Papers on People and Biographies
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Words: 796 - Pages: 3.... 34). He also found an easier procedure for working advanced calculus (Hargrove 36). At the end of his college career in 1915,Eisenhower graduated number 61 out of a class of 164 (Hargrove 38). Eisenhower's military journey began during World War One. When he graduated college World War One was still raging through Europe. Instead of fighting in the infantry overseas Eisenhower was to stay home on U.Sbases (Hargrove 41). After being promoted to a Lieutenant Colonel, Eisenhower was sent to Camp Colt to train soldiers about tanks (Hargrove42). Then in the year 1933 he became one of the important advisers toGeneral Douglas MacArther (Har .....
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The Political Career Of Richard Nixon
Words: 3572 - Pages: 13.... South Pacific
Combat Air Transport Command, rising to the rank of lieutenant commander.
After the war Nixon returned to the United States, where he was assigned
to work on Navy contracts while awaiting discharge. He was working in Baltimore,
Maryland, when he received a telephone call that changed his life. A Republican
citizen's committee in Whittier was considering Nixon as a candidate for
Congress in the 12th Congressional District. In December 1945 Nixon accepted the
candidacy with the promise that he would "wage a fighting, rocking, socking
campaign." Jerry Voorhis, a Democrat who had represented the 12th District
since 1936, was ru .....
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Louis Pasteur
Words: 1342 - Pages: 5.... Paris to study in a famous school called Lyce St. Louis. During his studies to become a teacher, he was fascinated by a chemistry professor, Monsieur Jean-Baptist Dumas. He wrote home excitedly about these lectures, and decided that he wanted to learn to teach chemistry and physics, just like his favorite professor.
In 1847 he earned a doctorate at the Ecole Normale in Paris, with a focus on both physics and chemistry. Becoming an assistant to one of his teachers, he began research that led to a significant discovery. He found that a beam of polarized light was rotated to either the right or the left as it passed through .....
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Henrik Ibsen
Words: 585 - Pages: 3.... at Solhaug (written in 1855, published in 1856), and Olaf Liljekrans (written in 1856). All these plays were inspired by folk songs, folklore or history, all of which are leitmotifs that run through Ibsen’s works. Ibsen became creative director of The Norwegian Theater in Christiania in 1858. The next year, he wrote the historical play The Vikings at Helgeland. The Pretenders was written in 1863. Beside Bjornstjerne Bjornson’s Sigurd Slembe, The Pretenders is considered the main work of historical fiction produced during this era. married Suzannah Thoresen (1836-1914) in 1858. Soon after, he wrote the poem "On the Heights"(1859) .....
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Nelson Mandela
Words: 251 - Pages: 1.... Mandela gave a speech Sestember 21, 1953. The quotation was adapted
from an article by Jawaharlal Nehru:
There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to
pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach
the mountainouss of our desires.
Growing Up
Nelson had a tribal name Rolihlahla. Rolihlahla means one who brings
trouble on his self.
He grew up in Transku territy of South Africa. Qunu, the valleyhe grew p
in, is surrounded by hills that are covered with grass. Nelson was the youngest
out of four kids. He had three sisters and none brothers. He looked after .....
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Mark Twain
Words: 743 - Pages: 3.... worked as a printer in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati, corresponding with his brother's newspapers under various false names. After a visit to New Orleans in 1857, he learned the difficult art of steamboat piloting, an occupation that he followed until the Civil War closed the river, and that furnished the background for "Old Times on the Mississippi" (1875), later included in the expanded Life on the Mississippi (1883).
In 1861, Twain traveled by stagecoach to Carson City, Nev., with his brother Orion, who had been appointed territorial secretary. After unsuccessful attempts at silver and gold mining, he return .....
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Andrew Carnegie
Words: 1149 - Pages: 5.... there to provide help. Allegheny City provided Carnegie’s first job, as a bobbin boy in a cotton factory, working for $1.20 a week. His father also worked there while his mother bound shoes at home, making a miniscule amount of money. Although the Carnegies lacked in money, they abounded in ideals and training for their children. At age 15, Carnegie became a telegraph messenger boy in Pittsburgh. He learned to send and decipher telegraphic messages and became a telegraph operator at the age of 17. Carnegie’s next job was as a railroad clerk, working for the Pennsylvania Railroad. He worked his way up the ladder, through his dedication a .....
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Franz Joseph Haydn
Words: 2391 - Pages: 9.... was a man who loved to sing and when Haydn was a boy, he memorized almost every song his father sang. This was his beginning in music. Later on, he received an education from his uncle where he gained more of an interest in music. Participation in a choir gave him the opportunity to go to Vienna and there, he studied the piano sonatas of Emanuel Bach and was given the chance to finally get a chance to compose; something he had always wanted to do. This is when the first string quartet was developed. Later on, he was employed by the Esterhazy family and was given the chance to conduct an orchestra and write symphonies. It was at th .....
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Karl Marx 4
Words: 1897 - Pages: 7.... force of communist ideology. Communism addressed itself to the world as the true heir of the libertarian, equalitarian democratic tradition. It accepted the democratic ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Its trouble with democracy was not that democracy was too faithful to its ideas, but that it betrayed them.
The most significant influence in the development of revolutionary communism was Karl Marx. Marx attended the University of Berlin and studied jurisprudence, philosophy, and history. While at the University, Marx became involved in political activities and joined the staff of the Rheinische Zeitung, a democratic newspape .....
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Words: 2581 - Pages: 10.... was born. He was born to DR Clarence Edmonds and Grace Hall . He grew up in a small conservative town called Oak Park, Illinois. His father, a practicing doctor, taught him how to hunt and fish, while his mother, wished to make him a professional musician. His upbringing was very conservative and somewhat religious. He attended Oak Park and River Forest High School, where he distinguished himself in English. His main activities where swimming, boxing, and of course writing. In 1917, turning his back on University, he decided to move to booming Kansas City where he got a job as a cub reporter on the Kansas City Star. At the train station, his .....
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