Papers on Science and Environment
Greenhouse Gases And Consequences
Words: 1452 - Pages: 6.... which in turn radiates some of the heat back to the earth.
Greenhouse gases include water vapour, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), chloroflurocarbons (CFCs), Ozone (O3), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O).
It all seems very straightforward: greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat, warming the planet sufficiently for life to exist. There is, however, one problem: human activity has dramatically increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Over the last two centuries the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased quite significantly, mainly as a result of burning fossil fuels for industrial purposes. For example, at .....
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The Greenhouse Effect
Words: 463 - Pages: 2.... second of
the day the area of a football field in trees is cleared by either being logged
or burnt. Two other deadly greenhouse gasses which are entering the atmosphere
even faster than carbon dioxide are methane and chloroflourocarbons, although
they are not as damaging in the long run.
These increases are likely to affect worldwide temperatures
dramatically. In 100 years time the average temperature for most parts of the
world will increase from between 2C to 6C if greenhouse pollution continues at
its present rate. This temperature increase would drastically affect the growth
of many different crops and cause the polar ic .....
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Words: 457 - Pages: 2.... because of
the electrical conductivity of thallium sulphide. Thallium was originally used
to help treat ringworm and many other skin infections. It was then limited
because of the narrow margin between the benefits and its health risks.
Thallium bromide-iodide crystals are still used as infrared detectors. Thallium
sulphate used to be widely used as a pesticide and an ant killer. It was
odorless and tasteless and worked well, but it was found to be too toxic.
Thallium slats which burn with a bright green flame are used in flares and
rockets. Thallium is the 60th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust.
There are 3.6 parts of T .....
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Environment Report: Tidal Power In The Bay Of Fundy
Words: 1554 - Pages: 6.... the Outer Harbor. These areas are influenced by the Bay of
Fundy tides and the currents of the St John River which flow out of the main
Habour into the Bay.
This section also experiences two high and two low tides each day (semi
- diurnal), with a tidal range varying from 15 to 18 feet, depending on the type
of tides. High - water heights vary from 22 to 28 feet and low - water heights
vary from 0 to 7 feet above chart data. Because of these semi - diurnal tides
and the action of the St John River, slack water in the Habour occurs at
approximately tides and not at high or low water as would be the case at other
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El Nino
Words: 2243 - Pages: 9.... changes. Due to a depressed thermocline there is less photosynthetic activity resulting in a decrease in the primary life forms that form the beginning of the food chain. The warmer waters that are brought by these changing cycles hold less dissolved oxygen forcing fish to go deeper or venture elsewhere. Due to a lack of data during occurrences it is not fully known if fish populations are depleted solely due to exposure to . A decrease in their growth and reproductive success has been observed by many surveys in coastal waters.
The link between climatic effects around the world and is now well established. It has taken many .....
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The Wolverine
Words: 289 - Pages: 2.... through northern
North America. Their distribution once extended as far south as Colorado,
Indiana, Pennsylvania, and perhaps Michigan.
It looks like a weasel maybe because it is in the weasel family.It has
black and brown fur and long claws.It’s legs are short but strong. The Wolverine
is usually solitary except for members of the opposite sex and a female's young.
After the females give birth they hide with their young. The mother defends her
territory and intruders are not tolerated. This territorial behavior continues
until the young are ready to hunt on their own.
The Wolverine has a diet that can include anything from small eggs .....
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Water Biomes
Words: 767 - Pages: 3.... and wintering habitats for waterfowl
and shorebirds, muskrats, frogs, and many aquatic insects. Salt marshes are
wintering grounds for snow geese and ducks, a nesting habitat for herons and
rails, and a source of nutrients for estuarine waters. Marshes are important in
flood control, in sustaining high-water tables, and as settling basins to
reduce pollution downstream. Despite their great environmental value, marshes
are continually being destroyed by drainage and filling.
Marine Life, plants and animals of the sea, from the high-tide mark
along the shore to the depths of the ocean. These organisms fall into three
major groups: the .....
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Historical Development Of Atomic Structure
Words: 1213 - Pages: 5.... other substances. In 1869 a Russian chemist, best known for his
development of the periodic law of the properties of the chemical elements
(which states that elements show a regular pattern ("periodicity") when they are
arranged according to their atomic masses), published his first attempt to
classify the known elements. His name was Mendeleyev, and he was a renowned
teacher. Because no good textbook in chemistry was available at the time, he
wrote the two-volume Principles of Chemistry (1868-1870), which later became a
classic. During the writing of this book, Mendeleyev tried to classify the
elements according to their chemical propertie .....
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Hydrologic Cycle
Words: 773 - Pages: 3.... eventually reaches a stream or other surface water body where it is again evaporated into the atmosphere. Infiltration, however, moves under the force of gravity through the soil. If soils are dry, water is absorbed by the soil until it is thoroughly wetted. Then excess infiltration begins to move slowly downward to the water table. Once it reaches the water table, it is called ground water. Ground water continues to move downward and laterally through the subsurface. Eventually it discharges through hillside springs or seeps into streams, lakes, and the ocean where it is again evaporated to perpetuate the cycle. GROUND WATER AND SUBSURFACE .....
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Hemophilia 4
Words: 1146 - Pages: 5.... About 85% of hemophiliacs have classic or hemophilia A. Hemophilia A's blood lacks the clotting factor eight. The rest of the 85% have Christmas, which lacks clotting factor nine. An extremely small number of hemophiliacs lack yet another kind of clotting factor.
Both A and B forms have also been called the royal disease. Hemophilia was inherited by decedents of England's Queen Victoria and introduced into the royal houses of Spain, Germany, and Russia.
Hemophilia A and B are caused by genes that are sex linked and recessive. A defective gene on the X chromosome, one of the two chromosomes, that determine a person's sex. The Y .....
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