Papers on People and Biographies
Jeffrey Dahmer
Words: 2033 - Pages: 8.... crime despite their very best and, often frantic, efforts to intervene.
"It is a portrayal of parental dread... the terrible sense that your child has slipped beyond your grasp, that your little boy is spinning in the void, swirling in the maelstrom, lost, lost, lost."
Lionel seems to be fairly straightforward in recognising the negative influences in Jeff's life. No family is perfect. Jeff's mother had various physical ailments and appeared to be high strung, coming from a background in which her father's alcoholism deeply affected her life.
Lionel, a chemist who went on to get his Ph.D., stayed at work more often than he should .....
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Minor White
Words: 578 - Pages: 3.... enough evidence as to the credibility of his work. His influence has not stopped because of his death but lives on in his books, either written by himself or written about him.
's style was to use realistic natural images in an abstract way as to make the viewer think about and try to "read" the photograph. Often, Minor compared his work to religious or spiritual events that have happened throughout history. Sometimes he would express his thoughts in his poetry and publish the poem along with the photograph and display them together.
Being proclaimed as one of the most creative photographers of our time would not be far off. Every photo .....
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Adolf Hitler
Words: 1946 - Pages: 8.... dream he had moved to Vienna the capital of Austria where the Academy of arts was located. He failed the first time he tried to get admission and in the next year, 1907 he tried again and was very sure of success. To his surprise he failed again. In fact the Dean of the academy was not very impressed with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the .....
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Tim Paterson
Words: 781 - Pages: 3.... area retail computer store. Because of his experience with computers, Paterson stared designing his own peripheral boards on the side. Through his job and his computer experience, Paterson was hired into a better job. "I got to know Rod Brock of Seattle Computer when he came into the store periodically. We were selling his boards. Eventually he asked me to consult for Seattle Computer." After helping the company fix there memory boards at fifty dollars a day, they offered him a full time position and Paterson quit his job at the retail store.
The first major task Seattle Computer threw at Paterson was building an operation system .....
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Words: 1003 - Pages: 4.... him to be an atheist. The charge of corrupting the youth is unjust because did not tell the youth to copy him and he is not responsible for their actions. The charges against were merely excuses by his enemies to murder him in a legal way. made his enemies by going on a search to find someone wiser than he was. went on this search because the Oracle at Delphi said he was the wisest man there was but believed that to be false (5). This lead to a futile search for a person who did have wisdom so could prove the oracle wrong. went to people who had a reputation of wisdom and then he would question and talk to them to find out if they .....
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The Rule Of Julius Caesar And How The Leap Year Was Started
Words: 332 - Pages: 2.... to them. Obviously, Caesar wanted his people to be happy,
not to take control and power and use it all for him. Caesar also added
representatives from the provinces to the Senate to enable everyone to have
a part in the government.
Caesar wanted order, law, and peace. He believed that of course,
there should be order and laws but to use the power for peace. He wanted
to stop chaos and for his people to be fortunate and feel all equal.
Besides everything else he contributed to the less fortunate, he also gave
grain to the poor.
Many people believed that Julius Caesar was a tyrant who meant to
end the republic and make himself king .....
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Nathaniel Hawthorne Weaves Dreams Into Reality In Much Of His 19th Century Prose
Words: 1410 - Pages: 6.... fruition the true state of man's sinful nature by parallelling dreams with reality represents not only his religious beliefs but also his true mastery of observation regarding the human soul.
An examination of Hawthorne's own narrative in his short story, The Birthmark, published in 1850 during the latter part of the period of Puritanism expands his observations of mankind with keen insight.
Truth often finds its way to the mind close-muffled
in robes of sleep, and then speaks with uncompromising
directness of matters in regard to which we practice
an unconscious self-deception, during our waking
moments. (par.15)
The prophetic stateme .....
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Pablo Picasso
Words: 1458 - Pages: 6.... with his astounding artistic abilities; and, as Rachel Barnes points out in her introduction to Picasso by Picasso: Artists by Themselves, there seemed to be no doubt that Picasso would become a painter. In order to better hone his prodigious abilities, Picasso attended the Academy in Barcelona for a brief period of time. He spent most of his early years painting in Paris, where he progressed through various periods - including a Blue period from 1900 to 1904 and a Rose period in 1904 - before creating the Cubist movement that lasted until the beginning of the First World War.
Picasso initiated Cubism at the age of twenty-six after he alre .....
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Oliver Cromwell
Words: 4169 - Pages: 16.... of Robert Cromwell and Elizabeth Steward was born in Huntingdon, England in 1599. His father, who was active in local affairs, had been a member of one of Queen Elizabeth's parliaments. Robert Cromwell died when his son was 18, but his widow lived to the age of 89. Oliver went to the local grammar school and then for a year attended Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. After his father died he left Cambridge to go care for his mother and sisters but it is believed that he studies at Lincoln's Inn in London, where gentlemen could acquire a smattering of law. In 1620 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Bourchier, a merchant in London .....
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Frank Sinatra
Words: 1515 - Pages: 6.... for, journalism. However, the editor at the newspaper said, “copy boys don’t know enough to be reporters.” So, Sinatra went to secretarial school. He studied English, typing, and shorthand. The newspaper’s editor eventually promoted him to cub sports reporter After achieving his goal to be a journalist, Frank had another passion to strive for, singing. In his spare time, Sinatra appeared in on Major Bowes Amateur Hour, which was a popular radio talent show back in the day. Frank had never been taught to sing he taught himself. He was a natural. So the head of the Major Bowes Amateur Hour promoted Frank. For $25 a week he sang, w .....
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