Papers on English
Elements Of Fiction
Words: 513 - Pages: 2.... the plot along.
The SETTING is the time and place at which the events of the happen. The time may be the past, the present, or the future; day or night; and any season. A story may be set in a small down or a large city, in a jungle or an ocean.
The sequence of events in a story is called the PLOT. The plot is the writer’s blueprint for what happens in the story, when it happens, and to whom it happens. One event causes another, and so on until the end of the story.
Generally, plots are built around a CONFLICT-a problem or struggle between two or more opposing forces. Conflicts can be as serious as a boy’s attempt to cope .....
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The Great Gatsby 2
Words: 806 - Pages: 3.... This can be noticed throughout the whole novel. Daisy, who wants a man with money, charm, wit, good looks, Tom who wants cars money women, horses, boats, and Gatsby who wants Daisy, but who is willing to sacrifice anything for her. Furthermore, because Nick is the narrator one can consider the descriptions of different characters as filtered. Nick has a different perception of each character and therefor it is important to stress the different views on the different characters. The descriptions by Nick of the others are based on how they present themselves to public, or in this case, Nick. Another factor that speaks for Nick being the n .....
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Lord Of The Flies-symbolism
Words: 637 - Pages: 3.... common man is someone who has a balance between good and evil, a good perception of reality and strong morals. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph is the character who is perceived as this type of individual. The first example of this is Ralph’s appearance. Ralph keeps and continues to wear his school sweater while other boys run around naked. This illustrates his desire to keep the island somewhat civilized. Secondly, he does everything in his power to keep the boys working together and getting along with each other. Lastly, Ralph attempts to keep the boys under a type of domesticated. He tries to do this by making such laws as the freedom o .....
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Henry Ford
Words: 1339 - Pages: 5.... with paper dolls" (Barbie, par 3). This inspired her because she always saw that her daughter was playing with her paper dolls making believe that the dolls were human beings and about their careers. So, as soon as Ruth notices this, she acknowledged, "playing make-believe and pretending about the future is an important part of growing up"(Barbie, par3). She began doing some research, and discovered that there really weren't any dolls that actually had a body, except for paper dolls, but the idea was to create a doll in which the girls could actually change their clothes, comb them, etc. So she decided to do this by designing a do .....
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The Abstract Wild
Words: 3478 - Pages: 13.... Turner’s main point within the first
chapter. He believes that when we take a wild place and photograph it, talk about it, advertise it,
make maps of it, and place it in a national park that we ruin the magic, the aura, and the wildness
of that place. Nature magazines, photographs, and films all contribute to the removal of our wild
experience with nature. It is the difference between visiting the Grand Canyon after you have
seen it on TV and read about it in magazines, or never having heard of the place and stumbling
across it on your own during a hike. Unfortunately, almost every wild experience between
nature and the public .....
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Concentration Camps
Words: 1365 - Pages: 5.... in this most infamous of . The average prisoner only survived eight weeks in Auschwitz. Some learned the ins and outs of survival in Auschwitz. Auschwitz was the largest concentration and extermination camp constructed in the Third Reich. Located 37 miles west of Krakow, Poland, Auschwitz was home to both the greatest number of forced laborers and deaths.
The history of the camp began on April 27, 1940 when Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and Gestapo, ordered the construction of the camp in north-east Silesia, a region captured by the Nazis in September 1939. The camp was built by three-hundred Jewish prisoners from the local town o .....
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Romeo And Juliet 6
Words: 584 - Pages: 3.... in his room in darkness yet he doesn’t even know if she loves him
or not,He is afraid to ask her.
His love for Rosaline is great but yet she can not say the same and
for that he will continue to be miserable.He has lots of support
from his friends and lots of advice given to him but he doesn’t
take the time to think of the many opportunities he has to chose
from, such as forget about Rosaline and find someone else, or tell
Rosaline how he feels and see what happens.
After he meets Juliet his love for Rosaline disappears and a new
and different love appears.
As he see her for the first time he falls madly .....
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Othello: Iago The Con
Words: 923 - Pages: 4.... making himself a substantial profit, while using Roderigo to forward his other goals. He also thinks quick on his feet and is able to improvise whenever something unexpected occurs. When Cassio takes hold of Desdemona's hand before the arrival of the Moor Othello, Iago says, "With as little a web as this will I ensnare as great a fly as Cassio." [Act II, Scene I, Line 163] His cunning and craftiness make him a truly dastardly villain indeed.
Being as smart as he is, Iago is quick to recognize the advantages of trust and uses it as a tool to forward his purposes. Throughout the story he is commonly known as, and commonly called, .....
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The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe
Words: 715 - Pages: 3.... because of the equisite wine that she sells in her store and for her free doctoring and homemade remedies. Still, everyone is shocked when the handsome outlaw, Marvin Macy, falls in love with her.
Marvin is a "bold, fearless, and cruel" man who changes his unlawful ways to win Miss Amelia's love. Rather than robbing houses he begins attending church services on Sunday mornings. In an effort to court Miss Amelia, he learns proper etiquette, such as "rising and giving his chair to a lady, and abstaining from swearing and fighting". Two years after Marvin's reformation, he asks Miss Amelia to marry him. Miss Amelia does not love .....
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Daniel 2
Words: 2141 - Pages: 8.... They describe historical events in Babylon during the Israelites captivity. The last six chapters make up the prophetic section. It foretells upcoming events that will affect God's chosen people. It also records a series of dreams in which Daniel foretells the future. We can learn of God's love for his people, which is a demonstrated throughout this book. The book of Daniel was written in two different languages. Chapter 2:4 through chapter seven were written in Aramaic. The rest of the book was written in Hebrew. It was done this way because the first part of the book of Daniel was for all nations and the last part of the book .....
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