Papers on Science and Environment
Large Mouth Bass
Words: 1850 - Pages: 7.... lifespan than in the south, at sixteen years old. While it may get older up north the size of the bass is larger in the south. This is so because there is more to eat.
The sexual characteristics of the bass remain the same nort and south. The spawn in the spring, when water temperatures begin to move past sixty degrees fahrenheit. The spring spawning urge in a bass is set off by both water temperature and photoperiod. Photoperiod is the proportion of the day in which the bass are exposed to sunlight. As the day light hours grow longer through the spring and early summer, so does the photoperiod. This process affects the temperatur .....
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Words: 1244 - Pages: 5.... there have been clear documented cases of abuse in recent times. An example of this is the experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on prisoners in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. Does this mean that since there is potential for abuse, all experimentation should be banned? This would mean that society would be condemned to remain at the same level of knowledge (status quo)? Bioethically speaking, how far can we go in the study of the human without crossing the line? The fundamental question is, since we are the ones drawing the line, where do we draw it?
The purpose of this essay is to provide a clear sense of the pre .....
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Determining The Ratio Of Circumference To Diameter Of A Circle
Words: 501 - Pages: 2.... I knew that the accepted ratio was pi.
Then I put both ratios in the chart.
By subtracting the accepted ratio from the experimental you find the
error. Error is the deviation of the experimental ratio from the accepted ratio.
After I had the error I could go on to find the percentage error. The equation I
used was, error divided by the accepted ratio times 100. For example, if I took
the error of the experimental ratio for the paper towels, which was 0.12. I took
that and divided it by the accepted ratio giving me .03821651. Then I multiplied
that by 100 giving me about 3.14. Using these steps I found the percentage error
for all of the .....
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The Prairie
Words: 159 - Pages: 1.... grass which
withstands grazing animals and occasional fires.
Producer: An autotroph organism (grass). Consumer: Organism that eats producers
(caterpillars, bison). Primary consumer: Organisms that eat consumers (chicken,
meadowlark). Secondary consumers: Organisms that eatprimary consumers (praire
felcon, eagle). Decomposers: Organisms that uses nutrients from dead plants and
animals, it starts the chain over (bacteria).
Say that an organism was removed from the web, such as a caterpillar.
Though it's not the only grass eating organism it would still mess up the web.
Say you put the bison in its place, that part would work, except for the .....
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Global Warming 3 -
Words: 2192 - Pages: 8.... surface. All of these activities are unfavorably altering the composition of the biosphere and the Earth’s heat balance. If we do not slow down our use of fossil fuels and stop destroying, the forests, the world could become hotter than it has been in the past million years. Average global temperatures have risen 1 degree Fahrenheit over the last century. If carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases continue to spill into the atmosphere, global temperatures could rise five to 10 degrees by the middle of the next century.
The warning will be the greatest at the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest temperature .....
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Changing World
Words: 1035 - Pages: 4.... warmest years out of the last 130 have all occurred in the eighties and nineties (Brown, 15). These figures demonstrate that humanity is not effectively controlling and limiting its use of fossil fuels. As a result, acid rain falls upon the earth destroying what is left of the planet's forests and, an estimated 37 percent of the fish species that inhabit thelakes and streams of North America are either in jeopardy or extinct. A second indicator that displays humanity's misuse of technoscience is the global economy. Global economic statistics show the results of the applications of technoscience. In 1995, the global economy grew by an estimat .....
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Surface Area To Volume Ratios In Plants (Arid Vs. Moist Environments)
Words: 1126 - Pages: 5.... Objective:
To determine how the presence or absence of water in the environment affects the surface area to volume ratios in plants. It is observed that plants in moist environments have more lush, larger foliage, while plants inhabiting desert conditions are generally smaller and have less photosynthetic surface areas.
Alternative Hypothesis: states the hypothesis being tested in this experiment. Photosynthetic structures of plants adapted to arid environments have a lower surface area to volume ratio than plants adapted to less dry or moist environments.
Null hypothesis: there are no differences between the .....
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Anabolic Steroids
Words: 1971 - Pages: 8.... to the public about horror stories and the dangers. If they are so dangerous then why do doctors prescribe them? Why do pharmacies all over the planet still make them and sell them?
To have an opinion on whether steroids are safe are not, it would help to know how they work and what responsibilities are needed when choosing to take them.
are a synthetic for of the naturally occurring hormone, testosterone. are used to promote accelerated muscle hypertrophy in both males and females.
Hypertrophy describes the increase in size of muscle as the result of stress put upon the muscle. Muscles go through hypertrophy in order to .....
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James Watson's The Double Helix: A Review
Words: 1915 - Pages: 7.... Watson appreciated
Crick for this outspoken nature, while others could not bear Crick because of
this nature. Maurice Wilkins was a much calmer and quieter man that worked in
London at King's College. Wilkins was the initial person that excited Watson on
DNA research. Wilkins had an assistant, Rosalind Franklin (also known as Rosy).
Initially, Wilkins thought that Rosy was supposed to be his assistant in
researching the structure of DNA because of her expertise in crystallography;
however, Rosy did not want to be thought of as anybody's assistant and let her
feelings be known to others. Throughout the book there is a drama between
Wilki .....
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Lepus Americanus
Words: 381 - Pages: 2.... obtained in all three areas: population size, survivorship, reproduction and growth. Between critical winters of 1981-1982 the experimental grid area lost 77% of its population as compared to 79% and 96% loss for the control grids. Determining the survival rates, the authors used mark-recapture techniques, it was found that probabilities for survivorship in experimental grid (0.79+0.10) were similar to that of control grids (0.71+0.07; 0.56+0.07). Results yielded that extra food intake and cover provided from branches may have not been helpful in increasing survivorship. No differences were measured in reproduction of percentage in adult .....
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