Papers on Science and Environment
Words: 407 - Pages: 2.... In those that do, it is usually a yellow discharge from the urethra, painful urination, or painful sex. ½ of all cases of pelvic inflammatory disease, which leads to an ectopic pregnancy in pregnant women, is caused by . Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of
death of pregnant teens in the inner city and poor neighborhoods. also causes conjunctitis. This is a swelling of the eyes which can lead to blindness. The bacteria also can lead to pneumonia.
Although it is the most easily treated STI, most people in danger won’t get checked until complications show, and that is why the disease is spread so much. It takes about three w .....
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Words: 373 - Pages: 2.... that it was called a "living fossil." For years after this fortunate discovery, scientists searched for another living coelacanth. Finally, off the Comero Islands, north of Madagascar, they met with success. Since then, more than 200 specimens have been found, all in the same region.
Apart from the novelty of being such rare fish, have very great zoological importance. First, they are "living fossils"-a life form that has been preserved almost unchanged for many millions of years. As such, they offer the scientist a view of the biology of an earlier stage in the history of life. Second, the group of fishes to which the coelacan .....
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Ocean Pollution In The Third World
Words: 317 - Pages: 2.... this and to try and get a solution for this problem. This is probably one
of the biggest questions for this topic because people keep on dumping waste in
the water and this is probably the biggest threat to our oceans because of
people throw stuff in our oceans. This question was also good to ask for this
topic because this question has a lot of answers and solutions for it like what
can people in the First World do to help the Third World people out. The books
and my resources found many ways to finish off this problem. I also found some
insight to this problem. The resource which helped me a lot was the internet
because it had the .....
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Words: 1258 - Pages: 5.... from an adult sheep; using donor DNA and mammary cells from a female sheep cloned it. The process is very technical and I don’t fully understand it myself. From what I have researched I have come to understand that currently is very “Hit or Miss”(Hawley). From 277 attempts, Dolly was the only successful attempt. The point is however that we now have a man created sheep, what else could be done in the near future. There are many different goals for genetic . Would you like to clone someone close to you who had died? In the movie “Gattaca” you get a peak at something that could be made possible by , the genetic engineering of .....
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Words: 503 - Pages: 2.... oxygen to survey. The large teeth of a shark are evolutionarily derived from jagged skin scales. Which are apparent on shark’s ancestor’s Placodermi class. The digestion system of a shark contains a “spiral valve” intestinal system, which increases the surface area and lengthens the time food is digested in the unusually short intestine system of a shark. Sharks sexually reproduce. Unlike a shark, rays have flattened bodies so they can hide themselves in the sand at the bottom of any shallow water area and wait for a meal. Rays also have a whiplike tail for defense and jaws, which it uses to crush mollusks and cru .....
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The Human Brain
Words: 2092 - Pages: 8.... spinal cord make up the central
nervous system.
The brain doesn't just control your organs, but also can think and
remember. That part of the brain is called the mind.
Twenty-eight bones make up the skull. Eight of these bones are
interlocking plates. These plates form the cranium. The cranium provides
maximum protection with minimum weight, the ideal combination. The other
twenty bones make up the face, jaw and other parts of the skull.
Another way the brain keeps it self safe is by keeping itself in
liquid. Nearly one fifth of the blood pumped by the heart is sent to the
brain. Th .....
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Extinction Of Dinosaurs
Words: 684 - Pages: 3.... have proposed scenarios that could have caused these
extinctions. One such scenario involves the growing number of small mammals
which ate dinosaur eggs, and therefore caused the dinosaurs' birth rate to drop.
The birth rate became smaller than the death rate and the dinosaurs died out.
This, however, is not a plausible scenario. This would only account for the
dinosaurs, but not all the other creatures of that time. Paleontologists needed
to come up with a more plausible and devastating theory that would include the
other creatures that died out 65 million years ago.
There have been several major theories that have come about that can a .....
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Computer Mediated Evnvironments
Words: 5150 - Pages: 19.... the exponential growth of applications of the Internet, most notably the World Wide Web (WWW).
With increased penetration of computers, particularly multi-media computers equipped with CD-ROM drives and modems, subscription-based services such as America Online (AOL), Prodigy, and Compuserve, where consumers are able to check airline flight schedules and make reservations, purchase a wide variety of products, and discuss product performance with other consumers, are becoming very popular. Households in Chicago and San Francisco can purchase groceries from home using computer software marketed by Peapod, Inc. This latter service allows c .....
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Evolution And Creation
Words: 601 - Pages: 3.... and
how they work.
50 years later Darwin came up with a theory that most scientist
believe it to this day. this is called the theory of evolution. His book was
called “The Origin of Specie.” Alfred R. Wallace, came out with a theory
that was almost identical to Darwin’s theory. Darwin’s theory was
much more developed and better known. For example Darwin pointed
out that farmers would take certain qualities from two different plants
and mix them together and it would produce the desired plant. He
believed this happened in nature also and he called it “the survival of the
fittest” or “n .....
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The Autumn And The Fall Of Leaves
Words: 552 - Pages: 3.... than a greeting, and even more discreet
than a discreet touch. They make a little sound, less than the least of sounds.
No bird at night in the marshes rustles so slightly, no men, though men are the
most refined of living beings, put so passing a stress upon their sacred
whispers or their prayers. The leaves are hardly heard, but they are heard just
so much that men also, who are destined at the end to grow glorious and to die,
look up and hear them falling.
There is an infinite amount of qualities of describing the leaves. The
color is not a mere glory: it is intricate. If you take up one leaf, then you
can see the sharp edge boun .....
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