Papers on Politics and Government
Law Of Precedent
Words: 1360 - Pages: 5.... in order
to accommodate society's new values and laws. Furthermore, the introduction of
"social facts" in court cases has clouded over many existing precedents with
many new facts and ideas that render the basics of stare decisis much more
One of the more common drawbacks to the law of precedent is that over
time, a law may be found as no longer applicable, or on the other hand, a new
decision may be found in a trial which can also be undesirable. Keep in mind
that the courts are not supposed to create new policies to deal with new
problems, that is the role of the legislature. This drawback is prevalent in
two forms: Th .....
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Hate Crimes Should Not Be Puni
Words: 784 - Pages: 3.... crime took place. No matter why the victim is chosen, "he or she was still harmed, the family is still going to grieve, and someone must be punished" (Staff editorial 1). Whether a person is killed for money or drugs or out of hate or prejudice, the fact still remains that he or she has been killed. With hate crime laws, the hate is being looked at, more so than the crime itself. Even though hate is a terrible thing to have in your heart, all Americans have the right to hate whatever or who ever they want (Hudson 1). Besides, if officials start punishing hate or unholy thoughts, they might as well make a new category of crime- thought crime .....
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Governments In Star Wars V.S. Governments In The Home
Words: 960 - Pages: 4.... separate from one another and grew into what they are now through the
evolution theory where, over time banned together in order to provide an easier
means to access the necessities of life for the groups. At the time you see
them in the movie they seem to be using a tribal form of government where the
elders make up the governing body, but let every one else take part in the
policy making process. Besides using a tribal form of government they also
believe in divine right, or a god given someone the right to rule them as
demonstrated by the Ewoks immediate worship of C3-P0 upon sight. This can be
compared to any modern family a moving .....
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The Rise Of Democracy
Words: 1027 - Pages: 4.... BC, just barely under 500 years of control. During the rain of these forms of government law was a large issue and much later in 527 AD the Justinian Code came about, which was just a collection of the laws in ancient Rome. Back in these ancient times there were three very intelligent philosophers known as Pericles, Plato, and Aristotle. All of these men were teachers and gave some valid contributions to the idea of democracy.
After both the fall of democracy in Greece and in Rome, democracy was put on a long hold, and did not come back into power for many years. During this time Kings became very powerful under the idea of divine righ .....
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Heroin Legislation
Words: 778 - Pages: 3.... with no signs of any decline. All that prohibition succeeds in achieving is turning the drug trade into an illegal, dark and murky black market affair.
We must now ask the question, are we going to stand staunch in policies which have proved to be unsuccessful or are we going to take a brave leap into a more hopeful future?
There is great fear reverberating through the community; fear of stepping into a more open and frightening, yet decidedly more promising way of tackling the issue. Reform does not mean, as opposers argue, condoning the use of drugs. It means accepting that drugs are part, admittedly an unfortunate part, of our societ .....
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Education In America
Words: 927 - Pages: 4.... in the banking concept the knowledge is stored in the brains and cataloged away. An inefficient way to learn that holds us back from reaching our full potential.
We, the students, never question the validity of the information. We simply understand that the teacher is right and we take for granted what the teacher gives us. Who says that all information is actually valid, how do we know until we, the students, actually do it. If a student reads in a text that a certain plant when eaten tastes sweet and another tastes bitter the students are then supposed to take for granted that what the text says and what the teacher says are correct. S .....
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Checks And Balances In The Government
Words: 459 - Pages: 2.... must be constrained by laws.
Several times throughout history of the United States, the doctrines of both governmental functions have proved efficient. For example, on August 5, 1974 it was discovered that President Richard Nixon had ordered the FBI to stop the infamous investigation of Watergate. That is when the legislative and judicial branches would come into play because the crimes that were committed by Nixon were grounds for impeachment. As stated on the Constitution of the United States it is the duty of Congress to impeach and remove the president, if necessary. If President Nixon would not have resigned on August 9, 1974, im .....
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Korean Pollution
Words: 327 - Pages: 2.... the sea. Some of the main pollutants are as follows: Benzene, 1,2-butadiene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. There have been different goals set to lower the amount of these pollutants, however some aren’t expected to be decreased until 2008. In this time many lives may be lost prematurely. England, who is still believed to be the primary contributor of such toxins is planning to take action, but slowly, still maintaining that cleaning these pollutants is “unachievable, even if every engine on British roads was turned off.” We believe that this is more harmful than Britain realizes, and more action must be ta .....
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America: The Modern Day Athens
Words: 541 - Pages: 2.... developed a direct democracy. Those citizens that
were eligible could speak at forums and vote on issues. These people were known
as the Council of 500; they were chosen annually. To be elected they had to be
at least 25 years of age and a citizen. They directly had a voice. This is why
Athens is an example of a direct democracy. A point should be made here that
Athens, for all its noble ideas about men being able to govern themselves,
excluded most of the people that lived within its cities walls. Women, for
example had no say in government. They were subjected to running the homes,
raising children, and tending to the needs of the .....
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