Papers on People and Biographies
Edgar Allen Poe
Words: 908 - Pages: 4.... (Internet source) He would then work at several different editorials, none of which really worked out for him. His dream though would be to own a magazine or paper of his own. He would come close twice but never succeed in keeping them alive due to his different habits.
What made ? Through his lifetime many different misfortunes and disasters would strike him. All of these would shape him and his writing to what we now associate as the father of modern diabolic fiction. (Internet source) The first of the tragedies to plague him would be the abandonment by his father. He would grow never knowing who his real father was. His father had .....
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Words: 495 - Pages: 2.... the first known person to make major advances in the
fields of logic, physical works( such as physics, meteorologists, ect.) ,
psychological works, and natural history( modern day biology). His most
famous studies are in the field of philosophical works. His studies play an
important role in the early history of chemistry. Aristotle was the first
person to propose the idea of atoms matter and other grand ideas.
Aristotle made the first major advances in the field of philosophy of
nature. He saw the universe as lying between two scales: form without matter
and is at one end and matter without form is at the other end. One the most
i .....
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Van Gogh
Words: 1920 - Pages: 7.... district in
Belgium. Vincent took his work so seriously that he went without food and
other necessities so he could give more to the poor. The missionary
society objected to Vincent's behavior and fired him in 1879. Heartsick,
van Gogh struggled to keep going socially and financially, yet he was
always rejected by other people, and felt lost and forsaken.
Then, in 1880, at age 27, he became obsessed with art. The intensity
he had for religion, he now focused on art. His early drawings were crude
but strong and full of feeling: "It is a hard and a difficult struggle to
learn to draw well... I have worked like a slave ...." H .....
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Robert E. Lee
Words: 470 - Pages: 2.... in chief of the military and naval
forces of Virginia. For a year he was military adviser to Jefferson Davis,
president of the Confederate States of America, and was then placed in command
of the Army in northern Virginia.
In February 1865 Lee was made commander in chief of all Confederate
armies; two months later the war was virtually ended by his surrender to General
Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House.
The masterly strategy of Lee was overcome only by the superior resources
and troop strength of the Union. His campaigns are almost universally studied
in military schools as models of strategy and tactics, He had a capacit .....
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Alexander The Great
Words: 849 - Pages: 4.... penetrating to the Danube River. On his return he crushed in a single
week the threatening Illyrians and then again took of to Thebes, which had
revolted. He took the city by storm and razed it, sparing only the temples of
the gods and the house of the Greed lyric poet Pindar, and selling the surviving
inhabi¬ tants, about 8000 in number, into slavery. Alexander's promptness in
crushing the revolt of The¬ bes brought the other Greek states into instant
Alexander began his war against Persia in the spring of 334 BC by
crossing the Hellespont (now Dardanelles) with an army of 35,000 Macedonian and
Greek troops: .....
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Carol Causs
Words: 1515 - Pages: 6.... to read by sounding out the combinations of the letters. Around the time that Carl was teaching himself to read aloud, he also taught himself the meanings of number symbols and learned to do arithmetical calculations.
When Carl Gauss reached the age of seven, he began elementary school. His potential for brilliance was recognized immediately. Gauss's teacher Herr Buttner, had assigned the class a difficult problem of addition in which the students were to find the sum of the integers from one to one hundred. While his classmates toiled over the addition, Carl sat and pondered the question. He invented the shortcut formula on the spot, and .....
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The Quest For Moral Perfection
Words: 1006 - Pages: 4.... on a day to day basis, which virtues he had not obeyed, and marked a check for each mistake. Franklin set aside one week per virtue, and ordered his virtues such that whenever perfection in a virtue was attained, it would make achieving the following virtue easier. Franklin found that he had much to improve upon. Another ingredient to Franklin’s recipe for greatness was his daily schedule. Franklin divided his day up by the hour and knew what he was to be doing at all times. This he found difficult at times, and involving the virtue Order, at one time he almost gave up. In one of Franklin's few pessimistic moments, he is quoted as say .....
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Abe Lincoln
Words: 1526 - Pages: 6.... as a politician, did he remember his knowledge of nature and of the differences in the trees that he passed by in Washington.
In December of 1816, Thomas Lincoln moved the family to the backwoods of Indiana, but to get there they had to cut a trail themselves out of the wilderness in order to reach their destination. In the autumn of 1818 Abe's mother Nancy died from "milk sickness", and so young Sarah, who was only eleven, took over the chores of from her mother. A year later though, Thomas Lincoln found a second wife, in order to help around the house, named Sarah Bush Johnston, whom had three kids of her own. Abe and Sarah quickly .....
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William Faulkner
Words: 659 - Pages: 3.... and William Falkner decided to retain the spelling of "Faulkner". The most distinguished member of ’s family was his great-grandfather, Confederate Colonel William Cuthbert Falkner. The Colonel first moved to Mississippi in the early part of the 19th century from his home South Carolina. Faulkner uses Colonel Falkner as a character in his novels named Colonel John Sartoris. Colonel Falkner had a notable career as a soldier in the Civil War and the Mexican War. Colonel Falkner was also a writer like his great-grandson and published one of the nation’s best sellers called "The White Rose of Memphis". Before bein .....
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Alexander Hamilton
Words: 2887 - Pages: 11.... Alexander entered the counting house of Nicholas Cruger and David Beekman. There, young Alexander served as a clerk and apprentice. At the age of fifteen, Mr. Cruger left Alexander in charge of the business. Early on, Hamilton wished to increase his opportunities in life. This is evidenced by a letter written to his friend Edward Stevens at the age of fourteen on Nov. 11, 1769 where he stated, "[m]y ambition is prevalent, so that I contemn the groveling condition of a clerk or the like … and would willingly risk my life, though not my character, to exalt my station." During adolescence, Hamilton had few opportunities for regular schoolin .....
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