Papers on Politics and Government
Anti-Affirmative Action
Words: 592 - Pages: 3.... and schools to choose the best workers and less
privileged students of the minority, in all, regardless of their potential lack
basic skills. As remarked by Maarten de Wit, an author who's article I found on
the World Wide Web, affirmative action beneficiaries are "not the best pick, but
only the best pick from a limited group." Another article I found,
"Affirmative action: A Counter-Productive Policy" by Ernest Pasour also on the
W.W.W., is one example which reveals that Duke, a very famous and prestigious
university, adopted a resolution requiring each of it's department to hire at
least one new African-American for a faculty position .....
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Tinker Vs. Des Moines
Words: 401 - Pages: 2.... accused the school district of violating MaryBeth's rights
as stated in the first and fourteenth amendments. These abrupt accusations
were not just and should not have even been permitted in the court of law.
The punishment that the school district endured was that adverse publicity
and a challenge to the authority of a school district, or school to
establish rules for student behavior and conduct.
3. The Tinker's accused the school district of violating The Bill of Rights,
first amendment, the right of freedom of speech and the fourteenth
amendment, the rights of the citizens [civil rights]. They claimed that
MaryBeth was exercis .....
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The United States And Taxes
Words: 1195 - Pages: 5.... basically a privilege tax, it is on something you do. If we look at two court cases Pollock vs Farmer’s Land and Trust it was forbidden to lay direct taxes without apportionments (Mann 139). Another case proved that direct taxes must bear immediately upon persons, possessions, and enjoyment of right. Indirect taxes are levied upon the happening of an event or an exchange (Dodge 88). The United States constitution requires all direct taxes to be apportioned. In Article one of the constitution it states the government’s intentions state income tax is not apportioned, it can only be classified as an indirect tax. The united states ha .....
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Words: 1432 - Pages: 6.... impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of a person, or a record of this impairment, or being regarded as having such impairment. The following are examples of individuals who qualify under the : those who are blind, in a wheel chair, facially disfigured; however, the less apparent disabilities are hearing loss, mental illness, and Aids. In addition, successfully rehabilitated drug users or alcoholics are also protected (n.a. no author. gopher:// Since 1990, there has been a sweeping forbiddance of discrimination against qualified disabled i .....
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McCarthy's Communist Witch-Hunt
Words: 1831 - Pages: 7.... were buried under the anti-Communist hysteria and two possible innocent people were electrocuted.
McCarthy was little known before gaining national attention with a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 12, 1950. In that address, McCarthy argued that the United States was denied the fruits of victory from World War II by treasonous subversives in the U.S. State Department. He especially blamed the 1949 Chinese communist takeover on treachery within the U.S. State Department. In that speech, McCarthy stated fifty-seven Communists were working in the State Department (Matusow 48).
Even when Senator McCarthy was giving his very fir .....
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Immigration Should Be Restricted
Words: 639 - Pages: 3.... to our nations national debt, tax, and unemployment rates. The rates at which immigrants are willing to work at further burden the citizen’s hope of finding a "good paying job". Business and industry owners do not care who they have working for them, as long as they hustle. So why, one may wonder would anyone hire an American worker at a higher rate, when an immigrant will do the same work for less pay? This increased competition for jobs is certainly related to the saturation of unemployed immigrants in the U.S.
In addition to the economic problems that arise with immigration, there are also many social issues as well. Some .....
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Homeless In America
Words: 774 - Pages: 3.... kicked out of their
homes and are to ashamed to go to their families because of their illness,
so we see them on the streets struggling to stay warm. Teenage mothers
are also forced to live on the streets because their families will not
help them. The fathers are not there and that forces them to live on the
streets. So they must resort to prostitution to pay for the food that
their young ones need to stay alive. There are many other people that
become homeless for many different reasons. Some of these people can not
help becoming homeless. Some of these people are the illegal immigrants
that come here from other places to get a better li .....
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Affirmative Action Programs
Words: 567 - Pages: 3.... assistance to women business owners. (National Organization for Women (NOW) Homepage)
Many of the statistics that I found showed why affirmative action is definitely needed for women to gain the same privileges as men at the workplace. Women hold only 3-5% of senior management positions. Women held only 6.9 % of the seats on corporate boards of directors in 1994. Of the female senior managers in Fortune 1000 industrial and Fortune 500 service industries in 1992, 95% were white women, 2.3% were African American women, 1.8% were Asian American women and only .2 % were Latinos. Although 23 % of the female workforce is made up of women of color .....
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Words: 834 - Pages: 4.... drafted the No-Fault law, which was then signed into law by Gov. Ronald Reagan. Five years later 45 states did the same, and by 1985 every state had either switched to the No-Fault law or changed their existing laws in some way. The result was a 250% increase in rates from 1960 to 1980 (according to a fifty state survey conducted by the Journal of Marriage and the Family). Also, younger people in the U.S. who are marrying for the first time face roughly a 40-50% chance of divorcing in their lifetime under current trends (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1992, P.5). And of those marriages that end in , many will end in the first 3 to 5 year .....
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Violence Against Women In The
Words: 2972 - Pages: 11.... began to subside. But this change in society did not so much to change the occurrence and violence of violence in the home. So what exactly is domestic violence? “ Domestic Violence is usually defined as physical, emotional, sexual and other abuse by someone (usually but not always a man) of a person (usually not always a woman) with whom they have or have had some form of intimate relationship such as marriage, in order to maintain power and control over that person. It may include threats to kill or harm the woman and/or her children or other family members” (Barron 1992) Lists of typical injuries sustained by victims include: § Bru .....
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