Papers on Science and Environment
Cold Fusion
Words: 954 - Pages: 4.... although in a much smaller amount. For example, one watt of energy can be input and 3 watts recovered. Some systems are capable of producing hundreds of watts per individual watt. The actual physics of the reaction is not completely understood. Some claim it is merely a chemical reaction not yet understood, while others are convinced it is a nuclear reaction.
One example is a cell which used .04 grams of metal hydride. It produced 86 megajoules over a two month period. A similar chemical reaction would have required 2,000 grams of chemicals to produce the same amount of energy. Another interesting point regarding this cell wa .....
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Words: 1865 - Pages: 7.... fast, these materials are forced behind the comet, forming a long tail
of dust and gas.
Comets are cold bodies. We see them only because the gases they are
composed of glow in the sunlight. All comets are regular family members of the
solar system family. They are bound by gravity to a strict path around the
solar system. Scientists believe that all comets were formed of material,
originally in the outer part of the solar system, which did not become
incorporated into planets. This material is from when the planets just started
forming. This makes comets an extremely interesting topic to scientists who are
studying the history of th .....
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Environmental Protection
Words: 1958 - Pages: 8.... is contrary to some well established facts. Unlike other creatures that have inhabited the Earth, human beings are the first to possess the technological ability to cause wholesale extermination of species, genera or even entire families of living creatures. This process is accelerating. Wildlife management efforts initiated during this century have been unsuccessful in stemming the tide.
Most public attention given to endangered species has focused on mammals, birds, and a few varieties of trees. Ecologists recognize a far greater threat to the much larger number of species of reptiles, fish, invertebrates, and plants that are .....
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Black Holes
Words: 1047 - Pages: 4.... Generally, a black hole is an area of super-concentrated mass. So concentrated, that no object can escape its gravitational pull. In other words, once you get caught by it’s graviational pull, you aren’t getting out again. The velocity you need to break away from a graviational pull is called the "escape velocity". Roughly, earth’s escape velocity is about 25,000 M.P.H. (11.2 kilometers/second). Earth’s mass is nothing compared to the mass of a star that has the potential to become a black hole. A black hole has so much mass in such a small area, that its escape velocity is greater than the speed of light. So if were all living .....
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Words: 323 - Pages: 2.... always
disproved them. Recently with the discovery of genetic mutation and a new understanding of
genes and DNA, the evidence supporting evolution has greatly increased.
Charles Darwin was one scientist who helped to increase the evidence supporting
evolution. Darwin developed the idea of “natural selection” where living things that reproduced
in large numbers and survived became dominant and other living things adapted to survive, or
they died. Francis Crick, a scientist, co-discovered DNA which opened new doors to the idea of
evolutionism (History). DNA is the pattern by which people are created as individuals. Now .....
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Greenhouse Effects Speech
Words: 534 - Pages: 2.... concentrations of these gasses, more energy is trapped within the Earths atmosphere, which is slowly increasing the average heat levels. Scientists predict that the average temperature will rise 1.6 – 6.3°F by the year 2100, which could wreak havoc with climates around the world.
Why are greenhouse gas concentrations increasing? Scientists generally believe that the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities are the primary reason for the increased concentration of carbon dioxide. Energy burned to run cars and trucks, heat homes and businesses, and power factories is responsible for about 80% of society's carbon dioxide e .....
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Words: 394 - Pages: 2.... Uranium, was
first prepared with some difficulty, in 1841 by the french chemist Eugène
Peligot, using thermal reaction of tetrachloride with potassium. Later in 1870,
an important fact was established: uranium is the last and heaviest element
present on earth. This was demonstrated by Dimitri Mendeleev in his famous
perodical classification of the elements by chemical properties and increasing
atomic mass. Experimentation with uranium lead to many discoversies such as the
X-ray by Wilhelm Röntgen, on November 8, 1895.
Wilhelm Röntgen, was awarded the first Nobel prize in 1901 for the development
of the X-ray. Uranium is weakly radioact .....
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Atmosphere Crisis
Words: 646 - Pages: 3.... Earth against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed, all life on Earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiation. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of all life.
Global warming is the predicted result of the greenhouse effect, created by so-called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, in the atmosphere. The increase in these gases is thought to be caused by industrialization, especially by the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. These gases act much like the glass in the greenhouse: They let sunlight in and keep the heat from escaping. As these gases .....
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Human Evolution
Words: 2656 - Pages: 10.... is distinguished by being placed in a subfamily, Homininae, whose members
are then called hominines—the practice that is followed in this article. An
examination of the fossil record of the hominines reveals several biological and
behavioral trends characteristic of the hominine subfamily.
Bipedalism Two-legged walking, or bipedalism, seems to be one of the earliest of
the major hominine characteristics to have evolved. This form of locomotion led
to a number of skeletal modifications in the lower spinal column, pelvis, and
legs. Because these changes can be documented in fossil bone, bipedalism usually
is seen as the defining t .....
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Do Science And Technology Provide A Solid Base For Technocra
Words: 771 - Pages: 3.... the making of a mountain out of a molehill where the emphasis is on the exaggeration and reiteration of minor differences while ignoring what they have in common. Technocracy partakes one single element in that it is dependent on the voluntary association of individuals acting upon certain ideas upon which they are in agreement. Comparatively it differs from all other social movements since its common ideas are not the result of philosophic agreement. Technocracy does in fact in theory need science and technology to be based upon, but it is this “science and technology” that the populace overlooks and assumes it as engineered techno .....
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