Papers on English
The Great Gatsby 2
Words: 536 - Pages: 2.... and social standards. Once he acquires this wealth, he moves near to Daisy, "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay (83)," and throws extravagant parties, hoping by chance she might show up at one of them. He, himself, does not attend his parties but watches them from a distance. When his hopes don’t show true he asks around casually if anyone knows her. Soon he meets Nick Carraway, a cousin of Daisy, who agrees to set up a meeting, "He wants to know...if you'll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over (83)." Gatsby's personal dream symbolizes the larger American Dream whe .....
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1984 4
Words: 1920 - Pages: 7.... is inevitable. He becomes paranoid because a young woman who is actively involved in many community groups follows him. Winston is obsessed with the past, a time before Oceania was under strict dictatorship. The girl who was following him slipped him a note while at work. The note said, I love you. They make plans to meet each other and carry on an illegal love affair. This love affair is another rebellion against the government. It goes on for some time. Winston rents a room where he and Julia can be secluded from the outside world. They meet a man named O'Brien who indicates that he is another revolutionary. Winston and Julia go to his .....
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The Nature Of Man In Lord Of T
Words: 1241 - Pages: 5.... belief that beneath the coat of civility lies the hidden human passion, savagery and an almost animal-like cruelty. Throughout the novel, there is a constant struggle for power between two groups and the struggle illustrates man's fear of losing control. The fear of the unknown is natural, the fear of losing power is inherited - Golding uses these vices to prove the point that any type of uncontrolled fear contributes to men's stability and will ultimately lead to his demise spiritually and perhaps even physically.
Lord of the flies used changes experienced by boys on an uninhabited island to show the evil nature of man. By using different .....
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King Lear
Words: 823 - Pages: 3.... love so that it is more than her sister's. She says that Goneril doesn't love Lear as much as she does, in fact, her father's love has already made her happy. is very happy with his daughters so far, after each one's turn he gave them a part of his kingdom. When it was Cordelia's turn, whom which was Lear's favorite daughter, she spoke the truth. She told him that she loved him only the way that a daughter could. If she was to marry then she would love him half and her husband half. Lear was angry with this, even though it was the truth, it might have been that he didn't expect an answer of that type. After this, Cordelia was disowne .....
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Ethan Frome
Words: 971 - Pages: 4.... love for Mattie forces them both in a permanent state of disability. It is not Ethan’s cowardice, which kept him from achieving his goals; he is trapped.
Ethan was not always trapped. When he was younger, he actually went to college. “…he [Ethan Frome] had taken a year's course at a technological college at Worcester…” (p. 35) it says in the book. In fact, things were looking his way when his father died. He had to go home and take care of his mother. It would have been very cruel and selfish for him to neglect his sickly mother and stay in school. This was the first instance of Ethan being trapped. No good, honor .....
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The Awakening- Edna Pontellier
Words: 1621 - Pages: 6.... we see Edna's depression. At first, it doesn't seem like it is that significant, but Edna then goes out and sits on the porch and cries some more: " The tears came so fast to Mrs. Pontellier's eyes that the damp sleeve of her peignoir refused to dry them…. Turning, she trust her face, steaming and wet into the bend of her arm and went on crying there, not caring any longer to dry her face, her eyes, her arms. She could not have told you why she was crying." (7-8)
As time goes on we can see that her depression grows ever so slightly, and that it will continue to grow throughout the novel. Such happenings are nothing new to Edna: " .....
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The Man Who Made Ireland
Words: 2584 - Pages: 10.... rising in 1916. The purpose of this chronicle is to provide a mini preview for the reader of where it is that Collins will be headed in his life. From here the author reverts back to the childhood of Michael Collins in the chapter titled “The Little Fella.” Now for those readers, who are unclear on who Michael Collins was or what he eventually did for the nation state of Ireland, there is an important foreshadowing at the beginning of this chapter. Placed in a non-attention-drawing manner at the top of the page is a quote from Michael Collins Sr.: “One day he’ll be a great man. He’ll do great work fo .....
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Comparison Of Heart Of Darknes
Words: 740 - Pages: 3.... illnesses that the white people had brought in from Europe. "Brought from all the recesses of the coast in all the legality of time contracts, lost in uncongenial surroundings, fed on unfamiliar food, they sickened, became inefficient, and were then allowed to crawl away and rest.(p. 82)" In addition, the white people hired the natives to work for them on ships. Marrow, the main character, hired many natives to work on his steamboat. In order to reach his destination and save valuable time he sacrificed feeding his crew. He noticed that they had become tired and very starved looking but it didn't matter.
In Things Fall Apart the di .....
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Why Write
Words: 757 - Pages: 3.... give somewhat of a snapshot into the time in which it was written.
Memoir appropriately comes from the Latin word for memory. The focus is usually on the writer's experiences with a person, place, or event. In comparison to a journal, the main difference lies in the intended audience. A journal is for the writer only, while a memoir is written with the purpose of communicating the memory to others. In 'Finishing School' by Maya Angelou, she writes a memoir to tell of her upbringing as a black child being taught white female etiquette. Here, her intentions of the piece is to give an understanding of what it was like for her as an underpr .....
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"Red Convertible" And "Red Dress": Changes In Personalities
Words: 922 - Pages: 4.... his personality has changed by the things he has to go through and also the surrounding.
The surrounding can change people and the things they have to go through can change people also. At the beginning of the story "Red Convertible", Henry is kind and very close to his broth, Lyman. One day, the army turns Henry into a Marine. Henry joins the Vietnam War and his enemies catch him. Later on, the war is solved by the government's mind. When he goes back his home, he is totally different from before.
When he came home, though, Henry was very different, and I'll say this: the change was no good. You should hardly expect him to change for the be .....
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