Papers on English
Grass Soup
Words: 820 - Pages: 3.... that makes others doubt that particular convict would be fair in the partition. Zhang is more unwilling to turn people in and overanalyze what others say so that he can seem better in the authorities' eyes. Only when he is asked specifically about Babylon does Zhang reveal something negative about him, yet even then he withholds comments that would have surely been used against Mr. "I like to eat watery things". Convicts cannot trust criminal convicts either because it is obvious they are not worthy of anyone's trust and would partition the food completely unequally without fear of retribution. These convicts have no rectitude and are .....
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Romeo And Juliet - Vs Much Ado About Nothing
Words: 566 - Pages: 3.... attempting to interfere, Romeo and Juliet end up with one another for eternity in the after-life. In Much Ado About Nothing, Claudio and Hero plan to be married. Don John deceives Claudio into believing Hero is having an affair with one of his men. Claudio then calls off the wedding. When he discovers the truth, they marry immediately. In both plays love is the bond that holds the lovers together, in spite of many obstacles the two face.
Intrigue is shown in both plays by the characters that act as liaisons between the lovers. For example, Romeo and Juliet cannot simply go out for a walk in the park because they are forbidden .....
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Wuthering Heights - Setting
Words: 3182 - Pages: 12.... bleak hilltop [where] the earth was hard with a black frost, and the air made [him] shiver through every limb." (WH-p.29) In fact, the word "Wuthering, being a significant provincial adjective, [is] descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed to stormy weather," (WH-p.25) thus emphasizing the darkness and cruelty in nature. As in Dracula, the storm is a presence of sin and unnatural desires. After ejaculating that his "wretched inmates deserv[ed] perpetual isolation from [their] species of churlish inhospitality," (WH-p.29) for leaving the gate locked during a storm, Mr. Lockwood is let inside, by a woman whom he .....
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Iliad By Homer
Words: 1596 - Pages: 6.... similes, and the one-sided view of history, Homer could be using similes to guide the reader in the direction of his personal views, ashappens with modern day political "spin". These views that Homer might be trying to get across might be trying to favor Troy. It could easily be imagined that throughout time, only great things were heard about the Greeks mettle in war, and that Homer is attempting to balance the scales a bit by romanticizing the Trojan peoples, especially Hector, and bringing to light the lesser-heard tales of Greek stupidity. Shortly into Book Two, Agamemnon gives the speech to his assembly about his plan to rally the troop .....
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A Complete Turnaround
Words: 1095 - Pages: 4.... not the victim of her father’s abusive behavior nonetheless she still hated him because that’s the only way she knew how to feel. These feelings are shown through the imagistic language used to reveal the acts of revenge on the father. When the mother finally divorced the father, “her kids loved it” (3-4). When the father was fired from his job, “we grinned inside” (5-6). The pleasure that the entire family took watching their father’s demise was quite vivid. “We were tickled to think of your office
taken away, you’re secretaries taken away” (7-9). The finality of the father’s loses was shown by the taking away o .....
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Beowulf, Virtues Of A Hero
Words: 389 - Pages: 2.... to be 'stronger than anyone, anywhere in this world.' He is able to use his strength, of super-human proportions, and courage to put his people before himself. Representing good, this great man uses his strength to slay the horrible demon of evil.
In his argument with Unferth he is able to turn his 'loss' in a swimming competition into a tale in which he not only swims for hours wearing a 'mail shirt' and carrying a 'naked sword' but also kills several sea monsters. Although he would seem a braggart in our culture this display, quite the opposite of modesty, was respected and even admired by the Anglo-Saxons.
His intelligence becomes e .....
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Trouble With Bill Clinton's Character
Words: 662 - Pages: 3.... was not Clinton's issues, but his moral pertinence. The press
were surprised by the fact that most people think that Dole has a better
character than Clinton, but they still prefer Clinton as President. This notion
comes from the reasoning that most Americans are only concerned with whether or
not the country and its citizens are taken care of, and so disregard the
President's moral imperfections which, in the people's opinion, have very little
to do with the issues. So the President can cheat on his taxes or even his wife
and the Americans will overlook it as long as he is getting the job done.
Claims such as these lead some to belie .....
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Bless Me, Ultima, A Review
Words: 853 - Pages: 4.... with Antonio's family, beliefs, and dreams.
Throughout the book Antonio is introduced to many new ideas. The first is the experiences he has with Ultima. Ultima is a healer who learned her techniques from an old wise man on the llano or prairie. She is sometimes called a bruja or witch. This confuses Antonio because in his heart he knows Ultima represents good and not the evil she is sometimes blamed for. Antonio learns some of the ways of Ultima and begins to understand his surroundings. He knows the name of almost every plant and what medicinal uses each has.
The next revelation for Antonio is the myth of the golden carp. Antoni .....
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Oedipus The King 2
Words: 635 - Pages: 3.... leads to his downfall. Oedipus becomes enraged at Teiresias’ claim that he is the one who murdered Laius and he begins to believe that this is an attempt by Creon to overthrow him. Despite Oedipus’ anger in this situation, his reaction can be justified. First of all, Teiresias’ allegation that Oedipus is the killer is absurd to him since he would
never murder a king. Also, it seems logical that Creon would be behind such a scheme since he would be next in line to the throne. Therefore, Oedipus’ bad temper cannot be considered his hamartia.
Another characteristic of Oedipus that some people tend to refer to as his .....
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A Raisin In The Sun
Words: 965 - Pages: 4.... has conditioned society to have materialistic aspirations and how these ideals corrupt the black man's identity and his family.
Many black men have to deal with a systematic racism that effects their role in society. The frustrations that a black man has to deal with can affect the family a great deal. For example, if Walter gets upset at work or has a bad day, he can't get irate with his boss and risk loosing his job; instead he takes it out on his wife Ruth. Also, the job that he holds can only provide so much to the family. He's not even capable of providing his son Travis with some pocket change without becoming broke himself. What .....
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