Papers on People and Biographies
Martin Luther
Words: 2864 - Pages: 11.... the sacrament of penance.
Luther's beliefs on the matter was that after confession, absolution relied upon the sinner's faith and God's Divine Grace rather than the intervention of a priest. At this point, Luther did not advocate an actual separation from the Roman Catholic Church. Instead, Luther felt his suggested reforms York-3 could be implemented within Catholicism. If this had taken place, the Protestant Reformation would probably not of ever seen the light of day--nor would it have been necessary. But the theological practices being what they were in the Roman Church, there was little chance at that time for any great variations .....
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Emily Dickinson 3
Words: 2046 - Pages: 8.... and largely dependant on the readers ability to put together the pieces - to see the connections and implications. Amy Lowell said "She was the mistress of suggestion....and to a lesser degree, irony" The ruses and riddles in her poems came from her; and as such she too was a riddle.
The riddle was important to Emily Dickinson for several reasons. She wished to reason with her own feelings despite her contradictory beliefs - she wished to be one who "distils amazing sense / from ordinary meanings (#448)".
For her, life, nature and faith were all riddles in themselves. None of these three come with all the answers, although clues .....
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Jesse Louis Jackson
Words: 469 - Pages: 2.... football scholarship to the University of Illinois. Later, he left U. I. And enrolled in North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensburo. There he became class president and the civil rights activist began to show himself to the world. After graduating in 1964, he attended the Chicago Theological Seminary until he joined the civil rights movement full time in 1965. Before graduating he joined the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), led by Martin Luther King Jr. King appointed him to the head of Operation Breadbasket in Chicago.
In 1971 Rev. Jesse L. Jackson formed Operation PUSH (People United to Save Human .....
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George C. Marshall
Words: 486 - Pages: 2.... 1944, Marshall was promoted to General of the Army. He spent a year in China in 1945-46 as President Truman's representative, attempting to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict between the nationalists and the communists.
As Secretary of State from 1947 to 1949, he developed an economic program, the Marshall Plan, to help bring relief to war torn nations in Europe. The plan stipulated that the United States war prepared to assist Europe on certain terms. The European countries were to (1) Confer and Determine their needs on a continental basis; (2) show what resources they could put into a common pool for economic rebuilding; .....
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Words: 1054 - Pages: 4.... land.
Hitler had a way of persuading people to do what he wants. He knew what the
people wanted and how to make them believe that they were actually going to get
it. Hitler was given a chance to go into power despite the doubts of he ability
to rule from the Communists and Socialist parties. Unfortunately the both
parties were wrong, he was voted into power , in March and was elected without a
parliament. Hitler proclaimed a "New Germany." He believed that German culture
was to be kept solid. His way of purifying their race was to burn books
Americans, Jew, and Non-Germans. The philosophy was that if you destroy the
ideas in the book .....
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The Life Of Charles Dickens
Words: 922 - Pages: 4.... (Mankowitz 9-14).
Charles' education included being taught at home by his mother,
attending a Dame School at Chatman for a short time, and Wellington Academy in
London. He was further educated by reading widely in the British Museum
In late 1822, John was needed back at the London office, so they had to
move to London. This gave Charles opportunities to walk around the town with his
father and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the area. This gave him
early inspiration that he would use later on in his life when he started to
write (Mankowitz 13-14).
James Lamert, the owner of a boot-blacking factory, saw the conditi .....
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John Alexander Macdonald: A Good Role Model?
Words: 494 - Pages: 2.... Prime Minister was very devoted to
Canada and her people, and helped direct Canada to become what it is now.
John A. Macdonald became well known for the way he treated people. He was kind
and courteous. And because of his humor and consideration of others, people
enjoyed being around the Prime Minister. He left a good impression on the people
of Canada because he cared for not only the English, but also the French and
Natives. One example is when he visited the Council House of the Six Nation
Indians near Brantford. Mr. Macdonald met more than thirty farmers and after
only thirty minutes of chatting with them he knew them all by name# . .....
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Joan Of Arc 3
Words: 1047 - Pages: 4.... French new inspiration and succeed in driving out the English. Joan was like any other peasant girl in the 15th century. She could not read or write, but she worked hard on her father's farm and acquired her faith and prayers from her mother. In the village she was remembered as a good and simple girl. She had three brothers and a sister who died young. As a peasant, she always remained close to home and didn't even consider leaving the village until she was thirteen and had begun hearing voices. She identified the voice as that of God, telling her that she would have to perform a great task. By age sixteen, she had visions and heard the .....
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Words: 946 - Pages: 4.... against Protestants. In 1577 Peter Paul was born in exile at Siegen, Westphalia (now in Germany), also the birthplace of his brother Philip and his sister Baldina. There, their father had become the adviser and lover of Princess Anna of Saxony, wife of Prince William I of Orange (William the Silent). On the death of Jan in 1587, his widow returned the family to Antwerp, where they again became Catholics. After studying the classics in a Latin school and serving as a court page, Peter Paul decided to become a painter. He apprenticed in turn with Tobias Verhaecht, Adam van Noort, and Otto van Veen, called Vaenius, three minor Flemish painters .....
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Aum Shinkyria
Words: 531 - Pages: 2.... and secondary school. Being the unusual boy he was, he would constantly be declined presidency, as the other children feared his political standpoint and his threats.
According to Marty Butz, a writer for a prominent occult magazine, “…perhaps still ambitious for leadership, Asahara realized his own divine appointment and religious calling.” While performing his normal religious routine, Asahara claimed to have been visited by the Hindu God Shiva. He also began to inform people that he had been given special powers that allowed him to do such things as levitate, see the future, read people’s minds, make his & .....
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