Papers on English
Odysseus As The Epic Hero In T
Words: 697 - Pages: 3.... crew off of the ship to explore this mysterious area, Odysseus only allowed two picked men and a runner to learn who lived on the land. After some time, none of the three cared to report, nor to return to the boat. This was because they ate the Lotus plant, which was a drug that the Lotus-Eaters offered to the men. It caused them to lose all desire to reach home again. Singlehandedly, Odysseus forced all three men back, tied them down under the rowing benches, and ordered the crew to row away. In this incident, his strength and care for his men is shown.
Odysseus' encounter with the Cyclops demonstrated his resourcefulness and co .....
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Forest People
Words: 1334 - Pages: 5.... upon the BaMbuti. Another factor which contributed to maintaining his rapport was the fact that he was able to learn their language quickly. This is extremely important because communication in any kind of society is essential to making and keeping a functioning relationship. Also, the BaMbuti accepted him as one of the because he was not an animal like the negroe villagers. Simply put, he was able to keep up and run with the BaMbuti through the forest which meant a great deal to the tribe. This meant that he was part of the forest and not an "outsider".
Based on the fact that he could move through the forest with ease and quietness, .....
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Hamlet(lit Devices)
Words: 823 - Pages: 3.... conflict in the plot of the play. After the murder of the King Hamlet by Claudius, his brother, the reader is led to believe that young Forinbras will now fight back for the land his father once lost, “Now follows, that you know, young Fortinbras, holding a weak supposal of our worth, or thinking by our late dear brother’s death our state to be disjoint and out of frame, colleagued with this dream of his advantage, he hath not failed to pester us with message importing the surrender of those lands lost by his father, with all bands of law, to our most valiant brother.”(ActI sc.2 lines 17-25) This leads to an atmosphere of suspens .....
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Janie And The Porch
Words: 752 - Pages: 3.... who raised her. You can see this in Janie’s grandmothers’
want for the best for Janie from the quote on page 13;
“Dat’s what makes me skeered. You don’t mean no harm. You
don’t even know where harm is at. Ah’m ole now. Ah can’t
be always guidin’ yo’ feet from harm and danger. Ah wants
to see you married right away.” These are some of the best
times in Janie’s life, but all good things do not last
forever and she will soon pay her dues.
At and early age Janie is married to a man named Logan
Killicks, the man her grandmother has chosen for her. There
are no porch scenes during this stage in .....
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Devil And Daniel Webster
Words: 962 - Pages: 4.... in the short story. Scratch is described as a " soft-spoken, dark-dressed stranger…white teeth...were filed to a point". As shown in the movie the actor was also a very darkly clad man. He also had a very soft, hypnotic voice and whenever he smiled his teeth were very shiny and pointy. The man described as "the biggest man in the country…when he stood up to speak, stars and stripes came right out of the sky…and when he argued a case, he could turn on the harps of the blessed and the shaking of the earth underground" was Daniel Webster. In the movie the actor who filed his role was a very big man with a powerful vo .....
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The Awakening
Words: 895 - Pages: 4.... her entire life to fit in the prescribed mold of the women of her time. She invests so much time into duty and responsibility that she loses any happiness that she could hope to achieve. With time, Kant noted, the person who devotes their life to reason finds themselves needing a release, in the end despising reason, and eventually pursuing only their true happiness.
After being "reasonable" for the twenty-eight years of her life, Edna breaks down. She wants to pursue love and disregard her duty to her husband and children. She falls in what she considers "girlish" love with the character Robert. She proclaims to him:
"I .....
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Much Ado About Nothing
Words: 3722 - Pages: 14.... Pedro retorts, "Note notes, forsooth, and nothing," playing on Balthasar’s words, and also demanding that he pay attention to his music and nothing else. In addition, much of the play is dedicated to people "noting" (or observing) the actions of others (such as the trick played on Beatrice and Bene*censored* by Leonato, Hero and Claudio); they often observe and overhear one another, and consequently make a great deal out of very little. Author The political and cultural events of the 15 century had a large influence on Shakespeare’s work. In , Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon, Don John, his brother, Borachio his servant, Bene*censored*, .....
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Fork Of A Road
Words: 754 - Pages: 3.... of a road diverging, and he must make a decision on which to take. The two roads are almost identical, but one is less traveled by. He looks ahead, but can’t see far, due to “where it bent in the undergrowth”. Alistair MacLeod does it differently; the narrator has come to a fork in the road, but without hesitation he takes the more traveled by. This is the first contrast between the two literatures. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black." the leaves had covered the ground and since the time they had fallen no one had yet to pass by on this road. Perhaps Frost does this because each ti .....
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The Joy Luck Club Anthro
Words: 2672 - Pages: 10.... Joy Luck Club”. The Joy Luck club was a weekly meeting of the best friends, were they talked about their hopes for their daughters and there stories of the past.
The swan feather in the beginning was a symbol of all the hopes and dreams that the mother wanted to give to her daughter. This woman crossing a vast ocean, with only the company of a swan, yet she is not scared. She has dreams for her daughter, and this dream is the driving force of her actions. She is moved to realize this dream, that she is not even aware of the potential bad outcomes. There is no talk about hoping to have a daughter it says I will have a daughter jus .....
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Catch 22 - Satire
Words: 1252 - Pages: 5.... 120) (Usborne) The protagonist and hero of the novel is John Yossarian, a captain in the Air Force and a lead bombardier in his squadron, but he hates the war. During the latter half of World War II, Yossarian is stationed with his Air Force squadron on the island of Pianosa, near the Italian coast and the Mediterranean Sea. (Heller) The squadron is thrown thoughtlessly into brutal combat situations and bombing runs on which it is more important for them to capture a good aerial photograph of an explosion than to destroy their target. Their colonels continually raise the number of missions they are required to fly before being sent home so t .....
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