Papers on Book Reports
How Huck Uses His Creativity, Luck, And Wits To Get Rid Of The Pits
Words: 957 - Pages: 4.... likely
getting caught the next day. Huckleberry Finn is smarter than that. Huck
wanted to make sure that no one would come down the river looking for him,
except to make his corpse rise. First, he collected all the supplies that
he could find and loaded them into a canoe. After that, he went into the
woods and caught a wild hog. He brought the hog in the Cabin, and
slaughtered it, making sure that it left behind a pool of blood on the hard
packed dirt ground. He disposed of the dead hog by throwing it in the
river to float downstream. Huck also opened a sack of corn and left a
trail leading to a shallow lake nearby. Before leaving th .....
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The Cask Of Amontillado
Words: 870 - Pages: 4.... are sneaky, insidious, and nefarious in their act towards Montressor and the world.
This first characteristic that Montresor reveals in himself as Satan would is the characteristic of being sneaky. Montresor displays this in the cunning way he lures Fortunato into the catacombs to “taste” the Amontillado. This intrigued Fortunato’s senses because Montresor knew that Fortunato “prided himself in the connoisseurship of wine”. Montressor nonchalantly replies to Fortunato concerning the wine, “I have my doubts”. In other words, he blatantly blows Fortunato’s ego here by doubting his ability to detect Amontillado, this f .....
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Fiesta The Sun Also Rises By Hemingway
Words: 2608 - Pages: 10.... Brett, as a dynamic and self-controlled woman, and her four love interests help demonstrate Hemingway’s standard definition of a man and/or masculinity.
Each man Brett has a relationship with in the novel possesses distinct qualities that enable Hemingway to explore what it is to truly be a man. The Hemingway man thus presented is a man of action, of self-discipline and self-reliance, and of strength and courage to confront all weaknesses, fears, failures, and even death. Jake Barnes, as the narrator and supposed hero of the novel, fell in love with Brett some years ago and is still powerfully and uncontrollably in love with her. Howev .....
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Everyday Use
Words: 1240 - Pages: 5.... The destruction of this symbol of poverty gave her a spark of hope that she and her family would move up in the world, that eventually snowballed into a much larger hatred. She was always ashamed of her past and did everything in her power to improve her status. Even when she was sixteen years old, her mother recalls the urge Dee had to improve everything she could. Her mother said, "Dee wanted nice things. A yellow organdy dress to wear to her graduation from high school; black pumps to match a green suit she'd made form an old suit somebody gave me." Even though she knew her family couldn't afford "nice things" she had a burning desir .....
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Midsummer Nights Dream
Words: 1857 - Pages: 7.... is in a play of his own. Likewise, as with the other characters, what happens to him is far more interesting than the sort of character he is. I.Demetrius' unwelcome deceit and shrewdness and what is discovered A. Since Demetrius only has two lines throughout the entire first act, it shows that he can't stand up for himself, likewise, this lack of speech displays his lack of self-confidence and image: Relent, sweet Hermia, and, Lysander, yield Thy crazed title to my certain right. (Demetrius, 1.1.93-94) Demetrius believes that since he has Egeus' approval, that Hermia should relinquish to him and states that Lysander is going against his pr .....
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Hamlet Observations Of Madness
Words: 2543 - Pages: 10.... reveal something about their own desires, emotions and experiences to the reader.
The thoughts of Guildenstern and Rosencrantz present the reader with one possible factor for the cause of Hamlets supposed madness. The two men believe that the cause for Hamlets madness is his lack of “advancement” or thwarted ambition. In a conversation with Hamlet in Act II scene II, Guildenstern and Rosencrantz come upon this idea:
Hamlet: Denmark's a prison.
Rosencrantz: Then is the world one.
Hamlet: A goodly one; in which there are many confines,
wards and dungeons, Denmark being one o' the worst.
Rosencrantz: We think not .....
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She Walks In Beauty
Words: 959 - Pages: 4.... was written about "Byron's cousin, Anne Wilmot, whom he met at a party in a mourning dress of spangled black" (Leung 312). This fact, the black dress that was brightened with spangles, helps the reader to understand the origin of the poem. Byron portrays this, the mixing of the darkness and the light, not by describing the dress or the woman's actions, but by describing her physical beauty as well as her interior strengths. In the beginning of the poem, the reader is given the image of darkness: ", like the night," but then the line continues explaining that the night is cloudless and the stars are bright. So immediately the poem bri .....
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The Storm By Kate Chopin
Words: 2368 - Pages: 9.... sensuousness of the story and its characters. In his critical biography Kate Chopin, Per Seyersted argues that "The Storm" is objective in its portrayal of human sexuality and that Chopin is "not consciously speaking as a woman, but as an individual" (p169). One must question this assertion, however; it is doubtful that in writing "The Storm" so soon after completing her 'feminist' novel, Chopin had "the protest of "The Awakening" off her mind" (p169).
The Coming of the Storm
The title of "The Storm", with its obvious connotations of sexual energy and passion, is of course critical to any interpretation of the narrative. Chopin's t .....
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Book Report For The Odyssey
Words: 1288 - Pages: 5.... for her husband shows marriage fidelity. She is depicted as the perfect wife and mother.
The best aspects of The Odyssey are the exciting adventures Odysseus goes through and the explanations and descriptions of the conditions and scenery. Homer did not explain or describe things as clear as he could have; however, this was a good thing. It served to leave something up to the imagination and creativity of the reader. Odysseus struggles with extremely menacing foe such as a giant cyclops, Polyphemus, who eats Odysseus' men like bite-size candy and a six headed beast, able to devour men whole. Homer allows the imagination of the reader .....
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Their Eyes Were Watching God 4
Words: 993 - Pages: 4.... loved, either by her parents or by anybody else. Her mother abandoned her shortly after giving birth to her. All she had was her grandmother, Nanny, who protected and looked after her when she was a child. But that was it. She was even unaware that she is black until, at age six, she saw a photograph of herself. Her Nanny who was enslaved most of her lifetime only told her that a woman can only be happy when she marries someone who can provide wealth, property, and security to his wife. Nanny knew nothing about love since she never experienced it. She regarded that matter as unnecessary for her as well as for Janie. And for that reason, .....
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