Papers on English
My Parent's Divorce
Words: 949 - Pages: 4.... her. The only recollection of that incident was my mom was crying for a long time. After my dad told her we moved into my grandma’s house, also in Northern Virginia, for a few months. My mom said after they got divorced my mood changed. I became very emotional and scared of guys who tried to date her. I remember making up reasons why she should stay home with me. Some of my reasons I used were running away, faking an illness and other stupid stuff to that extent. I guess I was a weird child. I think I was only trying to protect her even though I was only a four-year old.
My mom got a job working for the government after my dad lef .....
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1984 2
Words: 1197 - Pages: 5.... that the government is watching over its people. Shortly afterwards we learn of the "Thought Police", who "snoop in on conversations, always watching your every move, controlling the minds and thoughts of the people." (page 6). To the corrupted government, physical control is not good enough, however. The only way to completely eliminate physical opposition is to first eliminate any mental opposition. The government is trying to control our minds, as it says "thought crime does not entail death; thought crime is death." (page 27). Later in the novel the government tries even more drastic methods of control. Big Brother’s predicti .....
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A Clockwork Orange 2
Words: 602 - Pages: 3.... to those who are denied the final chapter of A Clockwork Orange.
Chapter 20 ends with Alex saying "I was cured all right." These are the last words of the book in the American version. There is no indication that Alex will change from the evil life it appears he will soon resume. It is implied to the reader that Alex is destined for a life of evil and there is nothing he can do to change it. Alex has no free will or moral choice. The theme of the 20 chapter version is that there is no such thing as free will or moral choice. Alex is evil and he has no ability to change that. The story also ends without Alex evolving at all from the beginn .....
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Words: 1179 - Pages: 5.... introduced to help solve them. The United States still disagrees on how to solve
the continuing problem of agricultural overproduction. In 1916, the number of people living
on farms was at its maximum at 32,530,000. Most of these farms were relatively small
(Reische 51). Technological advances in the 1920's brought a variety of effects. The
use of machinery increased productivity while reducing the need for as many farm laborers.
The industrial boom of the 1920s drew many workers off the farm and into the cities.
Machinery, while increasing productivity, was very expensive. Demand for food, though,
stayed relatively constant .....
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The Hidden Story In Green And
Words: 954 - Pages: 4.... his chance has passed and everything is as it should be. This is shown with Nick’s insight, “…His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him… (Pg.189)”
Another symbolization of the color green, which contradicts the first, is the meaning “go.” As in a traffic light signal, most people associate green with the word and action “go.” This can be interpreted as meaning Gatsby should go for his dream without hesitation. It implies that Gatsby and Daisy are meant to be together and nothing should stop Gatsby from his destined happiness and love with .....
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Courage Shown In The Book To K
Words: 464 - Pages: 2.... would defend him. Atticus stood up for what he believed in, and
did the right thing.
Also, Jem shows a lot of courage throughout the novel. He was the
one that touched Boo’s house and also went to his house late at night to go to
the Radley’s house. He also read for one of the meanest people in Maycomb,
Mrs. Dubose. Even though it was a punishment to make him read to her, he
could have been miserable about it. After a while though he thought it wasn’t
to bad. He was reading to the meanest person, and doing it with no
complaints, after a little. He also shows a lot of courage by going to the trial
of Tom Robinson wi .....
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Agatha Christie And Deception
Words: 920 - Pages: 4.... Little Indians) is the most popular novel written by Agatha Christie and is considered, by many, the greatest mystery novel ever written. In this acclaimed masterpiece of murder and suspense, Mr. Owen gathers ten strangers who share forgettable pasts together on an isolated Indian Island. However, the guests do not know the identity of their host. As they start telling their deepest, darkest secrets to each other, one by one, they start to die.
In this novel, deception is a significant part of the story. Agatha Christie misleads the reader by giving an impression that a mysterious, unknown figure has committed the heinous murders. Dr. .....
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Robert Frost 3
Words: 927 - Pages: 4.... one of America's leading 20th-century poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. An essentially pastoral poet often associated with rural New England, Frost wrote poems whose philosophical dimensions transcend any region. Although his verse forms are traditional--he often said, in a dig at archival Carl Sandburg, that he would as soon play tennis without a net as write free verse--he was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythm and meter and in the poetic use of the vocabulary and inflections of everyday speech. His poetry is thus both traditional and experimental, regional and universal.
After his father's death in 1885, when young .....
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Words: 917 - Pages: 4.... desire of a woman is a minor fault compared to the
horrifying events that occur in the outbreak of war. Harold
cannot explain to his mother how the war affected him. He
betrays symptoms of his discontent with his behavior
hoping that she will make some kind of logical relation.
This drastic change in his behavior does not spark a
question of doubt in his mother's mind. The connection
between his recent return home and his changing behavior is
not made. Harold isolates himself from his family and his
community. He does not "want any consequences." The
psychological damage he receives from the war causes him to
act cold .....
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Sense And Sensibility
Words: 836 - Pages: 4.... "sensibility," is infatuated with a man who suddenly without explanation ends their relationship.
Very much a Romantic, sixteen-year-old Marianne is governed by her feelings, not by reason, unlike Elinor. Passionate in her opinions and certain of their morality, Marianne lacks prudence and relies on instinct, typical values of the Romantic Movement. Elinor’s sense, on the other hand, reflects "the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which had advocated a commitment to reason and considered and other source of conviction irrational."
Marianne, says of love, "To love is to burn.", and Elinor says: "I do not attempt to deny I .....
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