Papers on People and Biographies
Thomas Jefferson
Words: 721 - Pages: 3.... to the Virginia House of Burgesses. Jefferson married Martha Skelton in 1772 and had one son and five daughters.
Being the poor speaker that he was, Jefferson used his literary talents to express his ideas. It is well known that he wrote the Declaration of Independence, but he also wrote many other documents dealing with the colonial protest of British rule. (3) A Summary View of the Rights of British America was a pamphlet denying right of Parliament to rule over the colonies. Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions because he was very concise and straight the point. (4) Jefferson was often turned to when .....
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Walter Whitman
Words: 347 - Pages: 2.... wisdom yet contributed to American literature."
Early in the American Civil War Whitman learned that his brother George was wounded and in a hospital in Washington, D.C. He found George nearly recovered but saw other soldiers badly in need of care. He stayed in Washington as a government clerk and also served as a hospital volunteer. Inspired by the suffering he saw, he wrote the volume of poetry called 'Drum-Taps', published in 1865.
After the war Whitman's books began to sell well, and he contributed several articles to magazines. In 1873 he fell ill, suffering the first of several paralytic attacks. He remained an invalid for the rest .....
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Andrew Jackson
Words: 741 - Pages: 3.... the president uses his power. He must not abuse his power and must use power to only benefit his causes. His power must be used to benefit the people of the nation.
In my opinion was a good president. For his cabinet, Jackson appointed the most competent and honest men. He wanted to have loyal and trustworthy men that he could depend on to help him while in office. Such men as Martin Van Buren, Senator Eaton, John Branch, John M. Berrien and Samuel D. Ingham were all men appointed cleverly by Jackson that did their job superbly under him.
In foreign affairs, Jackson scored two diplomatic triumphs, one with Great Britain and one wit .....
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Charles Dickens 3
Words: 998 - Pages: 4.... event in his life would be his wife, and his best friend John Foster which he will meet later in life.
He uses this period in his life in one of his books it is called Great Expectations and also uses this
in the book DavidCopperfield.
In 1829 he was a reporter for the Doctor's Commoner's Courts. In 1832 he ,was a reporter on the Parliamentary debates in the House of Commons, and he became a reporter for a newspaper. In 1834 he adopted his famous pseudonym " Boz." Soon his father was put in jail for another count of debt and he came to his aid time. During his lifetime Charles' family would always be on his back for money.
In 1836 .....
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Muhammed Ali 2
Words: 290 - Pages: 2.... his mother and his grandfather. Muhammad came under the care of a famous trader named Abu Talib, and is reputed to have accompanied him on trading journeys to Syria. About 595, on such a journey, he was in charge of the merchandise of a rich woman, Khadijah , and so impressed her that she offered marriage. She is said to have been about 40, but she bore Muhammad at least two sons, who died young, and four daughters. Muhammad appears to have been of a reflective turn of mind and is said to have adopted the habit of occasionally spending nights in a hill cave near Mecca. The poverty and misfortunes of his early life doubtless made him aw .....
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William Buffalo Bill Cody
Words: 675 - Pages: 3.... thought himself to be lucky too. Cody was very fortunate to be wounded in action only once, and that one time it was only a minor wound. Most of all, he was most gracious for always being in the right place at the right time.
Buffalo Bill Cody appeared on stage for the first time in 1872. He played himself in a play titled “Scouts of the Prairie”. Following this, he kept acting in the winter and he worked for the army in the summer. The Wild West show began in 1883 in Omaha. When this began, real cowboys and real Indians showing how life really was in the west. Cody’s show spent ten out of its thirty years in Eur .....
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Sam Walton
Words: 758 - Pages: 3.... to economize from his job at J.C. Penney. And while he was developing his first general store, Walton saw what the competition was doing wrong, and did the complete opposite, such as selling more quantity in order to make a bigger profit in the long run. It can probably be stated that would not have been as successful if his devoted wife had not been there along his side. Always there for him, Mrs. Walton was able to keep the entire family together during the hard and difficult times. While Sam was out doing the dirty work trying to make something of his business, Mrs. Walton was playing the role of mother and father back at home. had to c .....
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The Work Of Cormac McCarthy
Words: 1686 - Pages: 7.... endless questions, none more clearly explained than
another" (Young 100), and they compare his work to life beyond the realm of
our world, "McCarthy's metaphysical assumptions are existential. Human
consciousness of the past exists within each person in memories and
contacts, held in an ongoing meaning by individuals as fragments, subject
to loss as memory dims and subject to arbitrary changes without order or
meaning" (Richey 141).
These same critics compare McCarthy's writing to past writers
saying that McCarthy shares some aspects of his writing with Thomas Pynchon,
Edmund Wilson, Saul Bellow, and James Joyce. "A sophisticated r .....
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Nelson Mandela
Words: 1255 - Pages: 5.... contribution to
the freedom struggle of his people (Ngubane).
After receiving a primary education at a local mission school, was sent to Healdtown, a Wesleyan secondary school. He then enrolled at the University College of Fort Hare for the Bachelor of Arts Degree where he was
elected onto the Student's Representative Council. He was suspended from college for joining in a protest boycott. He went to Johannesburg where he entered politics by joining the African National Congress in 1942 (Woods).
At the height of the Second World War, members of the African National Congress set themselves the task of transforming ANC into a mas .....
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Deng Xiaoping
Words: 1608 - Pages: 6.... do anything to obtain
power. I have concluded differently. I believe that Deng Xiaoping was a force
of good. He has devoted his entire life to helping his country, China.
Before the Communist began to revolt, the Nationalists were doing a poor
job of running the country and did not keep their promise for land reform. Deng
Xiaoping believed that a Communist government would do a better job of running
the country. During the Nationalist- Communist Civil War, Deng greatly
influenced the outcome in favor of the Communists by using effective military
strategy. Deng Xiaoping was appointed Politcommissar of the 129th Division of
the Eigh .....
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