Papers on Science and Environment
Evolution Theory
Words: 534 - Pages: 2.... lead to a development of new species. This theory was explained in the book ‘The Origin of Species’, which describes his studies on the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean. He noticed that the species on the islands varied slightly from each island and were adapted to local conditions. The reaction to this theory was immediate. Biologists argued that Darwin could not prove his hypothesis. Other criticised his ideas of variation and how he could not prove how these variations came about or how they were passed on. This part of his theory was not answered until the birth of modern genetics in the early 20th century. In fact ma .....
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Wavelength Of 10 Or Higher And 11 Down. Gamma Rays Are Produced In Labs
Words: 646 - Pages: 3.... darken a photographic film at places
opposite weak points. In industry, Gamma rays are also used for detecting
internal defects in metal castings and in welded structures. Gamma rays are used
to kill pesticides and bugs in food. Gamma rays are also used in nuclear
reactors and atomic bombs.
Gamma rays are often used in the food industry. The radioisotopes
preserve foods. Although the rays never come in contact with the food, Beta
radiation kills various organisms such as bacteria, yeast, and insects. Gamma
rays are sometimes used in science. They are used to detect Beryllium. They also
played a very important role in the development of the .....
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Light: A Fundamental Force In Our World
Words: 892 - Pages: 4.... moves in
a regular fashion, in a perfect sine wave at a certain frequency. It
travels in a straight line, and is subject to refraction. All of these
characteristics are found in waves of any type, from radio frequency waves,
up to Gamma and X- rays. Light, however, also exhibits qualities
characteristic of particles such as neutrons and protons. A photon, or
quanta, is the "packet" of energy that is sent in a light wave. Like a
particle, the photon is believed to have a finite mass, and has the ability
to affect other matter. As light strikes a photovoltaic solar cell, it
knocks electrons in the silicon atoms on the surface into a higher .....
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Alternativly Powered Cars
Words: 412 - Pages: 2.... backup gasoline engine starts. This function is similar to how gasoline cars work, with the alternator using the engine's power to recharge the battery. After the power supply is replenished the gasoline engine shuts down. Also the gasoline engine is used to power the vehicle as it reaches the higher speeds where the added horsepower is needed. Usually the speed at which the gasoline engine starts is in the 30 mile per hour range. Even as the gasoline engine runs the electric motor continues to provide power for the vehicle. This vehicle combination in my opinion is beneficial economically and environmentally.
There are many benefits for .....
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Hurricanes A-level
Words: 882 - Pages: 4.... supply of moisture, as it is necessary for condensation to take place in order to release latent heat and it is the latent heat that initiates the development of the storm and consequently produces heavy rainfall.
When the hurricane reaches its maturity an eye develops in the centre, in the eye there is a relative area of subsiding pressure. Which is what causes clear skies, anomalous high temperatures and light winds. Eventually the eye disappears as a result of the descending air increasing instability, which in turn warms and increases the storms intensity. Around the eye there are towering Cumulo-nimbus clouds. The hurricanes declin .....
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The History Of Carbon
Words: 1117 - Pages: 5.... were found in deposits of
volcanic origin. Since then scientists have found ways to make diamond from
graphite and other synthetic materials. Diamonds of true gem quality are not
made in this way (Beggott 3-4).
Graphite is another form of carbon. It occurs as a mineral in nature, but it
can be made artificially from amorphous carbon. One of the main uses for
graphite is for its lubricating qualities. Another is for the "lead" in pencils.
Graphite is used as a heat resistant material and an electricity conductor. It
is also used in nuclear reactors as a lubricator (Kinoshita 119-127).
Amorphous carbon is a deep black powder that .....
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Atomic Structure
Words: 827 - Pages: 4.... carry the electromagnetic force. Some scientists suggest that leptons and quarks may actually be the same object but in different states. Bosons, too, may be this same object but in still another state.
The everyday world is made of molecules. Because molecules are so small, their existence was not easy to establish. Indirect evidence for molecules was strong during the second half of the 19th century, and the first explicit evidence was found when Brownian motion was correctly understood and studied in about 1906 by physicists Albert Einstein and Jean-Baptiste Perrin. There are many kinds of molecules, and it was clear that simplifying .....
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Computer Virus
Words: 701 - Pages: 3.... to a biological virus. They are: ? They must have the ability to make copies of, or replicate, itself. ? They must have a need for a "host," or functional program to which it can attach. ? The virus must do some kind of harm to the computer system or at least cause some kind of unexpected or unwanted behaviour. Sometimes es just eat up memory or display annoying messages, but the more dangerous ones can destroy data, give false information, or completely freeze up a computer. The Stealth_c virus is a boot sector virus, meaning that it resides in the boot sectors of a computer disk and loads into memory with the normal boot-up programs. .....
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Air Pollution
Words: 475 - Pages: 2.... sources of pollution as industrial effluents and the outdoor burning of trash and debris. Nevertheless, pollution continued to increase as a result of the increased number of motor vehicles. Exhaust fumes from the engines of automobiles contain a number of polluting substances, including carbon monoxide and a variety of complex hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and other compounds. When acted upon by sunlight, these substances undergo a change in composition producing the brown, photochemical smog for which Los Angeles is well known. Efforts to reduce pollution from automobile engines and to develop pollution-free engines may eventually elim .....
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Animal Captivity
Words: 1581 - Pages: 6.... that people hear about. There are the wonderful stories about adorable animals that do something amazing or need our help. There are also stories about animals that are used in good and bad experiments. When you hear about the treatment of some animals for research, you feel like forgetting about research.
One such story was in 1988, three gray whales got stuck in freezing waters in Alaska, the whales were at risk of drowning because the holes in the ice that they were using to breathe were slowly freezing over. a large rescue was put together that ended up involving the National Guard and the U.S. and Soviet governments to get the w .....
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