Papers on Social Issues
Impact Of Television On Society
Words: 1791 - Pages: 7.... produces who determine what most of us watch and at what time of the day or night. This schedualing is important for the commercial television stations which rely on advertising revenues to exist. Television ads can be highly sophisticated and highly creative. Tremendous amounts of time and talent and resources are devoted to producing such images which are typically more expensive than programs. One of the gigantic swindles carried out on the public today is that commercial television is free. In fact consumers pay for the programming through higher prices for the goods they purchase. Many television series are themselves advertisments for .....
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The Homeless Population
Words: 470 - Pages: 2.... They have to sleep in the freezing cold and many times they even have to sleep in the snow. There are a lot of homeless deaths during the winter beacuse they can't find a warm place to go and they freeze to death.
Every year increases. There are two major trends responsible for the rapid growth of homelessness over the past 15-20 years.
These two trends include the growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty. How many people are homeless throughout the world? The number of homeless is made up of 58% African American, 29% Caucasian, 10% Hispanic, 2% Native American, 1% Asian. Who is to blame f .....
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Causes Of Divorces
Words: 932 - Pages: 4.... tension for the kids. Together this can led itself to a family splitting up due to cultural differences.
A major and unpleasant cause of divorce is unfaithfulness between spouses. When one spouse commits adultery it can easily and quickly tear up a marriage. This could be due to lack of trust, lost of interest, or the cheating spouse choosing the "new" love. Being in this situation for either partner is never easy and when children are involved, the situation only becomes worse. Sometimes with counseling it can be worked through, but when it is not fixable deep hurt feelings are left behind for the innocent spouse to deal with.
Wh .....
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Why Are There Poor People
Words: 451 - Pages: 2.... that man sleeping on
the street?"
My dad spent a long time explaining to me that not everybody had the
same life as our family did. Some kids parents didn't have jobs to go to every
day, or cars to take them wherever they needed to go, and not every family in
the world had breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. He told me that I was
very lucky to have all the things that I had, and that millions of kids in the
world would die to have the life I had. I was still very confused about the
whole situation. Why wasn't every family like ours? What did those people do
wrong? My dad just said that was life . . . some people are lucky, and som .....
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Domestic Violence
Words: 547 - Pages: 2.... unless he is
given counseling, jailed, or killed. He will continue to abuse until he is
stopped, and ignoring the problem will definitely not help it go away. Husbands
and boyfriends send more women to the hospital each year than strangers do
(Campbell 95). The US Surgeon General reports that, “domestic violence is the
leading cause of injury to American women between the ages of fifteen and forty-
four” (Briggs and Davis 94) . Abusers need to be stopped before its too late
for their victims.
Women are not the only victims of abuse. Children who live in a
situation where domestic violence is prevalent suffer in many ways. The
p .....
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Public School Issues
Words: 548 - Pages: 2.... materials and argue for the integration of more diverse, positive images, historical role models, and in general, a more balanced view of history that represents the experiences and perspectives of marginalized groups.”
Critics of this multiculturalism movement have opposing views. Many see the program as divisive and even ”anti-American” because it encourages students to find their ethnic identity instead of trying to identify with a united American culture. It is also a common belief that a “alternative” cultural education would impede the progress of the basic learning skills that were the backbone of the educational process. .....
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Animal Experimentation Is Acceptable
Words: 415 - Pages: 2.... were developed through animal research
for humans but are now used on pets, farm animals, and wildlife.
Another good reason animal experimentation is tolerable is because
sometimes we have to be cruel to improve our well-being. The first example
is that the cruel experiments result in more animals and people surviving
otherwise fatal or paralyzing diseases. The Research Defense Society
stated that 50,000 people fill antibiotic prescriptions, 180,000 people
with diabetes survive because of insulin, 4,000 heart defects are corrected,
and 400 heart and heart/lung transplants are performed a year because of
animal research that is cruel. Als .....
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The Ku Klux Klan
Words: 897 - Pages: 4.... today, was organized in Pulaski, Tennessee, during the winter of 1865 to 1866, by six former Confederate army officers who gave their society a name adapted from the Greek word kuklos ("circle"). Its activities were directed against the Reconstruction governments and their leaders, both black and white, which came into power in the southern states in 1867.
Dressed in robes with pointed hoods, for disguise and in an early attempt to frighten superstitious Blacks, the Klan launched a campaign of terrorism and violence against Whites and Blacks whom they considered traitors to their cause. The original Klan, which is not to be confused with .....
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Cultural Relativism
Words: 1546 - Pages: 6.... is no universal truth about morality and morality is relative to culture. It also encourages tolerance towards apparently diverse cultures and thus different moral views. For example, to a certain culture abortion may be morally acceptable, cultural relativists would say that abortion is morally right for that culture. Whereas if another culture finds abortion to be wrong, then it is morally right that abortion be banned, for that culture. allows for diversity and differences between cultures, which in turn supports peace between cultures. is a meta-ethical outlook because this theory attempts to explain the status of moral judgments .....
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What Is Love?
Words: 401 - Pages: 2.... obey me. All of these are true to some and violently wrong to others, but that is the beauty of love, it is available to all. Romance is therefore a relative thing. The fact is that romantic love, is a different thing to different people. To me, romance is a fleeting thing. It is a step towards a better thing, towards love that isn't physical. Romance epitomizes the best and worst of love. It is a thing that I at once desire and despise.
The other definition of love is the fraternal love of others. A person loves their family, and their friends. This kind of love is more common. Every one is familiar with this sort of love. For example, a .....
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