Papers on Politics and Government
The Mass Media And Politics
Words: 1723 - Pages: 7.... the news media. No individual can obtain for himself the information
needed for the intelligent discharge of his political responsibilities."
Powell is saying that it is the media's responsibility to inform the
citizens of the news, because people cannot get this information by
themselves, and in order for the people to fulfill their responsibilities
as citizens, such as voting, they need to be informed. Lewis Powell goes
on to say,
"For most citizens, the prospect of personal familiarity with
newsworthy events is hopelessly unrealistic. In seeking out the
news, the press therefore acts as an agent of the pub .....
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Prison Alternative
Words: 1013 - Pages: 4.... legal, and police costs totaled $ 71,467 per inmate. That is about the same as the cost of sending a student to a four-year college. Due to overcrowding, more than ten billion dollars in construction is needed to create sufficient space for just the current prison population. "Building more prisons to address crime is like building more graveyards to address a fatal disease." (Robert Gangi, Executive Director, Correctional Association of New York) Ervin 2 Prisons take the nonviolent offender and make him live in the same conditions that a hardened killer would have. The very nature of prison, no matter how humane society attempts to make it .....
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Hacking Crime Or Craft
Words: 1387 - Pages: 6.... man. He could use his computer skills in a good way by stopping
other hackers. He didn't, so he faced the law many times. In all those times,
he never spent more than a year in prison (Shimomura 1). Kevin was also a
Phreak; a phone freak. He studied the phone system. He soon knew how to
make free phone calls from payphones and how to crash a system. Kevin
Mitnick has yet to be harshly punished for these crimes, which are very
numerous (Shimomura 1). Another major player in the hacking industry is an
unidentified man, identified by his pseudonym, or nick-name, Deth Vegetable.
His group of hackers, Cult of the Dead Co .....
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Apartheid In Modern South Africa
Words: 637 - Pages: 3.... a reality.
The political support of the antiapartheid movement was perhaps seen
greatest in 1991. Written in TIME Magazine by Greenwald, Former President F.W.
de Klerk in February of 1991 opened Parliament with a pledge to legalize the
militantly antiapartheid African National Congress and released A.N.C leader
Nelson Mandela from jail (56). De Klerk also showed his intentions to "bring a
swift end to legally sanctioned racial segregation" (56). "He called on
Parliament to repeal immediately the remaining pillars of discrimination that
dictate where blacks can work and live" (56). De Klerk also asked lawmakers to
discontinue the Group .....
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The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
Words: 1085 - Pages: 4.... the American Firearms
Association, who seek compromise regarding our rights (Lissabet, "Return" 2).
Some organizations that one would expect to participate in this debate are
noticeably quiet. One such group is the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
In "The ACLU on Gun Control", the national ACLU policy is neutrality (1).
All factions in this debate have some merit, some more than others. All use a
mixture of facts, figures, and emotions to express their views. I will be
presenting some of their history, their views, and how they make their cases.
The NRA is perhaps the most well known of the participants. They were formed
after the Ci .....
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Words: 1487 - Pages: 6.... several reasons: 1) The cognitive payoff, 2) The social payoff, 3) The economic payoff, 4) The psychological payoff. People cling to some attitudes like life preservers but they are persuaded to give up others. The more payoffs there off for maintaining an attitude, the more resistant it will be to change. The different casual connections between attitudes and behavior can be seen clearly in the case of prejudice. In some cases, the attitude (prejudice) leads to behavior (discrimination). Discrimination may be subtle, as when a person refuses to associate with targets of the prejudice. It may be accepted social practice, as when members of .....
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What Is The Federal Government's Single Greatest Responsibility To The Public?
Words: 381 - Pages: 2.... that these people do not struggle to earn a living.
Bills such as trade restrictions, etc are created so these people can earn
a living.
Another type of protection that the government must provide
abundantly is aid to the smaller governments, such as state or city offices.
I feel that this is most important in crime-ridden, overpopulated cities,
such as New York or Los Angeles. These are the great tourist attractions in
America, but they don't receive the recognition that they deserve from the
government. Without government funds, these cities don't have enough money
for upkeeping and allow their images to become tarnished. This will .....
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Industrial Revolution
Words: 828 - Pages: 4.... more reliability. At most jobs in factories required neither great strength no special skills any more. The owners thought women could do the work just as well as or better than men. In addition, they were more “docile” and “compliant”. Therefore, many women workers were hired during the progressivism era. Even though the wage was low, working hours were long and working condition was less than satisfactory, these women had no choice but to work, for they need to support their family. The tale of Rose Stokes is a good example. The factory owners were getting richer and richer, by cutting wages, and providing less compensation for .....
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What Is History?
Words: 1188 - Pages: 5.... Personal, Social, and political. A friend of mine unfortunately parted ways with a woman whom he devoted a long period of time to. Inquiring, as I often do, I ask for the details on their break up. I was given a response of, “Man, She’s history.” And my friend is exactly correct. This woman now lies within his personal history. Had this girl never came into my friends life, he could not claim her a part of his history; his past. We have defined history as, “a story,” and my friend can tell stories of him and his girl. (in fact lately that is all he talks about) The Vietnam war was a very important part in history. Actually, .....
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Drug Testing
Words: 946 - Pages: 4.... Consequently, Japanese technology was better and costs were lower. When a recession hit in 1980-1981, American firms had little capital to invest, and thus could not modernize their equipment. The industries that are going to survive in the future are those that have the most efficient computerized operations and that produce the cheapest, most reliable products. The Japanese have this edge and the American machine tool manufacturers are reluctant to change their ideologies of buying only American made products. John Garner and Tom Avery created precision Machine Tool. John Garner is the president of Precision Machine Tool, and is a finan .....
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