Papers on Politics and Government
PRC Social Security Scheme
Words: 507 - Pages: 2.... cover Chinese local employees¡¦ wages. - Among the 20% contribution: a. start at 7% of employee salary in 1997, to be gradually reduced to 3%, for contribution into the Basic Pension Individual Account b. 13% to 17% goes to Basic Pension Pooling Account „h Employee Contribution - Start at 4% of employee salary in 1997, to be gradually increased to 8% - Contribution goes to Basic Pension Individual Account National Requirement ¡V Unemployment Insurance „h ¡§Unemployment Insurance Regulation ¡¨ issued by State Council on January 22, 1999. „h Mandatory participants - Requires mandatory participation by enterprises and employees; - .....
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The Rise And Fall Of American Communism
Words: 5580 - Pages: 21.... Great Depression, as a result of both the government’s relaxing its attack on alien ideas while attending to the depression, itself, and the fact that the ideals of communism offered hope to Americans, who suddenly found themselves homeless and jobless. The advent of the Second World War and the Korean War, however, once again heightened the American government’s desire to control public opinion so as to increase the effectiveness of the American war-machine. This time, the government’s more fervent and, even more relentless, attacks on foreign ideas reduced the membership and the prestige of the American Communist Party to a minimum .....
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The Detrimental Effects In Cha
Words: 3718 - Pages: 14.... nature of the market were allowed to take its course, then the price of housing would become unaffordable for most citizens. An unfair situation would be created where power and money would be disproportionately appropriated to land owners. Rent control laws were established by previous governments to protect society and its people from inflated and uncontrollable housing costs. The Harris government now wants to repeal these laws. On June 25 the Minister of Housing, Al Leach, released a policy paper outlining the changes that are to be made to Ontario’s rent laws. Conservative legislators plan to pass the proposed ‘Tenant Protection Act .....
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Birth Control
Words: 1417 - Pages: 6.... method because the woman must maintain a good record of her menstrual cycle. Another form of are spermicidal jelly, cream or foam. Spermicide can be used without medical supervision, and must be used with each act of intercourse. These have no side affects but must be used exactly according to instructions. Spermicides can be up to 94% effective if used correctly. Contraceptive pills or oral contraception are a common form of contraception for women. They contain two hormones, oestrogen and progestogen, which prevent an egg from being released by a woman's ovary each month. There are several different types of pill so if one does not suit .....
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Thomas Jefferson's Response To The Cuban Missile Crisis
Words: 740 - Pages: 3.... October of 1962 American spy planes discovered that the Soviets were secretly installing nuclear armed missiles ninety-miles off the Florida coast, in Cuba. Secret meetings were held by John F. Kennedy to decide what to do. Kennedy flatly refused the air-force proposals for bombing strikes on the missile launching sites, but he did decide to set up a navel blockade around Cuba to prevent the ingress of more missiles. It was announced by Kennedy that any attack on the United States from Cuba would be accepted as an attack from the Soviet Union which would trigger nuclear retaliation against Russia's heartland. Khrushchev, the So .....
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Should The U.S. Accuse Middle Eastern Countries For Supporting Terrorism?
Words: 1435 - Pages: 6.... encounters terrorism on her own land caused
by none other than her own citizens. The best example of such an act was
the devastating bomb, which exploded in Oklahoma City. The criminal was
none other than a U.S. citizen named Timothy McVeigh. In a recent article,
Time's Patrick Cole claims that before McVeigh was sought out as being the
one responsible for the bombing the United States blamed a foreign, and
more precisely, a Middle Eastern terrorist organization for the activity
(26). However, the recently arrested terrorist, known as Theodore
Kaczynski, is also an American citizen who executed his evil plots on
Americans, from America .....
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Congress And The Change In Term Limits
Words: 1698 - Pages: 7.... p.272) Over time, career legislators are more likely
to promote the interest of the establishment of which they are part than that of
the larger public. This fact is not surprising. If most of a persons time is
spent meeting with lobbyists, constituents, and bureaucrats, that person may
actually come to believe what these influential people are saying. This is why
new blood needs to enter Congress more frequently, in order to avoid the highly
influenced Congress that is filled with old people with old ideals. Needless to
say the once optimistic freshmen were unsuccessful in their task, and it=s plain
to see why. Until that changes, Cong .....
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Words: 929 - Pages: 4.... effective support for their views.
People who oppose s believe life of the fetus begins right after conception. The chief opponent of is probably the Roman Catholic Church. Many physicians oppose s because it is their job and belief to save lives, not end them. Opponents to believe "if left to run its natural course, (pregnancy) would ultimately result in the birth of a human being" (Scharz). Another argument against is that laws allowing will increase irresponsible pregnancies. This will lead to disrespect for human life and over-use of . Opponents to believe life begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. Ergo, destroying an emb .....
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The Need For Peace In The Midd
Words: 678 - Pages: 3.... and Christians. Jerusalem is the sticking point of the peace summit and is the most difficult issue as it is virtually impossible to please both sides. Presently, Israel has control over the city. Israel insists on retaining sovereignty over the “eternal” city and hopes a deal will win world recognition of that right. Palestinians, on the other hand, wish to reclaim east Jerusalem for the capital of a new Palestinian state and want to share sovereignty. This issue should be resolved by making Jerusalem ‘no man’s land’. Jerusalem should be governed by an independent, neutral third party. Palestinians and Israelis would share it, as .....
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Roe V. Wade
Words: 831 - Pages: 4.... Bork, many feel that the Court had no right to
interpret the binding piece of our country, the Constitution. Since the
word "abortion" is not used in the Constitution, right-wing lawyer Bork
states " Unfortunately, in the entire opinion there is not one line of
explanation, not one sentence that qualifies as a legal argument ". (pg,
103, Bork) He continues to say " It is unlikely that it ever will,
because the right to abort, whatever one thinks of it, is not found in the
Constitution ". (Pg, 103, Bork)
Dworkin, distinguished author of the book titled Life's Dominion,
feels differently than the critics described above. He dee .....
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