Papers on People and Biographies
Nikita Khrushcev
Words: 1589 - Pages: 6.... (Modern Enc.. and Kort)
To prevent Malenkov from gaining to much power, he was stripped of his duties as First Secretary. These duties in turn were handed to Nikita Khrushchev, a longtime party boss of the Ukraine and the first secretary of the party’s Moscow organization, who was not seen as a serious candidate for supreme power. (Kort) Khrushchev had two advantages over his associates, the right to appoint his trusted followers to key positions and the right to demote those he distrusted. To succeed Khrushchev had to remove his two principal rivals. He removed Beria quickly with the help of other colleagues who feared Beria. On .....
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Biography Of Katharine Hepburn
Words: 753 - Pages: 3.... She was praised by critics for her performance.
She earned a one hundred twenty-five dollar a week salary for These Days.
In the 1930's, that was a very high salary for begining actresses.
Katharine served as Hope Williams's understudy in Holiday. She sat
through every performance for six months. One day at understudy rehearsal,
Aurhtur Hopkins, the director, watched her act. “Fine,” he said, “Just
don't ever be sorry for yourself.”
One night at midnight, Jimmy Hagen, the writer of the play, asked
her if she still knew her part. Hope was sick and they needed her to
perform. She spent all day the next day memorizing her l .....
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Napoleon 5
Words: 1995 - Pages: 8.... Soon after he joined Abbe Sieyes in a successful coup d’ etat to overthrow the Directory. In overthrowing the Directory, Napoleon issued the Constitution of the Year VIII. The new constitution was established universal male suffrage that suggested democratic principles, a complicated system of checks and balances that appealed to republican theory, and a Council of State the evoked memories of Louis XIV. The new constitution in fact established the rule of one man—the First Consul, Bonaparte. He was elected the First Consul, he was the first modern political figure to use the rhetoric of revolution and nationalism, to back .....
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William James: The Later Years
Words: 1193 - Pages: 5.... effort to seize and isolate individual elements of a thought process by means of Wundtian introspection would fail. But he felt that a naturalistic kind of introspection, to observe our own thoughts and feelings as they actually seem to us, could tell us alot about our mental life. This was for him, the most important of the investigative methods. Introspection required both concentration and practice, because inner states follow each other rapidly and often are blended and difficult to distinguish from one another. Just as with practice one can notice, observe, name, and classify objects outside oneself, one can do so with inner events. I .....
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J. Edgar Hoover
Words: 1114 - Pages: 5.... of jobs before he became a writer. He served in the United States Air Force for a few years. He spent one of those in Korea during the war as an editor for an Air Force newspaper.
He has had numerous other works published. His most famous is Helter Skelter. Most of his other works have gone without much notice. The hardcover sleeve of the book states that he is coproducing a movie based on this book. That is really all I could find on the man. I do not believe the man had any relation to the subject at all before he wrote the book, however, he did do a lot of research to enhance the book with numerous facts.
The book’s organization .....
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Locke Vs. Locke
Words: 1173 - Pages: 5.... to the aspects of the human condition, as well as determine who holds the most feasible or fair account of property.
To begin, Locke believes that property is not a "thing", rather, it is a relationship between an individual and an item. Property is a natural condition in John Locke’s state of nature, meaning it was present since the beginning. "Thus labor, in the beginning, gave a right of property, wherever anyone was pleased to employ it upon what was common, which remained a long while the far greater part, and is yet more than mankind makes use of." (Locke, 27). In order for property rights to exist, they must be recog .....
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Words: 931 - Pages: 4.... of '49" (reissued in 1997) as well as political jewels like "The Best and the Brightest" (1973, and a 20th-anniversary edition in 1993).
Now he's paying tribute to some of the top sports reporting ever put on paper.
His most recent project was to serve as guest editor of "The Best American Sports Writing of the Century" (Houghton Mifflin), part of an annual series edited by Glenn Stout. This latest installment, published in May, covers the century, an encompassing look at the development of sports writing that parallels the burgeoning popularity of sport in a large part of American consciousness.
'He was such a magical figure' .....
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Steven Spielberg
Words: 716 - Pages: 3.... Studios directing contract at the age of twenty.
Spielberg learned his craft doing television work, which included an
episode of the Rod Serling series Night Gallery and the classic cult movie Duel.
His first feature, The Sugarland Express, was released in 1974, and he was soon
offered the chance to direct a thriller about a great white shark terrorizing a
small New England beach town. Jaws cost $8.5 million and grossed $260 million.
Spielberg followed it up two years later with Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
earning a Best Director Oscar nomination and proved to the world that he was one
of the best directors of the .....
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
Words: 1521 - Pages: 6.... preachers. At the age of eighteen he entered Morehouse College, in Atlanta. Under a special program for gifted students he received his B.A. in 1948. As an undergraduate his earlier interest in medicine and law were eliminated by a decision in his senior year to enter the ministry, as his father had urged. King spent the next three years at Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pa. And he received a bachelor of divinity in 1951. King first became aquatinted with Mohandas Gandhi's philosophy of nonviolence as well as with the thought of contemporary Protestant theologians. He found himself increasingly dissatisfied with society. .....
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Arthur Kornberg
Words: 2524 - Pages: 10.... his family in New York City and was thrust into the sweatshops as a sewing machine operator. He, along with his brother Martin, 13 years older and sister Ella, nine years older, was encouraged by loving parents to obtain a good education. The public school reinforced this ideal. Education was the road of opportunity for social and economic mobility out of the sweatshops.
His early education in grade school and Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn was distinguished only by his "skipping " several grades. There was nothing inspirational about his courses except the teachers’ encouragement to get good grades. When he received a .....
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