Papers on Science and Environment
Lasers -
Words: 1222 - Pages: 5.... on lightning casualties does not exist. Many case histories show heart damage. Inflated lungs and brain damage have also been observed from lightning fatalities. Loss of consciousness, amnesia, paralysis and burns are reported by many who have survived. Deaths and injuries to livestock and other animals, thousands of forest and brush fires, as well as millions of dollars in damage to buildings, communications systems, power lines, and electrical systems are also the result of lightning. Finally, the threat of lightning causes many work stoppages and lost production increasing the time and cost required to
prepare NASA spacecraft for fligh .....
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Words: 979 - Pages: 4.... music. Physically,
you may have great potential as a runner, but, if you do not get enough to
eat, then it is doubtful that you will ever live up to your potential.
Traits such as what you look like are inherited from your parents.
Your potential is also inherited from your parents. Chromosomes contain the
information of a person's potential height, potential strength against
disease, and other physical characteristics.
A human being has 23 pairs of chromosomes in every cell in his or her
body (except reproductive cells). If, during a stage of growth, a fetus
somehow loses one of these chromosomes, the baby may die, or have a b .....
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Livestock And Wastes
Words: 1434 - Pages: 6.... barns are slatted so manure can be flushed away. The manure is pumped into open-air lagoons, which are large, shallow pits dug into the ground, where it is stored until it can be pumped out to irrigate fields. The solid manure sinks to the bottom of the lagoon and is broken down by anaerobic bacteria over several months. The liquid rises to the top and is collected and sprayed over nearby fields.
Many problems come with the lagoons. North Carolina is one of the top hog producing states in the country. On June 21, 1995, North Carolina suffered the largest agricultural waste spill in its history: a 7.5-acre, 12-foot-deep lagoon leaked 2 .....
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Genetic Engineering 3
Words: 1929 - Pages: 8.... In reviewing the literature genetic engineering needs to be banned because of the social, religious, ethical, and legal implications.
The first step to understanding genetic engineering is to know the start of its creation. Genetics achieved its first foothold on the secrets of nature's evolutionary process, when an Austrian Monk named Gregor Mendel developed the basics of how genetics work. Using this, scientist studied the characteristics of organisms for the next one hundred years following Mendel's discoveries. These early studies concluded that each organism has two sets of character determinants, genes (Stableford 16). For i .....
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Great White Sharks
Words: 433 - Pages: 2.... Ano Nuevo State Reserve and along the Marin Headlands, are another
common area for white sharks. In the summer the sharks move to the coasts of Oregon
and occasionally the Gulf of Alaska, and in the fall, they turn south and move along the
offshore islands. They are also found in great numbers in the Australian waters.
The great white is a very agile killer that hunts mostly anything in the ocean. They
are carnivorous and usually prey on sick or injured prey. Just one drop of blood can make
the shark go into a feeding frenzy. It is not made to swim fast and its usual speed is
fifteen miles per hour. It migrate .....
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The Mars Alive Documentary
Words: 470 - Pages: 2.... with space travel, and always have been. They posses an ideal
vision of life on Mars. The Russians pride themselves for their excellent
space survival. Unfortunately, the country does not have the funds to
carry out their survival plans. Lastly, many believe an American flag
should be placed on the planet of Mars.
The Americans have greatly contributed to the findings on Mars;
they have helped figure out that the temperature is cool and that the
atmosphere is thin. America’s NASA deeply desires for Mars to be a useful
planet. Many take-offs have been launched in recent years to carry out
this goal. Mar’s Direct is one plan .....
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Depression..a Deadly Disease
Words: 1858 - Pages: 7.... Darkness Visible, providing us with an in-dept description of his own personal experiences when he suffered from depression
Over the course of the year, 17.6 million American adults suffer from a depressive illness. That is 10% of the population. (Pfizer, Dealing) Depression is a whole-body illness, including mind, mood, body, and thoughts. It effects everything from the way you sleep to the way you feel about yourself. It effects how you react and how you see things. Depressive illnesses often interfere with normal functioning and cause pain and suffering not only to those who have the disorder but also to the ones who care about th .....
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Air Pollution 2
Words: 951 - Pages: 4.... and it causes the possible greenhouse effect which has global warming as an outcome. Hydrocarbons are caused by the combustion of oil and petrol and it effects the environment with carcinogen. Carcinogen is a chemical agent that causes cancer. Sulphur dioxide is certainly one of the major atmospheric pollutants considered that it causes stinging eyes, lung damage, asthma, and acid rain. It is the result of coal-fired power stations. Nitrogen oxides that is produced by the exhaust of cars, causes pneumonia and asphyxia. The outcome of the well known dust particles is often underestimated. It is caused by industrial chimneys, car exhaust, a .....
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Words: 815 - Pages: 3.... at the same time.
It is often useful to confine in an optical-cavity. This allows us both to make more intense , as well as select of a particular colour (or energy).
¨ travels at a speed of 2.99792458x10^{8} ms^{-1}
¨ When passing though matter, is slowed down by brief interactions, and so appears to travel more slowly.
¨ This "slowing down" is accounted for by the index of refraction of the matter.
's properties can at first seem confusing and inconsistent because of
the unique nature of light: light has the properties of both a wave and a
particle. In some situations, light's behavior is more easily explained by
thinking of .....
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All About Ants (almost)
Words: 2889 - Pages: 11.... These primitive samples have evolved into the 5000 to 10000
species known today which vary amongst themselves as widely as the numbers
suggest (Social Insects Å’68). These remarkably adaptive creatures are found in
some form on all continents and all habitats but the extreme arctics. Their
success is manifested in the claim that at any time there are at least 1
quadrillion living ants on earth(Groliers Å’93).
All species of ants are social. They live in organized communities or colonies,
which may contain anywhere from a few hundred to more than 20 million
individuals. These are organized into a complex system which may contain two or .....
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