Papers on People and Biographies
Alfred Hitchcock: 50 Years Of Movie Magic
Words: 2466 - Pages: 9.... of directing, and that of the movies that
he has directed are very unique, making him stand out in the film industry.
He pioneered the art of cinematography and special effects, which along
with his cameos, are what he is most often associated with. Hitchcock led
a long and prosperous life in the movie industry, starting as a teenager
and making movies up until his death in 1980, while working on the 54th of
his career (Sterrit 3).
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born on August 13, 1889 in London,
England. As a child his parents were very strict with him and they imposed
severe and unusual punishments upon him, as what they considered to .....
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Adolf Hitlers Life And Times
Words: 2852 - Pages: 11.... very bright (one cannot become stupider). He eventually went on to join the army and become a semi-successful soldier (on the account that he was merely wounded and not killed).CHILDHOOD
The Hitler family consisted of the mother, Klara, the father, Alois, and two children, Alois and Angela. Klara gave birth to a baby boy named Adolf on April 20, 1889 at the Pommer Inn. The Hitlers soon moved to Braunau. His godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Prinz and Maria Matzelbeger. As a child little Adolf was babied and his mother protected him from his father, Alois Hitler. Alois was quite a tyrant, but he usually ignored Adolf. In 1892 Adolf's fath .....
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Kobe Bryant
Words: 694 - Pages: 3.... his family back to the United States. Kobe's game picked up while attending Lower Merion High school.
Kobe jumped directly from high school to the pros in 1996 and had an impressive rookie season with the Los Angeles Lakers. He won the Nestle Crunch Slam Dunk and was the lead scorer in the Schick Rookie Game during the NBA All-Star Weekend. Then, in his second season, he was voted a starter for the 1998 All-Star Game, becoming at 19 the youngest All-Star in NBA history.
He was the all time leading scorer in southeastern pennsylvania history with 2,883 breaking the marks of former Hall of Famer Wilt Chamberlan and of Carlin Warly. A .....
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Bruce Lee
Words: 664 - Pages: 3.... were members of the Chinese crime syndicate, the Triads, would sometimes challenge Bruce to a real fight. For the most part Bruce would ignore it” (30). Bruce’s discipline can also be seen in the amount that he practiced his martial arts. He would practice everyday for hours, and even as a young child he was always practicing. “Bruce
Lee’s devotion to kung fu was total. At home, during dinner, he pounded away on a stool with alternate hands to toughen them” (8). Although is a good role model due to his discipline, it is not the only reason.
The second characteristic that made a good role model was his .....
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Theodore Roosevelt
Words: 1669 - Pages: 7.... in the spirit of America, who succeeded immensely in every position of authority that he ever held. During his presidency Roosevelt contributed more to the modernization of America than any president before or since him. Roosevelt was an adventurous man with a captivating personality that embodied the essence of Americans at the turn of the century as well as those of today. led the way for America’s path to greatness and showed us what it means to live life to its fullest.
was born into a wealthy New York home while the nation was at the brink of civil war. His father was a Northern advocate during the civil war while his mother .....
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Madame Liang
Words: 778 - Pages: 3.... is almost a famous as Pablo Picaso.
" 'You are an artist?' he asked. (He is Hsuan Teng)
'How did you Know?' she replied. (She is Joy)
'Paint under your nails,' he said."
She makes a profession out of painting, and Joy uses many Chinese colors in all of her paintings. perhaps one of the most artistic women in this novel. has art because she has style. has style in many ways. Just to name a two, managing an elaborate restaurant, and she wears only the best. "She turned restlessly in the huge bed. The down quilts were light, the sheets were of white silk, but she was sleepless. Moonlight shone against the windows for behind the curtains .....
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George W. Bush
Words: 2537 - Pages: 10.... of Texas, has recently announced his bid for the Republican nomination on the 2000 ballot. However, even if he makes it past the primaries it will take more than a “brand name” to win this election. According to the June 21, 1999 issue of Newsweek 65% of voters they polled still knew nothing or little of .
When looking at a possible future President of the United Sates of America it is not uncommon to start with their past and work forward to see their progress and failures. attended a preparatory school at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. Like many young men he was interested in sports and he selected to th .....
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Mother Teresa
Words: 4106 - Pages: 15.... education, which was uncommon in that time period. Nikola also was involved in an underground organization that worked to gain independence for the Albanians from the Ottoman Turks, who ruled Macedonia around the time Agnes was born. Agnes grew up around much fighting. When she was born, there were Albanian protests against the Turkish government. When she was two, she witnessed the First Balkan War. In that war, the Ottomans were defeated, but Macedonia was divided among the conquerors: Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegero, and Serbia. The city of Skopje was distributed to Serbia. Albania received its independence in 1912, but Nikola continued hi .....
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King Henry VIII
Words: 696 - Pages: 3.... children who survived infancy was a sickly
girl, the Princess Mary, and it was doubtful whether a woman could succeed
to the English throne. Then too, Henry had fallen in love with a lady of
the court, Anne Boleyn.
When the pope (Clement VII) would not annul his marriage, Henry turned
against Wolsey, deprived him of his office of chancellor, and had him
arrested on a charge of treason. He then obtained a divorce through Thomas
Cranmer, whom he had made archbishop of Canterbury, and it was soon
announced that he had married Anne Boleyn.
The pope was thus defied. All ties that bound the English church to
Rome were broken. Appeals t .....
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Auguste Rodin
Words: 879 - Pages: 4.... his works. Rodin's youth was spent drawing and sculpting at an early age. He spent much of his time at the Louver where he met Antoine Louis Barye. After his three refusals of admission to the Ecole des Beaux-Arts the eighteen-year-old Rodin worked as a craftsman and jewelry maker as well as at other odd jobs. His beloved sister died in 1862, which shook Rodin greatly, and he entered the Fathers of the Saint-Sacrament. It was there that he created his second sculpture, a bust of father Piere-Julien Eynard, his first bust being that of his own father. After two years Rodin realized that religion was not his vocation and left to c .....
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