of art. During this time, he spent a
day in jail for being "drunk and disorderly-the only imprisonment he
suffered" in the course of his life. The student culture at Bonn included,
as a major part, being politically rebellious and Marx was involved,
presiding over the Tavern Club and joining a club for poets that included
some politically active students. However, he left Bonn after a year and
enrolled at the University of Berlin to study law and philosophy.
Marx's experience in Berlin was crucial to his introduction to Hegel's
philo .....
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John Gotti
Words: 2142 - Pages: 8.... his life.
He quit school at sixteen and rose to leadership in a local street gang of thieves called the Fulton-Rockaway Boys, named after two streets in their neighborhood. At an early age he exerted his bad temper, dominance and readiness to engage in fistfights. These were just the right characteristics to develop his potential as a Mafia boss.
In the mid-1960's, Gotti's boss Carmine Fatico moved his headquarters out to Ozone Park near JFK Airport. Gotti, his brothers, Angelo and Willie Boy became relatively successful hijackers. That is, until they got caught in 1968 and landed in prison.
In 1972, when Gotti got out of prison and w .....
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Neal Cassady
Words: 2683 - Pages: 10.... individuals during the 1950s and 1960s.
For a time I held a unique position: among the hundreds of isolated creatures who haunted the streets of lower downtown Denver there was not one so young as myself. Of these dreary men who had committed themselves, each for his own good reason, to the task of finishing their days as pennyless drunkards, I alone, as the sharer of their way of life, presented a replica of childhood to which their vision could daily turn, and in being thus grafted onto them, I became the unnatural son of a few score beaten men.
( The First Third)
With him as not only the legendary driver of On The Road but als .....
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Words: 4371 - Pages: 16.... read for very long to find some modern intellectual involved in the analysis of some part of Nature come to the "Aha!" that there's a power at work imposing order, design, structure and purpose in creation. Modern religious piety salivates at the prospect of converting scientists and will take them any way it can. From Plato to Planck the problematic lion of religion must be rendered safe and tame. Religion must be reasonable, after all, we are reasonable "men." Einstein writes that the scientist's "religious feeling takes the form of rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority t .....
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Louis XIV, The Sun King
Words: 1025 - Pages: 4.... niece for politics. In 1660 he married the daughter of the king of Spain to bring peace between the two countries.
Mazarin died March 9, 1661. On March 10, Louis claimed supreme authority in France. Not since Henry IV had such a claim been made. Louis saw himself as God's representative on earth, therefore, infallible. He oversaw roadbuilding, court decorum, defense, and disputes within the church.
He had the support initially of his ministers, then that of the French people. He had given France the image it desired-youth and vitality surrounded by magnificence. Louis won the favor of the nobles by making it evident that their future .....
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Words: 3018 - Pages: 11.... began to mature and grow older, he did not see much of his friends. They would always be down at the gymnasium working seriously at the outdoor exercises. He did not like to work out like his friends or be a stonecutter like his father because he knew that sort of thing was not for him. He thought about everything in a more abstract way.
The Gods during time seemed to be further away from humanity, they did not disguise themselves as humans to help or punish them anymore (1). He only knew of them from old stories, myths, and Homer. He had a voice in him that stopped him from doing certain things as he was about to, and he thoug .....
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Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau
Words: 1685 - Pages: 7.... before men came to govern themselves, they all existed in a state of nature. The state of nature is the condition men were in before political government came into existence, and what society would be if there was no government.
Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau created a revolutionary idea of the state of nature. They did not believe government should be organized through the Church, therefore abandoning the idea of the divine right theory, where power of the King came directly from G-d. Starting from a clean slate, with no organized church, they needed a construct on what to build society on. The foundation of society began with the original .....
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Review Of Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography
Words: 1480 - Pages: 6.... to a school for writing and arithmetic. Due to his progress
in writing but failure in arithmetic, Franklin was withdrawn and engaged in
his father's business as a tallow chandler and soap boiler. Disliking the
business and loving the nature of the sea, Franklin spent his leisure time
in association with it, on the contrary to his father's wishes. His
leadership among the boys on boats was a foretelling of his future progress
and his great sociability. The deaths of Franklin's parents has left him
with positive memories and values , instilled by them. They were greatly
by the community and even more by their children. .....
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The Life And Work Of Frederick Douglass
Words: 1990 - Pages: 8.... a regiment of former
slaves to fight in the Civil War for the Union army. Due to the Fugitive Slave
Laws, Douglass became in danger of being captured and returned to slavery. He
left America, and stayed in the British Isles. There he lectured on slavery,
and gained the respect of many people, who raised money to purchase his freedom.
In 1847, Douglass relocated to Rochester, New York, and became the person in
charge of the Underground Railroad. Here he also began the abolitionist
newspaper North Star, which he edited until 1860.
In this time period, Douglass became friends with another well known
American abolitionist, John Brow .....
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