Papers on Politics and Government
The First Amendment
Words: 2614 - Pages: 10.... the Government for a redress of grievances." Since
the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been
of the utmost importance to Americans.
In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to
enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the
American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom
when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need
for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear.
I think Langston Hughes captures the essence of the American
immigrants' quest for freedom in his poem, "Freedom's Plow." He ac .....
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Women As Leaders
Words: 2172 - Pages: 8.... in the mid-1970's, women began going to business school and earning their Master's of Business Administration and, as a result, building on that education and gaining work experience (Nelton, 1999). The days of the one income family are over. Females need to be armed with a university or college degree to be a contributor to this century's model of the family unit and in this time of "education inflation", the demand for higher education is growing at a staggering rate. In the corporate sector, the generation of women who entered the corporate world two to three decades ago have blazed the trail now followed by ever-growing numbers of .....
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Teen Alcoholism
Words: 977 - Pages: 4.... the nights away. Time is not the only commodity that kids are wasting on alcohol. Research shows that college students spend 5.5 billion dollars a year on beer and alcohol. That is over four billion cans a year and 430 million gallons annually. All that alcohol is enough for every college and university in the U.S. to feel an Olympic size swimming pool. Alcohol is an infinitely confusing substance. In small amounts it is an exhilarating stimulant. In larger amounts it acts as a sedative and as a toxic, or poisonous, agent. When taken in very large amounts over long periods of time, this combination chemical and drug can be damaging to cells .....
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Communism East Europe
Words: 6030 - Pages: 22.... is based on the ideas and teachings of Karl Marx as modified by
Lenin. At its most basic, the ideal of communism is a system in which
everyone is seen as equal and wealth is distributed equally among the
people. There is no private ownership. The state owns and controls all
enterprises and property. The state is run by one leading elite. The
Soviet model of communism was based on these ideals. All opposition
parties were banned although parties who were sympathetic to communism
and who shared the communist ideals were allowed. All power was
concentrated into the hands of the Communist party. Free press and civil
liberties were suppresse .....
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Abortion Is Bad
Words: 739 - Pages: 3.... are performed on women over 20 years of age, but the lawmakers try to concentrate on the 186,000 teens that have an abortion each year. In 1990, there were nearly 400 abortion bills were introduced to 41 legislatures. So far, as many as 20 states have passed laws that requires a teenager to have a parents consent before having an abortion. This may help reduce the number of abortions each year, the people that passed these bills feel that maybe the parents will feel differently about the situation and be able to talk their child out of it. 20% of teens that are sexually active do not use any form of birth control, these are the teens that .....
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The United States As A World Power: How Much Longer Will The US Be The Policeman Of The World ?
Words: 3356 - Pages: 13.... of earlier battles, or
should the stationed troops pack up and home for good.
Americans have always been overseas, protecting or overseeing the peace
of another country. During the Monroe administration many US Policies were
established, some of which are still in effect today. The Monroe Doctrine,
passed into law by Congress under Monroe, has forced the United States to get
into so many conflicts with neighboring Latin American countries. Sometimes even
European countries declared war on America because of this doctrine.
The Monroe Doctrine was delivered by James Monroe to the United States
Congress in 1823. Since that time, this docu .....
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Gun Control Is Needed
Words: 1377 - Pages: 6.... they say "The NRA, . . . believes that every law-abiding citizen is
entitled to the ownership and legal use of firearms, . . . " The NRA does many
things to help display their beliefs and persuade others to their beliefs. This
association also has a strong pull on legislation, because it has many
lobbyists and supporters in government. This group has many members in Congress,
and former presidents George Bush and Ronald Reagan are NRA members. The NRA
lobbies for several types of legislation. For example, the NRA is currently
trying to repeal the ban on assault weapons. A lot of money is spent each year
on legislation (See Appe .....
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Words: 738 - Pages: 3.... the press like a harp”. ( did not create the communist problem, but he exploited it shamelessly for political ends, accusing the Democrats in general with baseless, sweeping, shotgun allegations.
Senator Joseph McCarthy came into conflict with the State Department, President Eisenhower, and the Army in the 1950’s. This conflict was not for any high moral standards but it was because they not like him interfering with their authority. The conflict between McCarthy and the Army began because McCarthy tried to arrange preferential treatment for one of his friends. The Army kept a re .....
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Hand Guns Must Go
Words: 759 - Pages: 3.... First, handguns are deadly devices that can easily cause thousands of accidental deaths a year. To be exact “Guns annually accidentally kill three thousand Americans a year” (Desuka 422). Some of these guns that accidentally kill are in a home because they are collected as a hobby. Collecting guns is a dangerous hobby that can have a disastrous outcome. For the same reasons the government does not allow a person to collect nuclear bombs they should not let people collect handguns. Just because a nuclear bomb would kill thousands of people if accidentally set off, and a gun usually only kills one does not mean the government should allo .....
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Interracial Relationships
Words: 1591 - Pages: 6.... shows that integration on campuses occur on a regular basis. The racial lines are crossed routinely; about 50% of African Americans and 15% of whites reportedly study together and a percentage close to that also eat together. Socially, there has been a steady focus of opinion on a variety of racial issues. Since 1972, surveys have asked whether the respondent would favor a law making inter-racial marriages illegal. "Since 1901, there has been a ban on these interracial marriages in Alabama" (Afgen). In 1980 the results showed that 30% of whites and 18.3% of African Americans favor such a law. By 1994, data showed 14.7% and 3.2% respe .....
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