Papers on English
Hamlets Troubles
Words: 826 - Pages: 4.... readers guide, and helps to inform the reader of all that is happening within the lives of the main characters. He was not meant to be a main character, but any character that is put in the position of an informant, instantly becomes a main character. To be an informant, is to be one who shines a new light on the situation at hand, and that fills in information where information is needed. Polonius is a character in the play for just long enough to give the reader a good start with what is going on.
Polonius is the one character who communicates and interacts with every other character in the play. Retrospectively he pieces the play a .....
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Edgar Allen Poe
Words: 3420 - Pages: 13.... his atavistic employment of moral terminology, Poe writes as though "Christianity had never been invented." (Hoffman 171) Poe did offer to posterity one tale with a moral. Written in 1841 at the dawn of Poe's most creative period, Poe delivers to his readers a satirical spoof, a literary Bronx cheer to writers of moralistic fiction, and to critics who expressed disapprobation at finding no discernible moral in his works. The tale "Never Bet the Devil Your Head: A Tale with a Moral" presents Poe's "way of staying execution" (Poe 487) for his transgressions against the didactics. The story's main character is Toby Dammit, who from infanthood .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird - Plot S
Words: 6448 - Pages: 24.... County, Alabama, during the 1930's. The neighborhood overall is very poor, with farming being the major way of making a living. (Cotton-farming) 3. What do we know for certain about Boo Radley? The Radley place and its mysterious inhabitant are described ub great detail. Scout was telling the story about Boo Radley, she said Radley was locked up as a teenager for once getting in trouble with police. Radley has been in the house ever since, although some people are convinced he come out at night. 4. Why is Boo fasinating to the children? At the summer, when Dill come out and play with Scout and Jem, Dill has always found interesting stu .....
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A Worn Path By Eudora Welty
Words: 667 - Pages: 3.... would also mirror the hardships that we all experience today? I would imagine the answer to that question is that life is what you make it! If old Phoenix Jackson had not cared so much for her little grandson, she would have given up the long trip to town a long time ago. But because she loved her grandson very much, she made regular trips down the worn path. The hardships she came across along the way made her life more interesting. As the Author writes in the story, old people talk to themselves. The trips down the worn path give Phoenix many things to talk to her self about during the long journey. The exercise keeps her strong an .....
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Words: 1218 - Pages: 5.... to teach Naomi to be more outspoken and to form strong moral values. Due to this Naomi is tossed between the guidance of her two aunts, and Emily, through their differing forms of communication, lifestyle traits and Nisei and Sansei traditions, as a result she forms her own lifestyle path and discovers her complete identity.
The differing forms of communication by the two aunts play a role in Naomi's lifestyle choice: with her use of Japanese silence and Emily through her straight forwardness. lives her life through a shell that traps her thoughts and feelings inside. She expresses her feelings in her actions and with occasional Ja .....
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In The Skin Of The Lion
Words: 1039 - Pages: 4.... is that of the motion of the insects, which is used both as a description and a comparison. Moths appearing on the screen one night are described as those that "have seen this one lighted room and traveled towards it. A summer night's inquiry." (9). In the Garden of the Blind, Patrick observes the blind woman's remaining eye "darting", "moving with delight", "and alighting", all easily visualized. Later in the story, Carvaggio watches a woman in the boathouse. "In this light, and with all the small panes of glass around here, she was inside a diamond, mothlike on the edge of burning kerosene, caught in the center of all the facets" (198).
M .....
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Oedipus Rex
Words: 740 - Pages: 3.... He left Athens believing that Polybus and Merope were his parents. He thought that if he moved away the curse would not come true. Oedipus left Athens and during his travels he ended up killing Laius and became the king of Thebes and married after answering the riddle.
After Oedipus became King his kingdom was hit by a plague and the only way to stop the plague was to avenge Laius’ death by executing or exiling his killer. Oedipus’ brother-in-law Creon tells him to ask the prophet, Tiresias, who the killer is. Tiresias tells Oedipus that he does not want to know who the killer is, but Oedipus keeps on Tiresias until he tells .....
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Wordsworth-shelly Comparative
Words: 730 - Pages: 3.... the wind, as the “sister of Spring” and a “Maenad,” shows how the wind is like a woman, spontaneous and free, with the liberty to be a gentle soul or a vicious amazon. He sees the wind with wonderment, and at the same
time respects it and or even fears it. Shelly not only uses tone to depict his conception of nature, but he goes on to use personification to characterize the strength and vigor the wind possesses. He gives the wind human characteristics by referring to the wind as “her” and “she.” For example, “Her clarion over the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flo .....
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A Clockwork Orange 3
Words: 853 - Pages: 4.... mature assessment of his own adolescence and shows the importance of maturity to moral freedom which is Burgess's main point. Burgess has presented his definition of moral freedom in both his introduction and in his novel.
Burgess's definition of moral freedom as the ability to perform both good and evil is presented by implication in his discussion of the first kind of clockwork orange. In his introduction, he states that if one "can only perform good or only perform evil, then he is a clockwork orange - meaning that he has the appearance of an organism lovely with color and juice but is in fact only a clockwork toy to be wound up by .....
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The Great Gatsby And The Pursu
Words: 835 - Pages: 4.... on the American Dream. Nick, who comes from the Midwest, represents the traditional morality that this country used to have in the past. As the narrator, Fitzgerald is making the reader look through the eyes of America’s old morality to see what the American Dream has become. Tom and Daisy Buchanan represent those who were born rich and live wealthy; they do not embody the American Dream because they did not have to work to achieve this success. Gatsby symbolizes the corruption of the American Dream because he was striving to be just like those who had money just so that he could buy happiness.
In the past, Gatsby had a love .....
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