Papers on People and Biographies
The Writings Of Ernest Hemingway
Words: 740 - Pages: 3.... Frederick, an American, serving as a lieutant in the Italian Army portrays Romeo, with his beloved Catherine, a nurse, as Juliet. Critics believe Hemingway wrote the novel from prior events that took place earlier on in his life. As you can see in the handout, Hemingway, like his character Frederick, participated in World War I, as an ambulance driver, and fell in love with Agnes, a nurse who cared for him while he recovered from a wound.
Though Hemingway denied the accusations, the events of his life assembled those of Frederick's. A Farewell to Arms, conveys several major themes, however the one that was emphasized the most was that .....
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Vincent Van Gogh 2
Words: 776 - Pages: 3.... much dissatisfied with the way people made money. His experience as a preacher is reflected in his first paintings of peasants and potato diggers.
He became really obsessed with art when he was 27. His early drawings were dark and somber, sometimes crude, but strong and full of feelings. In 1881, at age 28, he moved to Etten. Van Gogh liked the pictures of peasant life and labor that were first to be painted by Jean-Francois Millet, who had great influences on Van Gogh. His first paintings were crude but improving. In order for him to come up with the most important painting of his pre-impressionist period he had to make a number of studies .....
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Plato And Justice
Words: 767 - Pages: 3.... The best and Brightest, a very small and rarefied group, are those who are in complete control of the state permanently; Plato calls these people “Guardians” in all things and the Producers obey the Auxiliaries and Guardians in all things. A state may be said to be intemperate if any of the lower groups do not obey one of the higher groups. A state may be said to be just if the Auxiliaries do not simply obey the guardians, but enjoy doing so, that is, they don’t grumble about the authority being exercised over them; a state with “ordinary justice” would require that the Producers not only obey the Auxiliaries and Guardian .....
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Andy Warhol
Words: 1053 - Pages: 4.... his series with common images, celebrities and death, Warhol teaches us that surface images have a lot to say about pop culture. By exploring and learning more about the artist who opened so many doors in the art world, one can see why looking at the surface of his works often meant seeing and understanding so much more about the society in which we live.
Warhol's Campbell's soup cans are arguably some of his most famous works. Warhol wanted us to look at the simple image of the can for what it represented to our culture. He challenged "old fashioned" critics to overcome their ideas of art as complex and incomprehensible by .....
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The Works And Life Of Charles Dickens
Words: 2273 - Pages: 9.... were written is the mid nineteenth century.
They were written as if through the eyes of a child no more than twelve
years old. The response that the reader may have to this situation is that
of a warm and understanding feeling. The joy and bliss of the main
character is rarely showed; the main attitude is the overwhelming
complexity of situations that a boy of that age must face. The reader's
reaction to this may be to feel depressed because Dickens' has not showed
more blissful times in the lives of his main characters. In the ending,
however, Dickens' always seems to leave the reader with a warm feeling
since the last scenes are usual .....
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Pierre De Fermat
Words: 836 - Pages: 4.... seem to have the intention to publish his papers. It is probable that he revised his notes as the occasion required. His published works represent the final form of his research, and therefore cannot be dated earlier than 1660. Mr. discovered many things in his lifetime. Some things that he did include: -If p is a prime and a is a prime to p then ap-1-1 is divisible by p, that is, ap-1-1=0 (mod p). The proof of this, first given by Euler, was known quite well. A more general theorem is that a0-(n)-1=0 (mod n), where a is prime to n and p(n) is the number of integers less than n and prime to it. -An odd prime number can be expressed as the .....
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James A. Garfield
Words: 620 - Pages: 3.... was an advocate for free-soil principles and soon
became a supporter of the newly organized Republican Party. And in 1859,
he was elected to the Ohio Legislature. During the succession crisis, he
advocated coercing the seceding states back into the Union.
During the Civil War, he helped to recruit the 42nd Ohio Volunteer
Infantry and became the infantry's colonel. He fought at Shiloh in April 1862,
served as a chief of staff in the Army of the Cumberland, saw action at
Chickamauga in September of 1863.
When the Union victories had been few in 1862, he successfully led a
brigade at Middle Creek, Kentucky, against Confederate tr .....
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Political Policies Between The
Words: 2150 - Pages: 8.... which involved military means; Angola, Ethiopia, Kampuchea, Afghanistan, as a pattern of Soviet expansion, which was not consistent with détente. Many actually believed that these expansionist moves were encouraged by détente. Ultimately, the expectations that détente would achieve more were held by both powers. It was the failure to satisfy these expectations which led to its demise. Kissinger suggested that "détente, with all its weaknesses, should be judged not against some ideal but against what would have happened in its absence. Détente did not cause the Soviet arms build-up, nor could it have stopped it. However, it may have .....
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Examples Of Charles Dickens Chthonic Journeys
Words: 655 - Pages: 3.... he wants to go to school and get an education.
Throughout the essay there are countless examples as to how Dickens experienced chthonic journeys. One is that his family is in terrible condition. His father is in jail due to money problems, which then left the family with no money to pay their rent. Their father/husband borrowed money from people and never repaid them. Back in the
1800’s if you owed people money and couldn’t pay them back you would go to jail. With no house to live in everybody but Charles Dickens goes to live in jail with their father
because they have no place to live. On the other hand Charles Dick .....
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F. Scott Fitzgerald
Words: 603 - Pages: 3.... at one time stared at a woman whose husband was dying and said: "I'm trying
to decide how you'll look in the mourning."
"I helped him by encouraging his urge to write adventures. It was also
his best work. He did not shine in his other subjects. It was the pride in his
literary work that put him in his real bent." Recalls his St. Paul Academy
teacher. From that prestigious school he then traveled and began attendance in
Princeton University. Not a promising student he was often late to his classes.
His excuse was once "Sir-it's absurd to expect me to be on time. I'm a
genius!!!" Though the "Princeton years" we not his most memorable, .....
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