Papers on Politics and Government
Agent Orange
Words: 684 - Pages: 3.... with the highest levels of dioxin in their bloodstream. Dioxin is the compound in linked to health effects in laboratory animals. The result is based on 1997 physical examinations of 1,000 Air Force veterans who were exposed to during the nine years that it was used as a defoliant and crop killer in Vietnam. Joel Michalek, the lead investigator in the study, told a Pentagon news conference that because studies have not yet explained a biological relation between dioxin and diabetes, the Air Force cannot say conclusively that wartime exposure to is a cause of diabetes. Still, he said, the latest results provide “the strongest evide .....
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Peer Presure
Words: 576 - Pages: 3.... For example, as a child my parents would always warn me about a kid I hung out with who lived in my neighborhood. They warned me a million times about him. But one day, my parents warnings were valid The kid was arrested for grand theft auto and sentenced to 6 months in a juvenile detention center. So, the peer pressure we recieve from our parents can be very important as we’re growing up. Friends are another source of peer pressure one encounters growing up. I believe from past experiences, friends have the strongest influence on us. The effects from our friends can sometimes be really good or really bad. Choosing the friends you hang ou .....
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Government: Canada And China
Words: 703 - Pages: 3.... The House of Commons is composed of 295 members who are popularly elected to serve for five-year terms. The Parliament elects the executive, the Prime Minister. Canada has a Federal system and is divided into ten provinces that have powers the way our states do. China's government is a dictatorship it is led by the communist party. A premier who is now Li Peng leads the country. The Executive powers rest in the State Council, which is headed by the premier, Li Peng. The National People's Congress is the most powerful part of China's government. Its members are indirectly elected to serve five-year terms. One representative is elected .....
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Animal Cruelty Leads To Human
Words: 1540 - Pages: 6.... much worse, though. These people aren’t just forgetting
to feed their pets, or give them attention, they’re kicking and beating them, poisoning and
butchering these poor creatures, and what makes me sick to my stomach, is that some of
these people do it for fun!! I recently ran across a link to a web page that contained a
online petition to put a cat’s killers to justice with maximum sentence. This is the article I
found on this brutal torture of an innocent creature.
***WARNING*** (graphic details)
“On October 10, 1999, a beautiful female cat came willingly to the four boys who
stopped on the side of the road and called to her. H .....
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Saving The Animals?
Words: 977 - Pages: 4.... to move the cause of pro-life forward. The end result was not what he had wanted; the medical community was outraged and the people who believed in the right to choose strengthened their resolve. This quote by Dr. Henry Morgentaler, the country’s best-known pro-abortion crusader, illustrates this point very accurately. "This is a sign of the moral bankruptcy of the so-called pro-life movement. It bespeaks their frustration and rage at the fact that they have not been able to convince the public of the rightness of their cause," (Cnn 2) The frustration that Dr. Morgentaler mentions is even further enhanced when the pro-lifers see that the .....
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The Transition Of Power From President To President
Words: 4034 - Pages: 15.... in Kansas City. He was then elected as a judge in the Jackson
County Court in 1922 then becoming a senator in 1934. Slightly later he
headed an investigation committee in the Senate war checking waste and
corruption saving large amounts of money even 15 million dollars. Truman
was elected vice president to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the
hardships in Soviet Russia.
Truman was inaugurated on April 12, 1945 taking on the largest
burden of his life and he quoted to one reporter, “I felt like the moon,
the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me.” Among these weights was
the building pressure of Japan's attack on Pear .....
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Legalization Of Marijuana
Words: 1196 - Pages: 5.... blindness due to an increase of pressure in the eyeball, can be dealt with by using marijuana because it decreases the pressure in the eyeball (Cowley 23). All of these diseases are terribly painful for the patient, and none of them have a perfect cure, but marijuana does help the patient deal with the disease. There are drugs with marijuana’s active ingredient, THC, which can be used in place of marijuana, but most of them are problematic. Marinol can be used by cancer patients and AIDS patients. Marinol can cause intoxication; it is only available in a pill form which is hard to swallow while vomiting and it is difficult to take the corr .....
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Words: 1048 - Pages: 4.... only a human act but also allows the person, who is "living to die," to maintain their dignity; this way, they will let them die in peace, rather than suffer to the end. Because if not, they think of themselves as a disgrace, to those they love. According to recent researches and surveys, many Canadians would agree to this, but my question is, have they taken a close look at the ethical debate? Those who are against active would say not, and would argue that by participating in the practice of active , they are "playing God," or perhaps, that they are not acting out of mercy, therefore, the act is nothing less than cold-blooded murder. Mur .....
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China's One Birth Murder Policy
Words: 694 - Pages: 3.... by the same token it has also caused severe internal problems. One of the most deplorable results is the active murder and abortions of female babies and fetuses. There are now nearly 30 million missing females in China.
The family planning program has changed the status of women. Males are most often wanted more than females, for males can do the work in the fields. If there is a chance a baby might be a female, it will either be killed or the parents may hide the child from the authorities. Even so, the females that are kept are usually not treated well. In times of famine, a male will be fed over a female, and when seeking a job, .....
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Norwegian Security Policy After The Cold War
Words: 3144 - Pages: 12.... by means of one's own and allied military forces.
Cold War perceptions of military threat no longer exist. In Norway's particular
case, however, it is possible to talk about a remaining strategic threat, when
referring to Russian deployments in the far north. Such a threat is only a
potential one and is not imminent today. Yet it has to be acknowledged that wars
between nations and ethnic groups have hardly been abolished. As a result, it
has become more difficult to identify the risk of armed aggression directed
against Norway The risk would seem to reside in the escalation of a whole series
of completely different political development .....
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