Papers on Book Reports
Albert Camus' The Stranger: Meursault Is Aloof, Detached, And Unemotional
Words: 837 - Pages: 4.... who wants friendship. He seems content to be indifferent, possibly
protected from pain by his indifference.
Meursault rarely shows any feeling when in situations which would, for
most people, elicit strong emotions. Throughout the vigil, watching over his
mother's dead body, and at her funeral, he never cries. He is, further,
depicted enjoying a cup of coffee with milk during the vigil, and having a
smoke with a caretaker at the nursing home in which his mother died. The
following day, after his mother's funeral, he goes to the beach and meets a
former colleague named Marie Cardona. They swim, go to a movie, and then spend
the .....
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The Awakening: Edna And True Love
Words: 536 - Pages: 2.... that she had with him. The love that she had for him was merely present on the surface. It could best be described as a life that she was confined to living rather than the life that she had always yearned for.
With the winds of change came a person that she found contrasting to her current life. This man was Alcee Arobin. His role in her life was not true love either. He merely introduced the taste of tangible love to a searching body. This love was not the kind that Edna was longing for either. Arobin's role was to introduce her to the importance of sex. This was something that was foreign between her and her husband. She felt more like .....
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The Great Gatsby: The Destructive Effects Of Wealth
Words: 416 - Pages: 2.... marital relationship should be heavily based on love. I got none
of that love from Tom's and Daisy's marriage. Their constant irritating
remarks, and interruptions make it seem that there is no love between them.
They seem like a couple in their 80's who are sick and tired of each
other. The fact that they came from rich families probably attributed to
their snobby behavior.
The attitude in the first chapter showed a lot of the ugliness
attributed to wealth. Tom especially showed little and at times no sign
of a pleasant attitude while Nick visited his home. He always found a way
to throw in that he was better than Nick, "I've got .....
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A Journey Into The Heart Of Da
Words: 692 - Pages: 3.... (Conrad 64). Upon first entering the mouth of the Congo River, Marlow declares his stance on lies and those who lie. [He believes that lying in the worst thing for a person.] He vows never to lie in his life. After reading Kurtz's report about his progress down the Congo, Marlow finds that Kurtz lied, and in part loses all the respect he ever had for Kurtz. However, Marlow still continues to pursue him. Marlow continues his journey up the Congo River, penetrating further and further into the heart of darkness. In the process, Marlow reverts back to his innate state to survive, whether or not that means going against his principles .....
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The Great Gatsby: A Total Failure
Words: 798 - Pages: 3.... p65) This shows that Gatsby wanted to kill his past even though he couldn’t since his father was still alive. He did visit his father two years before he died. However, he never went as a son but as a generous rich man. Mr. Gatz said, “He come out to see me two years ago and bought me the house I live in now.”(Fitzgerald. p174) Gatsby could only express himself in terms of money or rather his wealth represented him as a man of high status. He had no respect for himself because he went around telling people lies about himself and his family and the way he based his life he would be a nobody without his money.
Gatsby failed t .....
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Everything That Rises Must Converge
Words: 907 - Pages: 4.... of the changing times. He comes to view himself as her savior who must teach her a thing or two about her outmoded viewpoints. And although Julian's criticisms of his mother do have merit, she is not the oblivious southern racist he makes her out to be. And either is he the free-thinking poet he struggles so hard to make his mother believe he is. In reality, Julian's mother has sacrificed a great deal for her son's well-being. She's allowed her own teeth to rot to afford him braces, has worked hard so that he might attend college, and makes excuses for his unemployment. Although she talks only through a string of cliches, Julian's mothe .....
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Comparative Analysis: Cinderella And Snow White
Words: 1186 - Pages: 5.... aspect of women.
Kolbenschlag and Yolen both agree that Cinderella was subservient and accepted the unjust and extra work that her siblings and (step)mother required of her (Kolbenschlag 525). Like a housemaid, she took everything they could give her and never complained. Snow White mirrored this behavior when she was rescued by the seven dwarfs. They told her to cook, clean, do odds and ends around the house, and other busy-work as in "Cinderella." Behaving just as her counterpart, Snow White complied without protest of any sort, becoming the domesticated servant of the dwarfs' abode (Grimm 3).
The two critics of "Cinderella" also .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 5
Words: 758 - Pages: 3.... and the journey of the Joads. A connection is made between the Okies struggle and the naturalistic struggle to survive. The turtle symbolizes the persistence neccessary for good to prevail over evil. The turtle overcame every obstacle that he faces. As the turtle is walking down the highway, a truck approached him. The driver saw the turle, and deliberately swerved to hit him. The driver of the truck symbolizes the owners, who deliberately try to strike down the migrants. The turtle continues steadily on westerly; the same direction of the migrant people.
Good is personified by the poor people. When Ma Joad was talking to the stor .....
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Similarities And Differences In Kafka's "The Trial" And "The Metamorphosis"
Words: 705 - Pages: 3.... an insect. In The Trial, the struggle is more complex.
Joseph K struggles to find the true meaning behind his arrest. He searches
for answers related to his case, but no one can give him a clear answer as
to why he was arrested. Not even the inspector that arrested him,
"These gentlemen here and myself have no standing whatever in this affair
of yours, indeed we know hardly anything about it. We might wear the most
official uniforms and your case would not be a penny worse. I can't even
confirm that you are charged with an offense, or rather, I don't know
whether you are." (p 12)
As you can see, K has no luck getting information regard .....
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Orwell's Animal Farm: Summary Of Characters
Words: 403 - Pages: 2.... cases, Stalin and Napoleon get
tired of the competition and run them off by turning the animals and people
against them.
Boxer is a cart horse who works night and day on the windmill and for
Napoleon's cause. When he hurts his hoof and is unable to work, Napoleon is
uncaring and sends him off to the slaughterhouse since he is of no further use.
Some of the animals come to realize what is happening and are mad at Napoleon,
but Napoleon talks his way out of it by convincing the animals that they are
mistaken and the hospital uses vehicles marked "slaughterhouse" to pick up
injured animals. Stalin's character was similar as he used peopl .....
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