Papers on English
Video Poker
Words: 445 - Pages: 2.... state, instead of the 50 million in taxes on the licensing. 50% of the revenues from leave the state. On top of these on one in there right mind from another state would say lets pack up and go on vacation to Greenville and play in the back of a gas station, in comparison to the millions in tourist revenue in Los Vegas. (1)
Gamblers are growing be leaps and bounds. In this state there are 19,000 compulsive and 31,000 problem gamblers that cost South Carolina 225 million in programs for these type of people. These programs are making South Carolina the “big loser. The average loss per household is $291.
33% have spent their last dim .....
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Pride And Prejudice - Marriage
Words: 3405 - Pages: 13.... strive to achieve. Money and looks are essential for a good marriage, youthfulness also counts. If a woman never got married, because of lacking money or looks, she would go and live with a married sister or brother. If she did not have any brothers or sisters to live with, she would become a governess.
‘Pride and Prejudice’s’first sentence, ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife,’ introduces the theme of marriage, and money, in an ironic way. Jane Austen starts off using intellectual sounding words to introduce the hunt for a rich husband. .....
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How Shakespear Creats Humor In
Words: 901 - Pages: 4.... "the most lamentable comedy." (Iii 9) This does not make
much sense, since we would hardly express sorrow over a
comedy. However, as it turns out, the pathetic production
they eventually put on is so bad it actually is lamentable.
When Bottom says: "I'll speak in a monstrous little voice,"
(Iii 43) he surely does not mean a voice which is both
monstrous and little, for something cannot be both monstrous
and little. What Bottom is trying to say is that he will
speak in a "very" little voice. Bottom does not realize
what he has said and creates amusing confusion for the
reader. One of Helena's oxymorons is in Act 3, scene 2,
line 129: "oh dev .....
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One Hundred Years Of Solitude
Words: 1619 - Pages: 6.... Solitude and Yasunari Kawabata's Thousand Cranes. The
men in Yasunari Kawabata's Thousand Cranes and Gabriel Garcia
Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude forever seem to be repeating
the lives of their male ancestors. These cycles reveal that man as a
being, just like the mythological heros, has no true choice in the
ultimate course his life will take. The male characters' personal
development is overshadowed by the identity of their ancestors.
Clotho, it appears, has recycled some of her spinning thread. The new
male generations, superficially, are perceived to be woven of like
design. Kikuji Mitani and the mal .....
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Grapes Of Wrath
Words: 1182 - Pages: 5.... The Grapes of Wrath. The men who drove the "cats" (caterpillar tractors) came to the houses of the people and told them that they had to leave by a certain time. If they did not leave, they would be put in jail and then the men on the cats would plow over their houses anyway with no remorse. When asked why they did this, they simply said that they had a family to feed just like the rest of the people who were suffering during this difficult time.
Most of the families that the movie showed were very reluctant to leave and when the cats came, they would attempt to stand their ground and threaten the workers. They would say t .....
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Candide 2
Words: 1571 - Pages: 6.... jokes and witticism, and the story itself presents a distinctive outlook on life. The story deals with irrational ideas as taught to Candide about being optimistic, versus reality as seen by the rest of the world.
The overwhelming theme that is presented throughout the story is optimism. Out of every unfortunate situation in the story, Candide, the main character, is advised by his philosopher-teacher that everything in the world happens for the best, because "Private misfortunes contribute to the general good, so that the more private misfortunes there are, the more we find that all is well" (Voltaire 16). Pangloss, .....
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A Worn Path
Words: 1107 - Pages: 5.... are the evidence that the journey is not going to be easy, but her faith in God and strong relation with nature accommodate her on the way. She understands nature by designating it as a “guardian” when her dress gets caught in the bush. “Thorns doing your appointed work. Never want to let folks pass”(Welty, p364), says Phoenix while taking her dress carefully out of the bush. When she has difficult times such as fatigue and the fall in the bush, she addresses to God by reaching her hand to Him, but nothing reached down to her. It is not her time to leave the Earth yet, so God sends her a hunter, instead, for help. Wit .....
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Lord Of The Flies, An Analysis
Words: 633 - Pages: 3.... and play. They do not wish to build shelters, gather food, or keep a signal fire going. Consequently, the boys live without luxury that could have been obtained had they maintained a society on the island. Instead, these young boys take advantage of their freedom and life as they knew it deteriorates.
The boys spark the onset of tragedy when the pig hunt evolves as more than just an activity. Jack and his band of hunters love the thrill of the chase. They spend much of their day searching the pig runs enjoying the brutality they cause on other living beings. This amusement is taken too far when Jack introduces face paint into the gam .....
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A Separate Peace
Words: 437 - Pages: 2.... in him, and rather quickly too. When Finny decides to skip dinner and wrestle instead, Gene becomes confused, but goes along with his every word, and action.
Later on in the book, after the accident, when Gene looks at himself in the mirror while wearing Finny’s clothes, on page 54, it says “… it was no remote aristocrat I had become, no character out of daydreams. I was Phineas, Phineas to life. … standing there (it seemed) that I would never stumble through the confusions of my own character again.” That meant that following that day, he was going to try to live each day more like Finny. Through out the book Phineas taught .....
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Discuss The Representation Of
Words: 1845 - Pages: 7.... passive female, Lady Macduff, and the weÇrd sisters, who are those to be afraid of. All of who are very different to each other. In Shakespeare's plays, especially, the audience familiarizes themselves with the representation of women by their own dialogues, and what other characters say about them. The dramatic techniques Shakespeare uses to construct his female characters are the setting, the character's dialogue, including asides, and what other people say about them, especially behind their backs. Lady Macbeth and Lady Macduff are two very different characters, and there is plenty of binary opposition between them. The weird sisters, .....
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