Papers on People and Biographies
Lyndon B. Johnson
Words: 1457 - Pages: 6.... Bird." A warm, intelligent, ambitious woman, she was a great asset to Johnson's career. They had two daughters, Lynda Byrd, born in 1944, and Luci Baines, born in 1947. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered the White House. Johnson greatly admired the president, who named him, at age 27, to head the National Youth Administration in Texas. This job, which Johnson held from 1935 to 1937, entailed helping young people obtain employment and schooling. It confirmed Johnson's faith in the positive potential of government and won for him a group of supporters in Texas.
In 1937, Johnson sought and won a Texas seat in Congress, where he champione .....
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Queen Elizabeth I
Words: 815 - Pages: 3.... of Roger Ascham. Roger Ascham wrote about
Elizabeth, "Her mind has no womanly weakness. Her perseverance is equal to
that of a man and her memory long keeps what it quickly picks up. With the
help of these tutors, she was not only fluent in two languages, but in four
languages. She was fluent in the languages of Greek, Latin, French, and
When Henry died in 1547, her brother, Edward, took over the throne at
ten years of age. Edward, with a short reign on the throne, died in 1553,
and Elizabeth's half, older sister, Mary took the throne. Mary, like
Edward, died on November 17, 1558, after a short time on the throne.In
Oct .....
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Francisco Pizarro
Words: 530 - Pages: 2.... up his expedition later on and return
to Panama because he got into a skirmish with hostile natives and got
wounded6. His second expedition was more successful. On his second
expedition he reached the capitol of the Inca Empire, Cuzco7. Pizarro and
other Spaniards were migrating to Cuzco and inconspicuously taking over the
Inca Empire.
The complete takeover of the Inca's was a very big accomplishment
because the Incas had the most formidable and successful military societies
of the Americas, served by generals, with inexhaustible supplies and more
than 50'000 armed soldiers8. Pizarro only had 180 men. The downfall of
the mighty e .....
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Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis
Words: 2549 - Pages: 10.... Gansevoort
Melvill, only daughter of “the richest man in Albany,” the respected and
wealthy General Peter Gansevoort, hero of the defense of Fort Stanwix during the
American Revolution. In total, Allan and Maria had eight children. On his father'
s side, his ancestry, though not so prosperous as on his mother's, was equally
distinguished. Major Thomas Melvill, his grandfather, was one of the “Indians”
in the Boston Tea Party during the events leading to the war and who had then
served his country creditably throughout the hostilities. The Melvill family
kept on their mantelpiece a bottle of tea drained out of Major Melvill's clot .....
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Marquise De Pompadour
Words: 435 - Pages: 2.... interest in buildings and gardens, notably the Petit Trianon. The king raised Jeanne-Antoinette to the title of and installed her in lavish apartments in Versailles as his "official" mistress. She remained there until her death in 1764, although she had long since ceased performing sexual favors for the king.
played an important part in the politics of Louis's reign. She kept her influence long after the king's love for her had cooled. Pompadour served the king with devotion and generally sound advice, especially on cultural matters, and gave Louis political advice and served as his private secretary. Her influence on state policy h .....
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On J.j. Thomson
Words: 1294 - Pages: 5.... rays were similar to light waves? Another possibility was that cathode rays were some kind of material particle. Yet many physicists, including J.J. Thomson, thought that all material particles themselves might be some kind of structure built out of ether, so these views were not so far apart.
Experiments were needed to resolve the uncertainties. When physicists moved a magnet near the glass, they found they could push the rays about. Nevertheless, when the German physicist Heinrich Hertz passed the rays through an electric field created by metal plates inside a cathode ray tube, the rays were not deflected in the way that would be exp .....
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Sandro Botticelli
Words: 621 - Pages: 3.... was influenced by Christian Neoplatonism, which exemplified Christian views. From this point Botticelli developed such works as the Portrait of a Young Man in a Red Cap.
The painting, which is quite simple in nature, depicts nothing more than the bust of a teenage boy with a red hat on. The boy is uniquely outlined on each side with the right side of his body gently fading into a black backdrop and the left having a sharp and precise line separating him from the black. As the viewer may notice, the young man does not pose any facial gesture which may depict emotion. It is therefore almost impossible to know the feelings of Botticelli’s su .....
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Reinhold Niebuhr
Words: 317 - Pages: 2.... for his examination of the interrelationships between religion, individuals, and modern society. Outside the field of theology, he took a keen interest in trade union and political affairs. He was an active member of the Socialist Party in the 1930s, waged a vigorous fight against isolationism and pacifism before and during World War II, and in 1944 helped to found the Liberal Party in New York State. He received the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1964 and was made a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He died on June 1, 1971.
Niebuhr indicated his overriding interest in what has been called theological anthropology, a .....
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Bill Clinton And His Many Problems
Words: 566 - Pages: 3.... also have showed her his thing. She turned
him down and he gave up and said that she should forget all about this. That is
what she has told, we are still waiting to hear Bill Clinton's statement.
Another big problem to Bill is that he has been unable to fulfil those very big
promises he gave during his election campaign in 1992. That has given his
credibility and the polls a big push down. One of his promises was his health
program, the purpose of this was to give people with not so many money a chance
to get treated at a hospital. In US you are supposed to pay hospital-bills
yourself. It is something like our public health insurance wh .....
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Martha Graham
Words: 966 - Pages: 4.... meaning behind people's actions. As she sat in her father's office, she would look at the patients in bewilderment. The patients would blurt out words and move their arms and legs in a wild manner, making her even more curious about people's actions (Pratt 13). Dr. Graham then took his daughter to a performance of Ruth St. Denis in 1911 where she was mesmerized by the dancers (Harmon et al. 182).
Martha entered Cumnock School of Expression after graduating from high school. There she trained in dance, drama, and self-expressions. Martha's love to study people's actions was incredibly strong. After Graham graduated from the junior coll .....
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