Papers on Social Issues
Affirmative Action Policies
Words: 327 - Pages: 2.... been filled by white male workers.
Employers have moved millions of jobs to the southern states in past decades because of the lower standars of living in the south. Employers have also moved millions more abroad to areas with even cheaper wages.. millions of these workers now have a job and all the joys of unfair use-long ,a hard, arduous work under very low wages, under very dangerous conditions.--While millions of i=once better paid american workers have either unemployment and poverty, or jobs with much lower wages.
Affirmative action, if successfully implemented would tend to raise the level of wages and employment among minorite .....
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Diversity On Campus
Words: 957 - Pages: 4.... people the differences may be infinite, but the similarities are still present among every human. To go a step further you can say all animals have similarities as well as differences. So the skills and values acquired by college students is imperative to the world's survival.
The attitudes and values are well defined concepts that are appropriate for college students to acquire have been described as: "1. Appreciation of similarities and differences. 2.Utilization of techniques that exemplify the best traditions of true democracy. 3.Respect for equal worth of one's self and every other person. 4. Respect for law and order; honesty and integ .....
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Television In The 90’s
Words: 839 - Pages: 4.... and public health advocates. (Gadcow) Every week young people, from age two and up, view an average of 16 to 17 hours of television.(Klein) With every two to three hours spent each day watching the tube, children experience many acts of violence and sex.
The National Television Violence Study reviewed three years, almost 10000 hours, of television programming. They found that 61% of the programming contained some kind of violent act, with children’s shows being the most violent. Despite the publics concern with the violence, nothing in the media changed over the three year period. (Federman I,II,III) After researching ten years on the affe .....
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Argument For Keeping Repeat Offenders In Jail
Words: 566 - Pages: 3.... there will be less repeat offenders and an
overall smaller crime rate.
Some say that if we cut down on prison terms we will save loads of
tax money. There will be less need to build, maintain, and expand existing
staff if there are fewer prisoners. But how much more can we cut these
sentences, aren't they short enough already? The average jail sentence is
seven years and eleven months, but the actual average time served is two
years and eleven months. I think there are better ways to save money. For
example, we should cut back on the funding of foreign governments. We have
plenty of our own problems in the United States that we need .....
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Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Words: 1712 - Pages: 7.... to test on animals.
There are several different types of tests used on animals each day. The two most common ones are the Draize Test and the LD50. The Draize test is an eye test named after a man by the name of John Draize. This test involves dropping a substance into an animal’s eye and watching the results.(All for Animals Newsletter, Issue 1) This test is usually preformed on albino rabbits, and it is done by clipping their eyes back. The painful results of this test include swelling of the eyelids, inflammation of the iris, ulceration, bleeding, blindness, and death resulting from broken necks.(the animal breaks their neck in an a .....
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Understanding The Nature Of Homlessness
Words: 2026 - Pages: 8.... watching the homeless at "work", was difficult because of the
wealth of information one could find in simply watching as one person asked
another for money. We looked for a number of signals in the interactions,
considering people's ages, how they reacted physically, whether or not they
communicated verbally, their demeanor throughout the interaction, and the
importance of eye-contact. We must also wrestle with the ambiguity of the power
structure within the situation, because it is not nearly as clear as it seems.
In the end, we will try to decipher the true nature of these confrontations,
concluding by comparing the analysis of these .....
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Sartre And Homosexuality
Words: 1108 - Pages: 5.... this framework. He believes that the homosexual cannot acknowledge that he is a homosexual. If the homosexual becomes "sincere", and expresses that he is a homosexual, he would be in bad faith. He would essentially agree that he is a homosexual in the same way that a book is a book. He wold be "affirming that he is a homosexual in the sense of being-in-itself, yet at the same time he would be aware that this was not, in fact, the case.
Another paradigm that we could use is the example of Ex-President Richard Nixon. Nixon’s infamous statement, "I am not a crook," is a nearly perfect example. By stating outright that he is not a crook, .....
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Slang In America
Words: 779 - Pages: 3.... artistic words do not bother these people; only the social, or slang, words do. Slang is usually created by children or teens who seek social status (Morrow 137). Because kids are the source of new slang, some adults look down on it with the assumption that kids are unintelligent and simply rebelling against established English grammar and diction. However, most of the adults did the same thing when they were children. Adults have been frowning on slang for generations (Crystal 104).
Conservatives also look down upon slang because slang is not used by people of high status. If they hear someone speaking in Jive, they will be angry because .....
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I Am A Feminist - Hear Me Roar!
Words: 701 - Pages: 3.... such as Affirmative Action are just because ''they correct past discrimination against women and minorities,'' forgetting the tool that is fighting the past discrimination is discrimination in itself, women continue to be oppressed in America by white males, and other laws and policies that give women more rights than other groups are fair due to women's past oppression. If you even disagree with only one of these issues, you're considered part of the right-wing backlash against the women's movement.
Feminists that disagree with this description say that all women are accepted in the feminist movement. But when looking at the leadi .....
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Rehabilitation Of Criminals: A Waste Of Time Or Worth The Effort?
Words: 617 - Pages: 3.... sent to
prison. Judges usually have to let out a inmate before another one can take his
place. There are limited cells in prisons, so the majority of crimes are
punished by probation or court sanctions. Even when longer sentences are given,
they are rarely served. The average murderer spends about six years in prison.
What factors decide the outcome of such individuals? Some experts feel
there is no absolute answer, only speculation. There is however, a strong
relationship between environment and the outcome of offenders. Low income, poor
education,drugs, and family breakdown are some factors that keep repeating in
cases of habitual offe .....
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