Papers on Politics and Government
School Safety
Words: 936 - Pages: 4.... and to keep schools safe for children and for those who teach them. Youth violence in many schools has reached universal proportions. It is not only happening in our high schools, it has also made its way into our elementary and middle schools. Everyone seems to have a different perspective on why there is such a problem with . Some say it is the parents’ fault, some say it is the media, and others blame the schools. Yet, the question still remains. What can be done to make schools safer for the children and staff? One thing we need to do is learn to listen to our children and observe their behavior. According to Dr. Ronald D. Stephens, Ex .....
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How Can Drug Trafficking Be Co
Words: 1548 - Pages: 6.... cartel is a world-wide organization that makes and sells drugs to make a profit. The reason they are so powerful in Columbia, besides the fact that it brings so much money into the economy, is that the cartel "buys out" the government. The cartel pays out about one hundred million dollars a year to the government to keep the law enforcement on their side. Besides the law enforcement, the cartel has an army of their own so that makes them more powerful than if they didn't have an army. (
CIA agents estimate that drug trafficking from Mexico is on the incline. CIA agents believe that it is the low pay .....
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Banking And The Economy
Words: 1889 - Pages: 7.... becomes a very large problem. Banks are an extremely affluent business. Regardless of where you are in the world banks are right at the top of the list when it comes to capital, equity and earnings. Canada fits right in, in comparison to the rest of Canada. But when we compare Canada’s banks to those of other countries, or even better, international banks, they are simply insignificant.
For example, hypothetically speaking, if the entire world were opting whether or not to adopt a single currency, most deciding factors would be made by the banks of each individual country. Canada, although it is a major world leader in many other ca .....
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Our Living Shield: The First Amendment
Words: 807 - Pages: 3.... was drafted by federalist
Madison mainly as a political tactic to abolish anti-federalist resistance to
the Constitution. After its passage in December of 1791, the First Amendment
remained more idealistic than realistic. The First Amendment remained a set of
ideals which were not to be carried out during its first century, then
progressed to more realistic terms during its latter half of utilization.
During the first century of the First Amendment, the First Amendment was paid a
glance by all when it came to actually carrying out the freedoms guaranteed by
this amendment. For example, in 1794, Pennsylvanian backcountry farmers
protested .....
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The Black Panther Party
Words: 2087 - Pages: 8.... and on trial for two years, We were all acquitted of all charges and released. Most of us returned to the community and to the BPP but by then COINTELPRO had taken its toll. The BPP was rife with dissension, both internal and external. The internal strife, division, intrigue, and paranoia had become so ingrained that eventually most members drifted or were driven, away. Some continued the struggle on other fronts and some basically cooled out altogether. The BPP limped on for several more years, then died what seemed a natural death.
History will be the ultimate judge of the BPP's place in the Black Liberation Movement (BLM). But in the .....
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Bilingual Education
Words: 1163 - Pages: 5.... represents the best chance for non-English speaking children -- who, not so coincidentally, often come from lower-income groups – to enjoy the richness and opportunities of American life”, but he also writes, “… is a failure, a tactic that in the end will harm the chances of the generally poor, non-English speaking children ever having a equal share in the promise of American life.” By simply having everyone learn a second language eliminates the lines of income, and ethnic background. Truly would also eliminate the psychological effects it has on non-English speaking children. When they are in a classroom filled with people who .....
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Democracy History
Words: 969 - Pages: 4.... is that government policies are made in the interest of the people.
Authoritarian government is a political system in which the power is in the hands of a ruling elite. The rule of a few will produce a government that passes laws for the benefit of the few. Therefore, an advantage for democracy is that the supreme power is vested in the people and will satisfy the interest of the people. The rule of the many will create a government that legislates on behalf of the majority. In other words, those people who hold political power cannot use it for their own benefit. Another argument in favour of democracy emphasizes its ability to saf .....
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The History Of Affirmative Action
Words: 1468 - Pages: 6.... of Gerald R. Ford, he extended affirmative action to people with disabilities and Vietnam veterans but there were no goals or timetables for these two groups. This type of affirmative action required recruitment efforts, accessability, accommodation and reviews of physical and mental job qualifications.
President Jimmy Carter consolidated all federal agencies that were required by law to follow the affirmative action play into the Department of Labor. Before Carter did this, each agency handled affirmative action in its own individual way, some were not as consistant as other agencies were. He created the Office of Federal Contrac .....
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A Time To Step Down
Words: 593 - Pages: 3.... following charges including obstruction of justice, abuse of presidential power, and the refusal to obey house subpoenas. Did Richard Nixon resign because he knew that he lost the faith of the Republican Party and most important of all, American people? The American people felt that they were lied to, because of the President denying all charges brought against him.
Nixon did the right thing by stepping down and letting the country move on. Richard Nixon saved himself the embarrassment of impeachment hearings and the country more humiliation. Today, once again, a new scandal has broken out in the White House and that is the Monica L .....
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Constitutional Democracy
Words: 1883 - Pages: 7.... Those being interacting values, interrelated political processes and
interdependent political structures.
The first idea of interacting values is popular consent. Popular
consent means that government must obtain consent for its actions from the
people it governs. It is similar to majority rule, a political process, in that
the most popular acts or ideas of the people will be adopted by our government.
There must be an allowance or willingness on behalf of the unpopular group to
Popular consent may provide a means for judging parental consent laws
for minors seeking abortion. Since minors are not legally allowed to be
competent .....
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