Papers on Book Reports
Night 2
Words: 1622 - Pages: 6.... to the large one. The next step is that Elie and his family had to move to the small ghetto where they were getting ready to leave or be sent some where else. The next step of the system is everyday they take a certain amount of Jewish people into the center of the town square and then they let them sit there for a while. The next step was that they had to walk to the synagogue and then they had to walk to train after being in the synagogue for a day. Once they reach the train, the Hungarian police put eighty people in a thirty person train car. The next step is the long trip on the train, where people start going crazy, people not getti .....
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The Ironies Of 1984
Words: 421 - Pages: 2.... is actually quite violent. The final example of verbal Irony can be seen in the name of the leader of Oceania, "Big Brother." The concept of a big brother is one whom is older and wiser and helps the "littler siblings" -- this not the case with 1984's Big Brother. The Big Brother in this novel completely watches over every move a person makes keeping them controlled with fear.
The next type of irony is Situation irony, which is when a character or a sequence of events appears to be headed one way, but it ends up as the opposite of what was thought. One example of this is Winston's general health. From the beginning of the book, it is shown h .....
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Attitudes Toward Marriage In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Words: 1438 - Pages: 6.... a
lecherous clerk, a vain clerk and an old husband, whose outcome shows the
consequences of their abuses of marriage, including Nicholas' interest in
astrology and Absalon's refusal to accept offerings from the ladies, as
well as the behaviors of both with regards to Alison. Still, Alison does
what she wants, she takes Nicholas because she wants to, just as she
ignores Absalon because she wants to. Lines 3290-5 of the Miller's Tale
show Alison's blatant disrespect for her marriage to "Old John" and her
planned deceit:
That she hir love hym graunted atte laste,
And swoor hir ooth, by seint Thomas of Kent
That she wol been at his c .....
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John Jake's Homeland: A Review
Words: 292 - Pages: 2.... story rivets primary attention on Paul Crown, a young German immigrant.
Paul leaves behind a Germany of cholera, poverty, and political upheaval
only to face problems of equal magnitude in America.
Undaunted by a difficult ocean crossing, Paul arrives at Ellis
Island penniless but naively optimistic about his future. He makes his
weary way to the opulent home of his uncle, Joe Crown, a well-established
brewer in Chicago. Jakes uses the Chicago setting as a backdrop for his
"class struggle" motif which is central to the plot of his story.
Pual's uncle, Joe, and cousin, Joe Jr., are foils in this class
struggle that .....
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The Pardoner's Prologue And Tale
Words: 1833 - Pages: 7.... traditions in which a figure embodying some vice speaks a 'confession,' almost entirely without shame, illustrating the way it lives. Chaucer found examples of this in the Romance of the Rose, the Pardoner's Prologue has some vague similarities with the figure Faux-Semblant (False Seeming) found there.
As seen in the General Prologue, a pardoner is a layman who sells pardons or indulgences, certificates from the pope by which people hoped to gain a share in the merits of the saints and escape more lightly from the pains of Purgatory after they died. This particular Pardoner works for a religious house notorious for fraud in this trade. J .....
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The Lord Of The FLies
Words: 1449 - Pages: 6.... had expected. Ralph is a strong and likable blond. He likes that there are no grownups around to supervise them. The boys have the entire island to themselves. But Ralph is a strange boy. He wears a belt with a snake-clasp that implies menace. Snakes are an important symbol that we will encounter again. Ralph then takes off his clothes which implies goodness and naturalness. He accepts the island as his home. The fat boy who follows Ralph is worried. As I mentioned before Piggy is an asthmatic, nearly blind without glasses, he sees his life easily threatened because of his weaknesses. He doesn't belong in a wild place. When Piggy asks Ralph .....
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The Indian Awakening In Latin America
Words: 1367 - Pages: 5.... is not simply dirt for them to cultivate. The various Indian cultures have
lived with their lands in harmony for thousands of years. The land to them is
their sense of identity in which they respectfully care for and live with in
harmony. The land which they once owned was meticulously cared for and the
lessons which they learned of respect for nature was passed down to their
children for generations. Much of the land they once owned was stolen from them
when the Europeans invaded.
Another aspect which was described in this book was religion and the
effects it had on the natives of Latin America. The Catholic church was forced
upon many .....
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Tom Sawyer
Words: 966 - Pages: 4.... the murder of the town doctor, Mr.
Robinson. The boys watched as Injun Joe kills the doctor and
frames a drunk by the name of Muff Potter who just happens to
be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The boys swear never
to speak of this again. Soon after this Tom falls in love with his
new neighbor, Becky Thatcher. Eventually the two become
engaged but the engagement falls through when Tom
accidentally mentions his former love while talking with Becky.
The two fued and do not speak. Meanwhile, the whole town is
gossiping of the murder of Dr. Robinson and the prosecution of
Muff Potter. A trail quickly forms and Muff is put on the .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Everyone Is Not Prejudice
Words: 208 - Pages: 1.... showed up at the jail for Tom Robinson's lynching. After the
lynching Mr. Cunningham does not seem very prejudice as he did before.
"Get aside from the door Mr. Finch"
Likewise the Ewells are Prejudice because of the decisions that
they make. They accused Tom Robinson of Raping Mayella. Mr. Ewell spit in
Atticus's face at the court house. After Tom was dead Mr. Ewell told Mrs.
Robinson that she couldn't walk down the street anymore.
"You Niger Lover."
Furthermore the jury is also prejudice because of the way that they
treat Tom Robinson. They automatically believed that Tom was guilty because
he was black. They didn't pay .....
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Antigone Essay
Words: 623 - Pages: 3.... I am going to bury him. Will you come?”(pg.750 line 30). Ismene is too afraid of Creon to help Antigone.
Antigone is determined to bury her brother at any cost, and unlike her sister, she is not afraid of Creon. “Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way,”(pg.750 line 35). Not even the threat of death is enough to make Antigone afraid of Creon. At this point in the book she is stubborn and self-righteous. Antigone then goes out at night and buries Polyneices. That makes Creon very mad, so he unburies Poylneices and posts guard around the body. The next day a whirlwind kicks up around the guards and Antigone .....
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