Papers on Politics and Government
The Political Issue Of Airbag Safety
Words: 424 - Pages: 2.... means raising the prices of economy cars by
that amount, considering that the prices of economy cars without the airbag
is only seven to nine thousand dollars. The airbags regulation has
certainly hurt the sales of cars especially economy cars.
This is certainly a political issue because many people debating it,
trying to change the law in their favor. The article mainly talked about
regulators setting new standards, requiring new and better airbags for all
cars. New and better technologies mean more tests that cost money from auto
manufacturer. Maybe the new technology or new airbags it self cost more
money to make. As I learn fr .....
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Coffee Break
Words: 1556 - Pages: 6.... months people switch back to the hot coffee and the varying ways it can be concocted. I would never think that the coffee I was drinking had potency. A while ago I was reading one of those bathroom-reading books that had all the random facts and quotes. It said that if a person consumed 80 to 100 cups of coffee in a day you could go into convulsions and die. I have had bad days in which I have had like maybe 10 cups, but never have I got close to 80. I began to realize that what I was drinking all along was a drug. What a queer drug it is. Caffeine is related to other drugs such as tobacco, and marijuana, in that it grows readily in nature .....
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Capital Punishment - Injustice
Words: 1401 - Pages: 6.... of the death penalty will act to dissuade other criminals from committing violent acts. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief; however, “[a]ll the evidence taken together makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do.”(Cavanagh 4) Going ever farther, Bryan Stevenson, the executive director of the Montgomery based Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that “…people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our society becomes…We could execute all three t .....
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The First Amendment
Words: 883 - Pages: 4.... of media. We can only be so lucky to have our government to be so lenient with their statutes.
Many groups have stepped up to the fight to censor what can and cannot be heard, or even bought from the local music stores. One such group, the Parental Music Resource Council, once headed by the Second Lady of the U.S., Tipper Gore, singled out and attacked select music groups, deeming that the music being recorded was unfit for the public to hear. One of the groups many attackies was long time musician, Ozzy Osbourne. Ozzy went through many different attacks for his song, ‘Suicide Solution’, saying that he was in fact, promoting suic .....
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Nuclear Power For All
Words: 1823 - Pages: 7.... happen in the future” (Waller). This effort of the Chinese now seems more like an attempt at intimidation than one of simply becoming equal to the other nuclear super powers.
The idea behind China’s recent frenzy to get all the weapons and technology available is for them to be able to elevate themselves to the level of a major world power. As stated by Mao Zedong, “The atomic bomb is not so big, but if you do not have it, you are not counted. OK, let’s make some such bombs”(Huaqui). China’s nuclear testing site is considered to be the world’s largest at over 100,00 square kilometers, capable of handling underground, at .....
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Pro-Death Penalty
Words: 997 - Pages: 4.... into practice more often.
In recent years, crime in America has been on the rise, in particular, violent crime. This has led not only to an overcrowding of prisons in our country, but also to an increase in the number of death sentences handed down by the courts. Despite the fact that the number of inmates on death row is climbing, the number of death sentences actually carried out in any given year lags far behind. People simply aren’t fearful of the death penalty when it isn’t used the way it should be (Stewart 50).
If the death penalty has been declared legal, then the federal and state governments must employ it to its fullest as .....
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Same-Sex Marriage
Words: 941 - Pages: 4.... in 1996, and an article from the Partners Task Force for Gay
and Lesbian Couples. One article that is strongly opposed to same sex marriage is an
article written by Dr. Paul Cameron titled “Same Sex Marriage: Till Death Do Us Part?”
In a speech read to the United States House of Representatives on February 20,
1996, Iowa Representative Ed Fallon discussed why he is in support of the legalization of
same sex marriage. He began his speech, by stating of this debate and how their vote
would affect the public’s point of view. He used the example of “red-baiting,” from the
1950’s, which today has become “pink-baiting.” He felt th .....
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Home School Or School House
Words: 1291 - Pages: 5.... education.
In the past, parents mainly chose to educate their children at home because of religious preference. These parents viewed the public school system as a source of negative influence on children. Violence, sex, drugs, and peer pressure were influences these parents sought to avoid. However, today parents have other reasons for home school education, which primarily all point to a lackluster public school system. Other reasons include a desire to build a strong family closeness, safety, and a handful of parents chose home school for their children because of special needs such as disabilities or special talents. However, no matt .....
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Loophole Or A Conspiracy?
Words: 425 - Pages: 2.... ask, because majority of the computers in the world utilizes one or more of Microsoft's products and they have no choice but to use the other Microsoft's products because if everyone is using it and you will be out of the loop. The New York Times article reported that the software security breaches has been verified. This means that if one hacker has the knowledge of hacking through this loophole, then we are in great danger because everything you can imagine is stored in the computers and large databases. This article just proves my point on Microsoft's power to influence and danger our personal everyday lives. Did you know that there is .....
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Shermans March
Words: 2573 - Pages: 10.... of how both sides felt about the march. To people of the North it was a triumphal procession in which right prevailed and an evil rebellion and its institution were destroyed. To the South, it was the ultimate cruelty-a cowardly war against innocent civilians, an act so despicable that it took Georgia one hundred years to recover economically. A scar still remains on the southern psyche. (Miles, Intro) When I look carefully at this quote, I can see the strong emotions each side had toward the march. The North saw it as a great triumph; while the South saw the march as if the devil himself had come down and burned their homes and crops. W .....
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