Papers on People and Biographies
Mother Teresa
Words: 794 - Pages: 3.... another convent in northeast India. On May 24, 1931, she took the name of "Teresa" in honor of St. Teresa of Avila.
At first, was assigned to teach a small Geography class at St. Mary’s High School in Calcutta. noticed all the beggars, lepers, and homeless people on the streets of Calcutta. There lives were horrible, living on other peoples scraps and letting babies that they couldn’t support die in trash bins. She decided to ask the archbishop if she could stop her teaching and dedicate her life to helping the "less fortunate." When received a written consent that it was okay, she began her work.
In 1948 Pope Pius XII gave permis .....
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Muhammad Ali
Words: 1313 - Pages: 5.... 12, when Joe
Martin, a police officer and a boxing instructor, encouraged Ali to start with
boxing. Ali showed great skills at an early stage of his boxing career. At the
age of 16, Ali had won two Golden Glove Titles, two National AAU Titles, he was
by now nationally recognized. When the 1960 Rome Olympic Game was about to take
off, Ali was provided with an opportunity to represent his country. At this
point he had fought 103 amateur matches, and had only lost five. Ali went with
the Olympic team to Rome, and he did not only participate, he also won the
precious Olympic gold medal. Ali returned home from Italy, and he felt that he
had made .....
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Steve Jobs
Words: 971 - Pages: 4.... boxes”.
In 1972 Steve graduated from high school and registered at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. After dropping out of Reed after one semester he hung around the campus for a year taking classes in philosophy and immersing himself in the counter culture.
In 1974, took a job as a video game designer at Atari, Inc., a pioneer in electronic arcade recreation. After a few months he saved enough money to go to India where he traveled in search of spiritual enlightenment with Dan Kottke, a friend from Reed College.
In the autumn of 1974, Jobs returned to California and started attending meetings of “Woz’s” “Homebrew Computer .....
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Biography Of Aaron Montgomery Ward
Words: 808 - Pages: 3.... manager and remained at this store for three years
before accepting a better job in a competing store, where he worked another
two years. In this period, Aaron Montgomery Ward learned the mechanics and
customs of retailing.
Aaron the moved to Chicago, which was the center of the wholesale
dry goods trade. The Chicago City Directories for 1868 through 1870 listed
him as a salesman for Wills, Greg & Co. and later for Stetthauers & Wineman,
both dry goods houses.
Aaron Montgomery Ward felt that a way of doing business must be
found that would bring relief from the traditional systems. The plan that
shaped in Aaron's mind was to buy .....
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My Opinion On Director Hoovers Essay
Words: 373 - Pages: 2.... of rehabilitating certain criminals whose acts will, and if not caught , would impact numerous innocent persons lives and their families. How do you rehabilitate the sociopath who has no sense of guilt and kills simply for the pleasure of killing?
Granted it is said that advocates of capital punishment should actually witness an execution to see how it is carried out and the trauma a person faces when they know that they are being led to their death. Yes these criminals were young once, innocent and vivacious, full of life with parents, friends and a long gone innocence. But for some reason they became a killer and killers must be dealt with .....
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Satyagraha, A Weapon Of Non-vi
Words: 3590 - Pages: 14.... to continuous imprisonment and instances of harsh beatings. They exhibited a vow of fearlessness. They strived to eliminate discrimination and inequity in South Africa and India and they welcomed personal suffering to do so. Civil disobedience, however, would not be effective without the moral power of, and commitment to, Satyagraha.
Gandhi's concept of Satyagraha was a way of living during a time of oppression, exploitation, and discrimination. It was a tactic used to appeal to people morally, rather than intimidate them violently. It literally means, "clinging to truth" (Gandhi, 1951) and in this case, "Truth symbolizes God and .....
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Thomas Paine
Words: 950 - Pages: 4.... a heavy drinker had stopped
drinking for a while, too.
The Battle at Lexington and Concorde soon came about and nobody was
too happy about it. The next day after they heard this news, a huge mob
assembled outside of the state house. Thomas Paine was one of the speakers
trying to calm down all of the eight-thousand people that were in front of
the building.
Paine soon went to a ball to represent the Pennsylvania Magazine in
which he represented. He had a lot of answers to questions people kept
asking him. Paine was finally fired when he argued with Aitkin because he
wanted to put an article in the paper. It was called Refle .....
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Edgar Degas - Not The Typical Impressionist
Words: 542 - Pages: 2.... was very insistent that Impressionist artists should have an
exhibition to show off their art work. He founded the Societe Anonyme des
Artistes. They held exhibitions and published a journal. He was the main
founder of these exhibitions that were later known as Salons. At these
Salons, artists such as Monet, Morisot, Renoir, Manet, and Degas himself
would display their best works of art for criticism. At the Salons Degas's
work, like everyone else's wasn't looked upon highly. Most people didn't
realize how great these artists were until after they died.
Degas went through many styles of art before finally settling on
Realism. He went .....
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David Hume 2
Words: 1039 - Pages: 4.... over the validity of everything because the "truth" is only how different people comprehend the things they perceive through their senses. Therefore using any type of scientific method was useless in proving certainty of human nature because there would always be enough evidence to prove the opposing view as being the truth. However the truth can be proved when referring to the relations of ideas. When dealing with things like (2+2=4), there is no openness to interpretation and no exceptions. 2+2 must always = 4 because it is based on scientific factual information and there is clearly no argument against it.
Hume boldly states th .....
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Words: 1058 - Pages: 4.... take order. took with him about 600 men, less than 20 horses, and 10 field pieces. sailed along the east coast of Yucatan and in March 1519 landed in Mexico. neutralized the town of Tabasco. The artillery, the ships, and especially the horses awed the natives. From these people of Tabasco learned about the Aztecs and their ruler Montezuma II.
took lots of captives one of which they baptized and renamed Marina. She became his lover and out of loyalty to him became his interpreter, Translator, Guide, and Counselor. Finding a better harbor a little North of San Juan they established a town called La Villa Rica De La Vera Cruz, which lite .....
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