Papers on Book Reports
The Odyssey The Role Of Prophe
Words: 1534 - Pages: 6.... own words, after he slew his sire and wed his mother. This type of prophesy can blind even the gods themselves; Chronos was fated to be defeated and his throne stolen by his son. Demeter loses Persephone periodically every year because her daughter ate Hades’ pomegranates. Prophecy plays an important role in the whole of Greek folklore. Something this ever-present bears further examination.
In The Odyssey, prophecy in its myriad forms affects nearly every aspect of the epic. Prophecies are seen in the forms of omens, signs, strict prediction of the future, divine condemnation, and divine instruction. Though conceptually these forms .....
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Sweat By Zora Hurston
Words: 497 - Pages: 2.... nature, even to her religious beliefs, accusing her of being a “hipocrite” because she worked on the Sabbath day.
Sykes not only abused Delia emotionally but also physically. One night after an argument between the two where Delia actually had the courage to stand up to him, Sykes got into to bed and threatened that, “[he] oughter mash [her] in [her] mouf fuh drawing dat skillet [on him].” After they been married only a short few months he gave her the first beating. Others in town knew of the abuse Delia suffered from. One gentlemen from town made the comment one day, “[Sykes] done beat [Delia] ‘nou .....
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Gray's "The Epitaph": An Analysis
Words: 441 - Pages: 2.... things around that are only now known as "frailties" of what
used to be life. Gray speaks out against the way this person was treated
in society which is symbolic of how people are being treated as a whole and
the hollowness and shallowness of people in the world. Now the person is
dead, there is no other help that you could give him. "Large was his
bounty, and his soul sincere" was how the man lived, and although his soul
was a true one, he was still a marked man, and now he is only marked with a
stone that protrudes from the ground known as The Epitaph.
God is a part of life which gray dispises. He goes against the
idea of a belief i .....
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Gullivers Travels Movie Versus
Words: 781 - Pages: 3.... as was Gulliver's Travels. Swift talks about Gulliver's time in Laputa for almost forty pages, where as the movie only spends a small portion of its three hours focusing on this kingdom. One of the largest additions to Swift's tale occurs during the movie's portrayal of this third part of the book. At the start of Chapter V, Gulliver travels to the Academy of Lagado so that he may examine and learn more about the society. He properly describes to the reader their inventions, experiments, and the scientists. In the movie, however, Gulliver goes to the Academy in a frantic search for someone who has heard of England. His interest is cle .....
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Mark Antony As A Developing Ch
Words: 766 - Pages: 3.... is an honourable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is a honourable man.”
By this it shows that Antony is intelligent and has courage for he mocks Brutus and his accusations. And it shows how he can manipulate the crowd by telling of Caesars wonderful accomplishments.
Antony then shows his anger towards the conspirators by getting the mob to release their anger by rioting and going out and kill .....
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Irony Of The Setting In "The Lottery"
Words: 1100 - Pages: 4.... Furthermore, she describes the grass as "richly green" and that "the
flowers were blooming profusely" (196). These descriptions of the surroundings
give the reader a serene felling about the town. Also, these descriptions make
the reader feel comfortable about the surroundings as if there was nothing wrong
in this quaint town.
Upon reading the first paragraph, Shirley Jackson describes the town in
general. The town is first mentioned in the opening paragraph where she sets
the location in the town square. She puts in perspective the location of the
square "between the post office and the bank" (196). This visualizes for th .....
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Gatsby 2
Words: 562 - Pages: 3.... the center of attention because of their high price and extreme beauty. All of these examples of prosperity represent the lives of the people of this novel to a point. Together, the citizens of this book are more concerned with their possessions and money, than their health and lives. Subsequently, the people at his parties show careless recklessness with their abuse of alcohol and their bodies. First of all, the people at Gatsby¹s balls drank all night and showed no respect for Gatsby¹s house or possessions. Also the participants of the parties held at Gatsby¹s mansion are audacious enough to drive home while very intoxicated. Furthermo .....
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Helen Of Troy Willing Resident
Words: 799 - Pages: 3.... and regret.
"These words pierced Helen to the heart. She longed for her husband of the old days, for home and family. At once she threw a white veil over her, and left the house quickly with tears running down her cheeks."
Once she gets to the battlements, Priam calls her over to sit by him. He feels sorry for her and tries to take her mind off of her situation by asking her to point out members of the Achaian army. She responds by first telling him that she wished she had never come to Troy.
"Helen answered: 'You do me honour, my dear goodfather! How I wish I had died before I followed your son here, and left my bridal chamber and m .....
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Silent Spring: Pesticides
Words: 500 - Pages: 2.... humans and other living animals in our environment.
To understand the new technology, ideas and measures that are being taken today, it is important to understand how pesticides were being used in the past. Furthermore, one must go a step further to conclude why the past measurements were considered to be inappropriate thus bringing us to the measures being taken today. In the past, we were not quite sure what long-term effects, if any that pesticides might have. When applying pesticides one must take into consideration the amount that actually remains on the plant as compared to the amount that is washed away by rain, carried off by wind, .....
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Uncle Tom; A Synopsis
Words: 1708 - Pages: 7.... course of events in the novel. Tom is the social leader of the slaves on the Shelby plantation. Uncle Tom’s cabin is the focal point of fellowship for the slaves. This is because everybody perceives Tom as a mentor, and also because Aunt Chloe, his wife, is a fantastic cook. His charismatic personality allows him to lead and organize their religious meetings which are held in his home as well. One can see how Tom’s faith allows him to be a social leader among the slaves. Stowe says on page 35 that,
Uncle Tom was a sort of patriarch in religious matters, in the neighborhood. Having, naturally, an organization in which morale was .....
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