Papers on People and Biographies
Words: 405 - Pages: 2.... The latter discovery proved
the existence of irrational numbers and therefore changed the entire Greek
mathematical belief that whole numbers and their ratios could account for
geometrical properties.
Another contribution of Pythagoras and his follower is that of music.
Pythagoras essentially created music in that he discovered the way it works.
Pythagoras noticed that vibrating strings produce harmonious tones when the
ratios of the lengths of the strings are whole numbers. After making this
discovery, he found that these same ratios could be extended further to other
Pythagoras was one of the first to teach that the .....
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Theodore Roosevelt
Words: 890 - Pages: 4.... History Society , The
Harvard Advocate (editor) , Glee Club , and in the Class Committee. After he
graduating from Harvard in 1880 , he married Alice Hathaway Lee of Boston. In
the same year he entered Columbia University Law School. But historical writing
and politics lured him away from a legal career.
His yearning for public acknowledge plus the corrupt state of New York
led him to join a local Republican Reform Club. In 1881 he was elected to
New York assembly where he set out to stop the corruption in both party
machines. In 1884 the death of his wife and a defeat in his political career
made him retreat to the Dakota Territ .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau
Words: 1247 - Pages: 5.... once wrote in his journal, "I seem to see somewhat more of my own kith and kin in the lichens on the rocks than in any books" (Thoreau 252). The connection he felt with the earth began at the mere age of five. At this young age, he was moved from the bustling city of Boston to a completely foreign setting: the Massachusetts countryside.
It was after that move that Thoreau realized what had been missing in his life. "That woodland vision for a long time made the drapery of my dreams...Somehow or other it at once gave the preference to this recess among the pines...over that tumultuous and varied city, as if it (my spirit) had found its .....
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Marilyn Manson
Words: 542 - Pages: 2.... such as "Dope Hat", "Lunchbox", "My Monkey" had already won the support of the people.
1993 was a very busy year. They got a contract from Trent Reznor's new own label Nothing and got a spot on NIN's 94 tour. The making of their first album, "Portrait of an American Family", was underway. Trent Reznor was the producer of the album.
At the end of 93, Gidget Gein, bass, was no more a part of the band. His is drug problems had apparently gone out of hand. Twiggy Ramirez, from Amboog-A-Lard, became the new bassist. 1994 was the major breakthrough for the Manson family. National tours with NIN gained them fame and other things. .....
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Langston Hughes
Words: 912 - Pages: 4.... an American poet. She helped him ge! t publicity for his works and she got him seriously started in writing(Encarta). In an article about in The Reference Library of Black America it talks about all the places in the world that Hughes has traveled. He probably used much of the information of the cultures of other countries to write. Hughes traveled all over the world as a seaman. He went to the Soviet Union, Haiti, Japan, Spain, Genoa, France, and other parts of Europe. Hughes was an author, anthologist, librettist, songwriter, columnist, translator, founder of theaters, and a poetical innovator in jazz technology. Hughes lik .....
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Ralph Waldo Emerson
Words: 1019 - Pages: 4.... integrity of your own mind." People can mess with every other part of you, but your mind they can't reach.
Emerson is quoted as saying "My life is for itself and not for a spectacle." I think that he means that each and every person has their own life to live and that they shouldn't devote their time to worrying about what other people are doing. You have enough to worry about with what's going on in your own lives.
Emerson believes that when you express what you are feeling on the inside, most people will be able to relate with what you are feeling. He tells us this in the quote "Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the univers .....
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Vladimir Ilyich
Words: 590 - Pages: 3.... In 1889 he moved to the city of Samara. In 1891 he took and passed extramural exams at the law faculty of St Petersburg University and got work as assistant to a justice of the law in Samara. In August 1893 he moved to St Petersburg. In Autumn 1895 he set up the St Petersburg "Union for the liberation of the working class". At the beginning of December 1895 he was arrested and in February 1897 exiled to Siberia for three years. In 1900 he went abroad, where together with G.V. Plekhanov he began to publish the newspaper "Iskra" ("Spark").
At the 2nd conference of the Russian Social Democratic Working Party (1903) Lenin was instrument .....
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H G Wells
Words: 349 - Pages: 2.... Among these are Kipps and The History of Mr. Polly, which depict members of the lower middle class and their aspirations. Both recall the world of Wells's youth; the first tells the story of a struggling teacher, the second portrays a draper's assistant. Many of Wells's other books can be categorized as thesis novels. Among these are Ann Veronica, promoting women's rights; Tono-Bungay, attacking irresponsible capitalists; and Mr. Britling Sees It Through, depicting the average Englishman's reaction to war. After World War I Wells wrote an immensely popular historical work, The Outline of History. Throughout his long life Wells was .....
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Lenis, Vladimir
Words: 1141 - Pages: 5.... rested. Their ruler, Czar Nicholas II, ruled aloof of his disorganized nation. His government of appointed officials and men in inherited positions did not represent the people (The Tyranny of Stupidity 120). Even though all of Europe had experienced the Industrial Revolution, Russia had precious little machinery. To obtain more advanced machines, the government traded grain to other countries in exchange for machinery, even though it meant that more people would starve (Haney 17). Compound this with the devastation and desperation brought on shortly thereafter by the First World War, and there was no confidence left in the governmen .....
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A. A. Milne
Words: 710 - Pages: 3.... Milne and Sarah Marie Milne. (Second Plays) As a child, he attended the
school for young boys that his father ran. Milne was never terribly close to
his mother and would often eschew her. Milne referred to her as “restfully
aloof.” (Page at Pooh Corner) His parents had three children, all sons. Milne
was the youngest and often wished he had a sister. At the school he
attended, Henley House, he had teachers that included H. G. Wells, who
undoubtedly helped ignite his flame for writing. (The Oxford Companion to
English Literature) As you can see, he was exposed to writing influence
even from an early age.
In 1915, M .....
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