Papers on People and Biographies
Virginia Woolf
Words: 1165 - Pages: 5.... out with this completely unconventional opening sentence she was already showing that the rules could be broken.
Woolf starts her essay by explaining to her audience what she could have talked about and what other things her topic might mean, she is letting the audience be drawn in to her consciousness. Woolf wants them to know why she decided to use this topic instead of some less meaningful one, that may have made for a good speech but would not have really covered the full scope of the problem. Woolf said:
They just might mean simply a few remarks about Fanny Burney; a few more about Jane Austen; a tribute to the Brontes and a sketch .....
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Andrew Jackson
Words: 1369 - Pages: 5.... due to some enemies he made. In between overcoming various Indian tribes they won the war. After most of the capitol city of Washington was burned by the British, the Americans were badly in need of cheering up. Jackson became a United States Major General- this was very different from a state militia Major General. He continued to have military successes, though in his invasion of Spanish Florida, he got the reputation of being a kind of Caesar. In 1821, Jackson, at the age of 54 was in a very dangerous state of health. He, like many other southerners had defended his “Honor” in 2 or 3 duels and 1 shoot-out. He took two bulle .....
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George Frideric Handel
Words: 624 - Pages: 3.... His trouble in his operas that he made lied
within his uncertain temper and uncertain lack of tact.
Handel first learned how to play from an instrument called a clavichord.
This was like a forerunner of the piano. With the help of one of Handel's
friend, they smuggled the instrument up to his attic in his house. Every
night he would sneak up to the attic after everyone was asleep and he'd
play it until he finally mastered it. The instrument could not be heard
through the closed doors. When he was about twelve, he went to Berlin to
study and while there he became well-known for playing the Harpsichord.
Handel's parents wanted Handel t .....
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William Shakespeare
Words: 1608 - Pages: 6.... 26. It was customary to baptize infants within days of birth, and because Shakespeare died 52 years later on April 23, and-most significantly-since April 23 is St. George's day, the patron saint of England, it has become traditional to assign the birth day of England's most famous poet to April 23 ( Website). As with most sixteenth century births, the actual day was never officially recorded, but along with most remarkable men the power of myth and symmetry has proven irresistible, so April 23 it has become.
Parents and Family
Shakespeare's parents were John and Mary Shakespeare, who lived in Henley Street, in Stratford. John, the .....
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Pablo Picasso
Words: 470 - Pages: 2.... a girl named Fernande. This was the beginning of the Rose Period. In the Rose Period, his works were filled with delicate reds and bright pinks. During this period, the figures in Picasso's paintings became more robust. In these paintings, family groups replaced the lonely prostitutes and beggars in his earlier works.
Picasso then developed a cubism style of painting. This means that Picasso painted people and things very different than how they really looked. He painted people who had eyes and noses in the wrong places. Picasso's father even thought that his paintings were too strange. During 1915m, Picasso began to return to .....
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Walt Whitman
Words: 295 - Pages: 2.... is using these objects as representing war. Whitman starts
off each stanza with the same line every time. “Beat! Beat! drums! - blow!
bugles! blow!” He uses this symbolism of war to show the effects it has on the
world. The drums and the bugles are always interrupting things. This is seen
clearly in the first stanza. The drums and bugles are interrupting the church
and the farmer can't be peaceful. Whitman continues this symbolism throughout
the rest of the poem. Whitman also speaks of how he doesn't like the war in
other poems of his. He does this in “The Wound-Dresser.” He speaks of the war
as his strangest days. They were .....
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Mickey Mantle
Words: 925 - Pages: 4.... the game were his father and grandfather. He practiced with them for at least 2 hours a day (Falkner 23). Mickey played sports and games whenever he could. He just could not stay away from the game of baseball. The one sport that Mickey did not want anything to do with was swimming. The reason why was because swimming almost cost him hislifeOnce him and his friends were swimming in a river,and they were not supposed to, and a lady came and seen them, and his friends left him on a raft and he could not swim, and he fell off and almost drowned.Mickey did not like school . He looked forward to recess andafter school. Baseball was a bi .....
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William Blake
Words: 780 - Pages: 3.... the Strand. By 1772, he was an apprentice to an engraver, James Basire, who taught him the secrets of the trade very well. Basire sent him to make drawings of the sculptures in Westminster Abbey, which sparked his interest in Gothic art. Blake's father was a hosier, and sent him to the Royal Academy in 1779 as an engraving student. While at school, Blake absorbed the religious symbolism and linear design characteristic of Gothic style. While studying there, he rebelled against the academic conventions of Sir Joshua Reynolds, president of the academy. Contrary to modern standards, he decided to follow the footsteps of the world-renowned .....
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Richard Nixon
Words: 564 - Pages: 3.... the service, he was elected to Congress from his California district. In 1950, he won a Senate seat. Two years later, General Eisenhower selected Nixon, age 39, to be his running mate.
As Vice President, Nixon took on major duties in the Eisenhower Administration. Nominated for President by acclamation in 1960, he lost by a narrow margin to John F. Kennedy. In 1968, he again won his party's nomination, and went on to defeat Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and third-party candidate George C. Wallace.
His accomplishments while in office included revenue sharing, the end of the draft, new anticrime laws, and a broad environmental progra .....
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Pierre Auguste Renoir
Words: 1530 - Pages: 6.... the choir at the church of St. Eustache. At the age of thirteen, Renoir began work as an apprentice in the porcelain craft shop of Levy Freres et Compagnie ( At age of sixteen, Renoir unveiled his first oil painting. This critical moment met with praise from his city and his parents. However, it would be some time before Renoir would consider himself an artist. He continued to paint porcelain until automation rendered hand decoration obsolete.
Since his fans required different subject matters and themes than the porcelain, Renoir renewed his visits to Louvre in search of workable ideas. He discovered the sensuous .....
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