Papers on People and Biographies
Florence Nightingale
Words: 1995 - Pages: 8.... herself. When she traveled she would secretly go out and visit hospitals. She kept extensive notes on all the hospitals. She took notes on management, hygiene, wards and doctors. She kept pursuing her desire to become a nurse even though her parents opposed the idea. Nursing in the nineteenth century was not considered a reputable career. Nurses did not have any training and hospitals were unsanitary places where the poor went to die. Her parents finally gave in and Nightingale was allowed to go to Kaiserswerth, a nursing school in Germany.
During the Victorian era (1837-1901) true womanhood was greatly valued by society. “T .....
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Booker T. Washington: Fighter For The Black Man
Words: 1245 - Pages: 5.... his own needs aside in order to
build the reputation of an entire race. He didn't do it by accusing and
putting blame on others, but instead through hard work.
Booker T. Washington cleared the way for the black community to fully enter
the American society. Washington was born into slavery on April 5, 1856, in
Franklin County, Virginia, on a small tobacco plantation. His only true
relative was his mother, Jane, who was the plantation's cook. His father was
probably the white son of one of the neighbors, though it is not known for
sure. Washington spent his childhood years on the plantation, but since he
was so young he never had to do th .....
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Frank Sinatra
Words: 751 - Pages: 3.... band for a solo career that lead him to several hits and great success in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Young At Heart, All the Way, Witchcraft, Strangers in the Night, and that’s Life were some of his hit songs. In the 1940s Sinatra embarked on a solo career and became the idol of the “bobby-soxers”. They were teenage girls who swooned over his crooning, soft-voiced singing. During this time period he also appeared in many film musicals such as, Anchors Aweigh (1945), Till the Clouds Roll By (1947), and On the Town (1949). Sinatra is also well respected as a jazz singer. During the 1950s and 1960s Sinatra also teamed with a number of talente .....
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Alfred Tennyson And His Work
Words: 922 - Pages: 4.... of them had won university prizes for poetry the
Tennyson brothers became well known at Cambridge. In 1829 The Apostles, an
undergraduate club, invited him to join. The members of this group would
remain Tennyson's friends all his life.
Arthur Hallam was the most important of these friendships. Hallam,
a brilliant Victorian young man was recognized by his peers as having
unusual promise. He and Tennyson knew each other only four years, but
their intense friendship had a major influence on the poet. On a visit to
Somersby, Hallam met and later became engaged to Emily Tennyson, and the
two friends looked forward to a life-long companions .....
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Words: 1681 - Pages: 7.... sort of conclusion as to the direction of man and things around him. In this we can understand the true sadness of 's death, he was a child who was overwhelmed by the beauty of the universe around him and had not the time needed to express all of it in words.
The book is split into three parts; "The Power and Beauty of Quantification", "What are the Conservatives Conserving?" and "Where Hearts and Minds Collide". In the first section begins by teaches the reader about large numbers and what innovations in the past allowed us to use them. moves slowly and tactfully building the readers understanding of these basic concepts of large n .....
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Antonio Vivaldi
Words: 325 - Pages: 2.... the oratorio Juditha Triumphans in 1716, the Gloria in D in1708, masses, and motets. His instrumental sonatas are more traditional than his concertos, and his religious music reflects the operatic style of the era. His most famous and younger contemporary, J. S. Bach, studied his works during his formative years, and some of Vivaldi's violin concertos and sonatas exist only as transcriptions, mostly for harpsichord, made by Bach.
Vivaldi's concertos provided a model for this genre throughout Europe, affecting the style even of his older contemporaries. Over 300 of his concertos are solo concertos ( there are 220 for violin, others for basso .....
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Words: 467 - Pages: 2.... IV was executed leaving the oldest child. In 51 b.c. her father died.
Caesar chased Pompey to Egypt where Pompey was beheaded in Alexandria. This is where met Julius Caesar. She smuggled herself into a rug and snuck in to his room. married another brother, Ptolemy XV, due to tradition. However she also became Caesar's mistress and followed him to Rome. In 47 b.c. Ptolemy Caesarion was born. However the Romans refused to believe that Ptolemy Caesarion was Caesar’s child. She stayed in Rome until his assassination 44 BC. He was killed by Brutus and Cassius. It was rumored later that helped the Caesarian party to assassin Caesa .....
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William Bradford
Words: 820 - Pages: 3.... of the Lord) into a church estate, in the fellowship of the gospel, to walk in all His ways made known, or to be made known unto them, according to their best endeavors, whatsoever it should cost them, the Lord assisting them. And that it cost them something this ensuing history will declare.
But after these things they could not long continue in any peaceable condition, but were hunted and persecuted on every side, so as their former afflictions were but as flea-bitings in comparison of these, which now came upon them. For some were taken and clapped up in prison, others had their houses beset and watched night and day, and hardly esca .....
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Adolf Hitler
Words: 1098 - Pages: 4.... he learned a Bavarian dialect of German while playing with the little German children or running around by himself. This later became useful during his scheme to take over the world. This freedom continued for over a year while his family was separated. (Rubenstein; pg 6)
Even as a child Adolf had the making of a leader. He was a good student in elementary school and was always a leader during games being played. He especially enjoyed battle-type games the most and often organized his classmates into "battles." In his book, Mein Kampf, he wrote:
"I believe that even my oratorical talent was being developed in the form of more or l .....
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Samuel Colt
Words: 665 - Pages: 3.... dyeing and bleaching factory. Then at the age of fourteen Samuel went back to school and later went to Amherst Academy in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Teen Years
When Samuel was a teen he worked at his father's factory. Samuel would often mix chemicals to see their reaction. This was also the time Samuel got interested in guns. He would always take his father's guns apart. One year at the public picnic Samuel filled a beer keg with gun powder and put a long wick on it. Then he put it in the river and lit the fuse, then pushed it down the river. It exploded in the river in front of all the villagers.
Early Years in Business .....
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